Ch. 1

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'10 minutes till target arrives at destination.'

I looked away from my phone and watched my surroundings. Today's location was simply a clothing store; a very populated and active area, the most public area but that is where this person enjoyed being at most. Which was fine; once I tracked him down it would be easy to follow him out.

You see, I'm the owner of my own assassination company. I kill for a living. Need someone to get out of your way or to catch a wink, I'm on the case. It was really the only thing I found I was ever good at. I never excelled in school, was an average person in general, didn't have any hobbies, found no joy in friendships at all, nothing ever 'clicked' in a sense. But...I was an observer of sorts. I liked to see people interact with each other, see how certain actions will draw out other reactions. From betrayal to acts of love, people often held many emotions out on their sleeve. Part of me when I was younger wanted to feel these things too; to have a smile that wasn't put on for the sake of not being asked to go to another goddamn therapist or counselor. But what was the point really? I found later that these thoughts, these feelings...they were all pretty worthless at points. In fact, they often held one back from their true form.

One day, I remember very clearly, I was watching from a balcony of my university, staring at the passersby and what nots. I didn't have a class during this time and I didn't want to interact with the girls in my dorm.

As I was watching, I saw one male in particular talking to a female. He seemed to be flirting with her and was being successful at it as she was laughing and giggling, her cheeks from far away seeming to be red. Then he began to walk and she followed. I didn't think very much of it.

The following week, I saw the same male talking now with another female and led her away too. Maybe he was one of those 'player' people. Once again, another week, another girl. Then, the fourth week was a female that I knew in my class. I believe her name was Jessica. He went off with her.

The following day I was going to inquire her about what happened exactly...but she wasn't there. As I was looking more into it, each of those girls I saw was reported missing. And I had a feeling of who it was...

So, I took action. I bought a frilly thing and played dress up and found myself in the same location, waiting. It didn't take long for the stranger to approach me. We chatted, I faked laughed at his grueling jokes, put on a smile, gained his trust. Then, he invited me out for a drink, him buying of course. But I knew better.

As I was being driven around, we chatted casually about whatever seemed to come by and eventually we arrived at an old building that hadn't been in operation for years. He told me there was a 'secret' bar there and we got down.

He went up to the door which had a large bolt and unlocked it. Before he could really explain the bolt, I grabbed out my knife and very quickly stabbed him in the gut and before he could yell out, wrapped my hand around his mouth and slit his throat, causing him to fall. As I watched him bleed out on the ground, I found myself being strangely...amused. How easy it was really to end someone's life as long as you were careful. I had to shake from the thought to get to the girls. I wiped my hands on the guy's shirt and grabbed the keys from his large dead hands. Then I headed inside to see what I had expected to see: a few cages with women in them, huddled, scared, nearly fully naked and dirty...

They looked at me, scared. I saw Jessica who was staring at me with tears in her eyes. She mouthed my name. I simply nodded and unlocked the doors. Then I contacted the police and waited for them to come and get the girls. They let me go without really charging me as I was in a dangerous situation and I went home with the same scene repeating in my mind over and over again. It brought me a peace. The thought, 'Is there a career in this?' crossed my mind.

Course, the normal jobs: police force, CIA, FBI, etc. I tried these things but found their methods to be...bland. They would wait too long and different things would occur! It was revolving. Plus half the time they never let me kill and I would get marked for killing the main man. And so, I left and started up this business where I was an assassin. Good, bad, I'm the girl with the gun. (A.N. please tell me someone gets the reference;-;)

Plenty of men and women have gone through my system and with each person my killing streak has tallied. So far, I've managed to kill 999 people in total and this one would be my thousandth.

He had a pretty good bounty on his head and my client was very adamant in wanting him dead. I already know what I'd do with him. Chat with him, gain a friendship or simply have him invite me out for a drink, then maybe present myself as a 'friend with benefits' and have him take me home. Of course, we'd never really make it there.

So many ways to kill a person. A stab, a slice, boiling, drowning, burning, poisoning, shooting, I could go on and on all day. It's like a melody. But I wanted to play with my food today. Today was going to be different.

My thousandth victim would be a fun feat. I stared and smirked at the man who walked in with a yellow dress shirt, pink suspenders, and brown pants, a pink mustache on his features to go with his dark brown hair. This pink mustached freak, 'Wilford Warfstache', will die.

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