Peek on the future

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Author's note: Sorry guys for the long update. I had to prepare for the exams(and get low grades probably) and take a break(laziness).

In WoT Blitz, I finally unlocked the LTTB(Glorious Soviet sports car) It was so fun to drive and has a good armor too! Although the gun is pretty weak but I'll manage...

And you people weren't even close on guessing my nationality...

I'm a Filipino.

By the way, if you want to read another WW2 tank related story then read Sterling Dowall's "Spirits of Shrapnel".

Its a cool well written story but its not getting so many views, so try checking it out.


You woke up. You looked at your surroundings and noticed that you're in a bedroom.

AMX-13: Oh your awake.

You then saw a maid entered the room.

AMX-13: Do you feel alright? Do you feel hurt somewhere?

You: No I'm fine, I'm fine...... Where the hell are my clothes!?

You covered yourself with a blanket as it took you long enough to notice that you're naked.

AMX-13: *blushes* Um..... Well uh..... I was looking for other injures...hehe......

You: I'm pretty sure I don't have any injuries!

AMX-13: But there was a small shrapnel stuck on your butt......*lowers voice* It was sexy......

You: What was the last part you're saying?

AMX-13: Nothing!!!

You: Okay, okay. Where's my clothes?

AMX-13: Right there.

AMX-13 pointed at a small cabinet behind her.

You: Give it to me.

AMX-13 Grabbed your clothes and stands in front of you.

AMX-13: Stand up so I can put this on you.

You: Uh......I can put my own clothes by myself so give it to m-

AMX-13: No. As a maid I must put on your clothes by myself.

You attempt to snatch your clothes back. Causing the blanket to fall off revealing the rest of your body.

You: Shut up! Just give it to me!

AMX-13: *blushes even harder* NO! It ruins my pride as a maid if I don't do this!!!

And then someone opens the door.

TOG-2: AMX? What's with the noise? *see's your body* Oh my......

You: Ah! D-Don't look!!!

The princess like TOG-2 covered her eyes, only to peek......

TOG-2: ......

Your little cannon slowly re-chambered to a more larger cannon as you were around two perverted women.

You: Stahp looking at meh!!!

T95: What's the noise all about?

You threw a pillow at TOG-2 but she dodged it, causing it to hit T95 who was entering the room.

T95: What the? Why are you naked (Y/N)?!

You covered your "cannon" with your hands.

You: Well someone took off my clothes while I was knocked out! And she won't give me my clothes!!! And a perverted brit...

TOG-2 blushes hard as she tries to look away from you.

TOG-2: disrespectful! A refined person like me would never look at you with such perverted eyes!

You: Says the woman who still keep looking at me!!!

T95: AMX, give the clothes to (y/n).

AMX-13: But my pride as a maid!

T95: Swallow your pride as a maid....

T95 whispers to AMX-13.

T95: *whispering* Don't worry, he'll become your master and allow you to do your maid work after one of us seduce him.

AMX-13: Oh! Ehehehe......

You: What are you guys whispering about?! Get out of the room so I can put on my clothes!

The two stopped their whispering and nodded. They walked out of the room dragging TOG-2 with them.

You sighed and slowly put your clothes on.

As you put your clothes on, you noticed a gaze from the window.

VK 1602: So that's one of the difference of a boy from a girl. A boy has a little cannon.

M5 Stuart: I don't think its a cannon.

Type 97: Then what is it?

Hetzer: I don't know...

You: Ah! *quickly puts on shorts* Don't look at me!

You quickly ran and blocked the window with the curtain.


You're eating breakfast with the rest of the tanks. Needless to say that the entire breakfast was an awkward silence...

The morning was so embarrassing, now imagine the entire day...

Probably because your brain was trying to figure what is happening because you just woke up.

Nah. You were totally awake that time.

And you kept wondering why Tiger P is glaring at you...

The glare was so uncomfortable so you decided to break the silence.

You: What do you guys do everyday?

Mostly everyone perked.....

Hetzer: We play everyday!

Type 97: Let's play soon Onii-chan!

M5 Stuart: Yay! We get to play with our new big brother!

You: Maybe more sooner, I want to check out the entire place.

TOG-2: Then I wouldn't mind showing around our home. This warehouse has been converted into our home and it looks small on the outside but the inside is very large. I should show you the bathroom first!

Her eyes became blank when she said about the last part...

You: No thanks, I'll wander around my place and take a walk on the beach...


After walking around the warehouse, you went out and plan to go to the beach. But then you noticed a door that goes underground. The door was huge that a tank can get in.

You walked in and saw random tank parts like spare tracks and spare cannons of different mm. And then you saw a blue orb, You had an urge to touch it. Why? Because there's "No touch" sign.

You touched it and your mind became blank...for a moment. And then it showed an image of you seating on a throne with you wearing a army general hat, trench coat, and combat boots.

And there was an unknown tank girl sitting on your lap. The image unzooms and revealed a throne room full of tank girls.....

The image went blank and you go back to reality with Tiger P holding your hand away from the orb.

You: What was that?

Tiger P: A strange object that can give you a glimpse of the future, and it only works on pure humans.

You: By the way, sorry about yesterday....

Tiger P looks away blushing.

Tiger P: Its okay. What did you see in the future?

You: Uh...

In the end you can't say anything about the future........


You were mindlessly walking the beach.

In the distance, a tank girl is stalking at you.

???: I wonder what he's thinking right now.....hehehe, no matter he'll be mine soon......SOON.

(Guess the tank who is stalking you)


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