Ch. 2

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I watched him. All he was doing was picking out a few shirts and trying them on, coming out of the dressing room and showing off to any woman who was around with a slur. He was disgusting to watch. I wanted to just end him but I promised myself to have fun with this one.

He came out again, this time in a pink dress shirt and yellow pants. Yellow. Pants. I felt my right eye twitch as I stared but then, he caught my stare. 'Fuck.' I turned away but he was already bounding towards me.

"Hello~" he greeted, "Enjoying the view?"

I wanted to punch him in the gut. I smirked and simply replied flirtingly, "Can't miss out now can I~?"

"Oooo, mischievous are we~?" he hummed, his eyes glinting slightly. "Well, I can pose more for you; I have a couple of more shirts to try on before I go."

'Oh god no.' I lengthened my smile. "I would love to see more; if you'll let me of course."

"Certainly!" He looked over me. "And maybe I can help you find something cute too? As long as we're simply just 'looking.'"

'...' "Sounds fantastic."

He hummed and ran off to the dressing room.

We spent another 50 minutes in that bloody place. He had taken 10 minutes to find me 10 different outfits after he was done with his clothes. Thankfully I had learned to adapt and to be able to change quickly. The only problem was...most of it was just a bright yellow and bright pink. Why couldn't the guy like dark colors???

We left that horrid place and began walking around the mall, him filling me in on what he did for a living and continuing to flirt with me, which I only returned with smiles and nods, not really bothering to pay attention to a man on death row.

Eventually, the question I wanted to pop up came. "Hey, Amber," he began, stating my fake first name I gave him, "I wanted to know...would you like to grab a drink with me?"

I smiled brighter. "Yeah, sure! I could use a drink!"

"Great! I know a place downtown we can go to! Do you know the 'Frick Frack'?" I nodded. "Good good, I'll meet you there; I trust you have your own ride?" '...He doesn't want to drive me?'

"Yeah, I do."

"Alrighty, see you there Ms. Rose," he ended, walking away. "Oh yeah, if you could wear one of those outfits that would be wonderful!" Then he parted, leaving me standing there, blinking. '...He's...interesting to say the least.'

I went to my car and took off.

When I arrived at the bar, I changed in the car since I was in a parking garage. It was easy. I decided to go with the one that really made him hum: a short, frilly pink dress that accented my boobs perfectly with a pair of yellow stockings and pink flats. I looked at my long auburn haired wig in the mirror and put it down, scrunching up my hair to have curls and adding on some red lipstick and minor mascara. I was perfect eye candy. I smiled at my look and exited the car to go into the bar.

It didn't take me long to find him. He was in a corner 'wooing' ladies with his posh voice. When he saw me though, he stopped talking altogether to stare at me. I had probably exploded his small mind with many thoughts ranging from innocent lovey dovey thoughts to perverted and naughty thoughts.

I simply smirked as I waltzed down the aisle towards him, gaining a few stares from bystanders as well. When I sat down, he took a hold of my hand and placed his other over his heart. "My dear, you look ravishing~" He kissed my hand. I'll have to wash that hand about 50 times when I get home.

I retracted my hand and looked him up and down. I barely noticed he had changed his clothing. Now he was in a pinstripe shirt full of reds and whites with some blue jeans and he had slightly slicked his hair back, but only slightly. With enough force his old fluff would return. "You don't look half bad yourself."

"You like it? Really? This is my party outfit. I wear it whenever I go out to have fun~"

I flashed another smile his way. "Seems like we're going to have fun then." He grinned.

We were now trying to decide on drinks. I decided to be daring. "How about...a few rounds of shots? Get the party moving."

He raised an eyebrow. "Are you sure?"

I rolled my eyes. "Are you chicken or something?"

"No, I'm just not sure if you can hold yourself," he relayed.

I lined his mustache to his lips. "I'll be fine sweetheart. Besides, the sooner we get it going the sooner we can have some fun~" He grinned and ordered a few rounds.

We went back and forth with each shot, having minor conversation in between. At about round 5 I began to put on my drunken act, laughing more profusely as he simply smiled at me.

A groove began to kick on in the background as we hit shot number 10. I giggled and got up and he kept his wandering eyes on me. "Come on~" I fake hiccuped, "Let's dance!"

He got up. "Sure thing baby." 'Gah that overused nickname. Pathetic.' He took my hand and led me to the dance floor. He began to sway from side to side in front of me and I played on my dizzy eyes to watch him as I swung to the music as well, just trying to follow his beat. Eventually he even pulled out a top hat from god knows where and I just laughed it off, making him smile more. He eventually pulled me into a fast jig and I worked to keep up with him, not even breaking a sweat. I would be the perfect date to lure him away; like a spider catching a fly in its web.

As the jumpy songs ended, it began to melt into a slow song. He looked to me and offered his hand and I took it lightly. He began to step side-to-side to the soft beat. I decided this would be the time to make a move and get him to want me. Tonight.

I stared up into his brown eyes as he stared back into my own, not really talking all that much but through the simple gesture, I could tell his mind was thrown for a loop. I smiled up to him and smiled back down to me. "Are you having fun Ms. Amber?" he muttered softly.

I nodded. "Are you, Wilford?"

He chuckled some and nodded. "I think I would be lying if I said I wasn't."

I offered a smile his way.

I wrapped my arms further around him and as he did likewise, I laid my head on his chest and listened intently to his heartbeat. It was beating lightly, meaning he was calm but also...something else. I hadn't really heard the beat before...

I shook off the thought and as the song was about to end, I looked back up to him to find him looking at me, lustfully. He was gazing at me as a whole as he put a hand up to my cheek, lightly caressing it. Then, he bent down and whispered in my ear, "I need you."

'Need, huh. Haven't heard that one before.' I bit my lip playfully before replying, "Let's blow this joint then~"

Without hesitating he began to lead me out of the bar towards the parking garage, throwing the bartender a $50. While he wasn't looking, I grabbed out my small knife and hid it in my hair. We would never make it to his house.

When we made it to the garage, he led me over to his car. He grabbed out his keys and that's when I decided to make my move.

I grabbed the small knife and wrapped my arms around his neck from behind. "I-hic-like you~"

He chuckled and replied, "I like you too~" He clicked the car open.

Then, I switched personas and lined the blade up to his neck so he could feel it. "Too bad this'll be our last few moments together."

He paused his movements. Then he laughed, throwing me off. "I knew it was too good to be true." His tone changed as well. "Someone so beautiful to fall into sync with me so easily..." He sighed. "Oh well, can't be helped."

He grabbed my wrist and threw me forward onto his car. I didn't hesitate to roll off as he took a tiny golden gun out and shot at me. I grinned. "What else are you hiding, mystery man?" I asked. Then I lunged at him and threw him off.

We fought and tasseled on the ground. He was strong for a man of his size but I was stronger. I slammed his hand with the gun on the concrete and he let it go. Then I attempted to stab his head but he dodged while glancing to his gun. "You actually got me to let go of my gun...interesting." I went for his chest and he stopped my hand and pushed me off into another car. I got up just as he did and we wrestled with each other, hand-in-hand, almost like a dance.

He looked over me. "It's like we're equals..."

"Shut up you buffoon." I kicked forward and he separated while inhaling sharply. Then he punched forward onto my boob. 'Fuck that hurt...but I'm enjoying this!'

I grinned and met up with him in the middle. "You know-" he gripped my wrists, "you are nearly impenetrable through your motions." He attempted to kick me but I side-stepped and knocked him into a wall. I got him to let go of my wrists and I grabbed his instead and held him against a wall. "But there's still one thing you have left open." I took his wrists in one hand and lined the knife up to his neck.

I decided he might as well say whatever he was thinking. "And what is that, Warfstache?"

He grinned and before I could realize what was happening, he pressed his lips against mine. I was in shock; so much so that I didn't notice a liquid was being passed through my lips till it was too late. I pushed off of him and tried to spit it out but my vision was getting blurry and my body numb. "Wh-wh-what did you..." I collapsed on the ground and glared at him through sleepy eyes.

"I slipped a little bit of a sleeping liquid mixed with some rather heavy sleepy pills and some bit of another drug just in case that wasn't strong enough."


"Knew? Sort of. Call it instinct brothers always warn me to never take a chance...and you were no exception." My eyes closed but I fought to stay up. "Goodnight my dear. It was nice to meet you."

I felt my mind let go and I passed out.


*Wilford's POV*

I stared at her figure as she no longer struggled and the liquid took effect. She looked calmer and more radiant if possible.

I shook my head. I grabbed my gun and positioned it over her head. I cocked it back. 'It's too bad...I actually liked this one...' I held the gun over her...but I couldn't click it. 'What is wrong with me? She was sent here to kill me. I need to kill her.' I willed myself to pull the trigger...I dropped the position. 'Come on Wilford, what the hell is wrong with you? She is the enemy. That is it.' I positioned the gun. I pressed it up against her skull. My hand shook and I pulled away. 'Damnit! I can't just kill her! I actually felt something this time, even if it was all an act.' I sighed and glanced over to her. I picked her up and put her in the car.

Then I heard something ringing. I saw her purse on the ground and opened it up. It was coming from an unknown number. '...' I threw the phone away and took her purse which ended up having various contents from weapons to liquids to make up and bobby pins. 'She really wanted to kill me...makes me wonder if there's more in her car...'

I got in my car. Then I got out and bound her hands. 'She's crafty. I don't quite trust her yet.' I started up the car and took off home. 'Dark isn't going to be happy about this...'

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