Chapter 5

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Sorry for not updating this sooner.
I was planning on updating this book yesterday, but I got really upset and angry.
So that's why i published angsty stories about my shit life.
But here you are now.

Leaving the embrace, felt strange.
You felt a longing to continue hugging Lena.
And you felt a longing to do even more..
"She wouldn't feel the same way. Why would she?
I am a distrusting sack of dog vomit, who is hated by literally everyone.
Why would she ever want to form a relationship with me?
Did I just think that?
Do I want to form a relationship with Lena?
What the fuck is wrong with me?"
The thoughts flooded through your brain.
"W-where am I?" You squeaked.
"Uhh, my room." She blushed.
You blushed with her.
"The doctor said you would have to rest somewhere more comfortable than you cell."
You nodded and looked down at your arm again, running your thumb along the bandage's grooves.

"Do you want anything?" She sighed.
You shook your head, a sinking feeling filling your heart as she got up and left.

Rolling over, you gripped the soft blankets tightly, as a tight black feeling of sorrow clenched the very being of your soul.
You curled into a ball and shut your eyes, but you couldn't sleep.
Tossing and turning violently in the bed, you tried desperately to find your way to DreamLand.
But every new turn you took, there was a roadblock.
You eventually just gave up and opened your eyes, staring into the walls, a feeling of pure emptiness gripped its dreadful Fist around your heart.
You lay there for an hour, all you could hear was silence.
Not a sound was present.

Within an hour, you eventually passed out from exhaustion, your eyes flickering as you tried to retain consciousness, but you failed miserably.

When you woke up, you were still in the bed, you pulled the covers off of you, rubbing your scarred wrist over your eyes to rid them of gunk.
Stumbling out of the room, you walked slowly down the corridor, turning your head to face one room.
You saw a number of Talon troops in a room, playing cards.
They didn't notice you.
As you continued walking, you found a slightly darker room, something about it intrigued you.
Your head slowly looked down to look at the brass handle.
Your hand made its way to said handle, and wrapped around it.
Sweat dripping gradually off your hand, giving the handle a small gleam in the dark corridor.
You pushed the handle down and stepped inside.

"Hey!" Lena stood up from her chair, walking over to you. "What are you doing out of bed?" She growled, making you back away slightly.

"S-sorry.. I.. I-I just wanted to g-get up.." your voice quavered as you looked down at your shoes.
She sighed.
"Fine, you can stay up.."
"T-thank you miss.." you mumbled.
"Miss?" She seemed taken aback.
Realising the words that slipped out of your mouth, you freaked out.
"Dammit! S-sorry, I didn't- I, I..
Sorry, I didn't know.." you stammered, terrified.
"Calm down." She ordered. "It's ok."
Your knees started feeling weak.
"I wanted to talk to you anyway.." she sighed. Sweat beads started forming in your hair line.
"O-ok.." your knees felt like they would cave in.
"You alright there?" She asked, glancing at your shaking legs.
"Um.. I dunno.." you replied.
Your knees gave in, you fell down.
Lena caught you, just barely keeping you from hitting the floor, you yelped shortly as you fell.
"Fuck, it's ok." Lena muttered. "I gotcha, come on, sit down." She carried you to a chair and sat you down on it.
"T-thanks.." you mumbled.

"So, I wanted to ask you a question." She towered over you. "Or, a few."

You nodded.

"Can you tell me why you want to kill yourself?" She asked sternly, leaning over you.

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