Chapter 6

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"W-what..?" You mumbled, your heart beating through your chest.
"Look, I saw you sticking a knife in your arm.. you've already said that you want to die." She sighed. "Can you tell me why?"

You gulped, and looked down at your feet, wishing to god that you would just disappear.

"I'm not mad." She whispered. "I just wanna help you out here, I know the feeling."

Tears started leaking from your sockets, as you tried to blink them away.

Before either of you could say anything, the door burst open, and Reaper stood in the frame, staring you down.

"You." He growled. "Come with me."
You anxiously stood up, glancing at Lena.
"Why is he needed?" She asked.
"None of your concern, Tracer." He grumbled.

You looked at her as reaper grasped your arm and pulled you out.

You stared up at him, fear clenching your soul with an iron fist.

He glanced at your frightened state, remaining silent, he dragged you to a dark room.

"W-what's happening..?" You squeaked.

"I'm going to ask you some questions. And you will answer" he growled.
You nodded.

"Where is the Overwatch base..?" He asked, staring into your being.
"I don't know."

The ghoul sighed and sidled over to you, landing a heavy Fist in your gut.
Falling to the floor, you cried in agony.

"I'm gonna ask again.. where is the Overwatch base?"

You coughed and slowly stood up.
"I'm not telling you.." you mumbled.

Reaper chuckled and grabbed your throat, pinning you against the wall.
Coughing and spluttering violently, you struggled to free yourself from his grasp. You failed.

You saw light caving in from all sides and rapidly lost consciousness.

Sorry it's short, my head is killing me, and I'm really tired..

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