Dun Dun DDUUNN!!

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When Lindsey took a lunch break, she told Steve about the strange things that have been happening. She told him that she had been separated from her friend and needed to get back. Steve's home was in the snow boime so they gathered spruce wood and crafted a bunch of different tools. When they were planting saplings a creeper saw Steve. It walked up to him. It was about to blow when Lindsey saw and shot a beam of ice at it. It froze to solid frost and Steve looked like he was about to scream. He didn't know about this. He took out his phone and called some villagers to come get her. By the time she found that out, it was too late. The villager police came and siezed her. "SOMEBODY HELP"! "SOMEBODY HELP ME"! She yelled. "I'm so sorry"... Steve said. "Help"... Lindsey said. There was no point in fighting, for they would just tase her.

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