Friends on a Journey

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Nobody POV

By this time you could that Emma and Herobrine have became the best of friends. They both had about everything in common. Then when it was lunch Herobrine made soup. Emma said "How did you learn to cook like this?!? This is delicious." "Thanks." Herobrine shuddered. They talked about their adventures and Emma talked about how she had been separated by her friend and needs to find her. "Hmm... Well I can come with you to find her if you want." requested Herobrine. "Well... Sure!" Emma said in excitement. Herobrine said "I'll go get some items." Said Herobrine as he got some stuff and then they headed out. But Emma had the slight feeling that Lindsey was in trouble.

Lindsey's POV

Oh my Notch I have been separated from all of my friends. Once I couldn't see Steve anymore, the villagers tied my arms together and took me to a hidden stronghold and put me in a cell. I heard a villager (whiched looked like the leader of them all) said sarcastically "Well well what do we have here?" I said "Get me out!" "I would... only I have experiments to do. And once I find all of you (so there's not more then one of us I thought), I will be able to kill Notch and everyone here!" The guy said with a smirk on his face. All the villagers left and as soon as they left, I tried to escape. But it was no use, I was stuck.

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