New Year Special

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Authors note: I was planning to make a Christmas special but I didn't have the chance to make it, so I'll just make a new year special.

I'll just make a Christmas special next year.

By the way, this is not connected to the real plot, its just random shit with you and tanks on New Year.


In a random urban area, 5 Soviet tank girls and are sitting around drinking vodka while waiting for new year. Besides them is Katyusha, excitedly waiting to fire her rockets full of fireworks.

SU-152: I want (y/n)....

Katyusha: How long before I can fire this rockets?!

SU-152: In few minutes...not.

Katyusha: Ugh!

KV-2: Are we really going to celebrate the New Year with just the six of us?

T34: Don't worry, I invited some of the Americans.

IS-2: What? Why did you invite those annoying Kapitalists!

KV-1: Don't worry, she only invited the Sherman family.

Back in WW2 the Soviets received M4 Shermans from the lend lease program. The M4 Shermans has a good reputation among the Soviets due to their reliability and the fact that it rarely broke down and if it does breaks down it can be easily repaired. Bonus points for also being more comfy and less cramped than the T34 which also helps the crew to bail out more quickly when the tank is on fire.

IS-2: Well atleast the Sherman family knows how to get along with us, better than the Germans.

The Soviet tanks remembered last year when the German tanks was with them to celebrate New Year. The New Year celebration was a wreak because both sides started a catfight.

T34: If the Shermans are with us, we can prank and ruin the Germans New Year Celebration! Besides, the Shermans does have a small grudge against the Germans.

While T34 was talking about the Shermans, M4 Sherman, Sherman Crocodile, and M4 Easy 8 was now in sight.

M4 Sherman: Hey T34!

M4 Sherman and T34 hugged each other as a sign of close friendship. Sure they might've fought before but the experience of fighting against a common enemy made them close.

The other Shermans went to greet the other tanks.

T34: Lets have a drinking contest!

M4 Sherman: I'll obviously lose, but lets put that aside. Let us plan a prank on the germans! HAHAHA!!!



A mile from the Soviets, the 5 German tanks are on the different street drinking beer. Exceptions to Maus because she's eating cheese.

Tiger 1: *sigh* I wish (y/n) was here...

Stug-4: If its because there's only five of us then don't worry! I invited Karl Gerat. She also said she'll invite the other artillery's

Panzer 4: They're carrying specialized artillery shells that holds fireworks! Ones the shell is fired it would detonate in mid air and BOOM fireworks!!!

As Panzer 4 talking about fireworks. The Artillery came.

Karl Gerat: Are we late?

Panther 2: Just in time. Why are those american arty's with you?

M40: Because they're a bit far.

M12: And because we need to watch her.

M12 pointed towards T92 who is murmuring something. She is also holding her chest and her eyes are now in heart shapes.

T92: I want my commander back, where is he?

The Arty's sweat dropped.

T92: Must mate with commander......

They sweat dropped even more....

Karl Gerat: Any signs of (y/n)?

Tiger 1: Nope.

Maus: If you do found him then tell me so I can punch him for mentioning my weight and then kiss him hard...*continues eating cheese*


T34 and M4 Sherman are carrying sticks of dynamite and finding their way to the German beer supply.

T34: XAXAXAXA! German beer is inferior to Vodka!

M4 Sherman: And inferior to coke flavored Vodka!

They then hear a sound of a jeep.


You were wandering around until you found a Willys jeep.

You take it to a test drive and it was functioning well. While driving, you noticed WW2-era guns lying around and even manage to find more ammo for your M1911.

You collected more guns, M1 Garand, Mauser 98K, MG42, Luger, DP-28 etc.

You considered it as a late gift for Christmas.

While driving you noticed two girls walking while carrying dynamite sticks.

M4 Sherman: *gasp* Its (y/n)!!!

T34: I'll call the others!!!

T34 then radioed the other tanks about and then started chasing you.

You: Shit! Wait. They can't catch me! A jeep is faster than a Tank! Hahaha!!!

You turned to another street only for the two tanks to ram through the buildings and blocked you.

T34: Stop! We need to talk!

She was talking in russian so you didn't understand, you turned your jeep and try to get away but the other tanks blocked your way.

SU-152: (Y/N)!!! I FOUND YOU!!!

You: Oh HELL NO!

You bailed out from the jeep and ran through the buildings.

While running, you ran to the Arty's and German tanks.

Maus: There you are! I'm mad at you but I still want you!

Tiger 1: Kyaa~!

Karl Gerat: Hey (y/n)-

Suddenly T92 is running towards you.

T92: Commander!!! Let's become one!!!

You: Wait!- NO!!!

T92 was faster than before as she manage to pin you down.

T92: Your mine commander!

You: Wait! Not yet!

Virgin (Y/N): No! Don't let them kill me!!! NO!

The other tanks surrounded as you struggle....


You: Oh god! What a nightmare...

As you woke up from your nightmare, you noticed the tank girls naked besides you...

You: NO!..... That was fun... Ehehehe...

You were now corrupted......


M48 Patton

Leopard 1A1


Stridsvagn 103C







Time to experience the shit that 2018 throws at us!

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