Ch. 13

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*Wilford's POV*

Our brother...was a piece of work. They say every human has their upsides and downsides to them...well, his were mostly downsides. In our opinion of course.

Ever since he was a child, he had no interest in the line of work we were raised in. Most of our family were assassins, even mom, bless her heart...but he was never interested.

We tried to show him weapons and have him train with us but nothing made him more happier than sitting down with a controller in front of the computer dad had bought with his cousin, who eventually grew out of that stage himself. We had hoped they would both grow out of it together but nope, not Mark. Mark had different plans, and that involved video games and...recording.

Although it was rather disappointing losing touch with our brother because of his change of career, we managed to work some time together, especially when we were forced to take temporary residence with him. He wasn't really allowed to expose our identities or anything like that so he made it seem as though his cousin was his brother and that we were characters he made up in his head, which worked better than expected being that our facial features were mostly the same with a few exceptions here and there.

I had a few good runs with interviewing for him while Dark took care of 'taking over' his platform supposedly. And whenever Google got better, he was brought into the whole 'filming charade' too. But Mark seemed to enjoy all of it and was always smiling so...I guess whatever makes him happy.

Mark was definitely a character of sorts...but he was still our brother, which is why we usually will go to him if we need help with situations like this, where our locations are possibly known pretty well.

I shook my head as we pulled into a building a few blocks away from his place. I knew why Google did this but it meant we had to walk quite a bit. But Lily didn't seem to mind one bit.

For someone named after purity and innocence, she certainly didn't reflect it. You would think she would be much like a normal female with a name like that: Proper, weak (as far as physically goes), aware of feelings, very expressive, a talker, pretty...but I guess that is also where she crosses the threshold. Because she wasn't pretty. She's beautiful in her own way...her thought process, her little subtle movements; her smile when it reveals itself every once in awhile... I feel like I'm on Cloud 9 when she smiles at me...It's truly heavenly. Especially since it is always so hard to draw out of her but it will be my sworn duty to always be able to put a smile on her face! I promise!

"Wilford, you coming?" I looked up to see she was looking over to me.

"Oh, er, y-yeah!" I grabbed my things and ran over to catch up to her. When I reached her, I offered a sheepish smile which she returned with just the rolling of her brown orbs...

Dark and Google were right: I am falling for this woman. Hard.


*Lily's POV*

I still don't know how to describe Wilford. In the beginning, I thought of him as being an egotistical, pink loving, attention grabbing, insolent little kid. But as I've been stuck with him...I don't know. He's still a brat, clearly. But I may need to find new words to describe him now.

Maybe...a goofball with a big heart that is bound to get shot down with a harpoon and taken out to sea? Or maybe even a loudmouth whose cheek will get hooked and dragged off into the sea...why am I thinking about the sea?

I shook my head and continued walking with the others. We were walking because we had to seem as though we had nowhere in particular that we were going so we'd be less suspicious.

But as I heard a loud "BOOM!" come from a few meters away...I knew the police would be on their way very soon.

After walking for quite a bit of time, we arrived at a large house. Large as in it was both tall and wide and, if I had to guess, had a bit of length to it as well.

Google approached the door and rang the doorbell. We waited for some time before the door opened revealing a man that shared the faces of the three brothers. At least the main part. He didn't have a mustache or anything like that but he did have a stubble beard with his hair parted to the side on the front of his head, a smile both on his lips and his eyes. "Hey!" he boomed in a deep voice that caught me off guard. He hugged Google, Dark, then Wilford excitedly. "Man, it's been awhile! Come in!!!" He went inside and we followed.

'He's pretty loud...' I thought quietly as we entered. He would be horrible to have as a partner in an assassination run...Especially if you needed to be-

Before I could even react, a large object of fur suddenly bolted into me, knocking me to the ground. "WO-AH!" I fell back on my butt and groaned slightly.

"Lily!" Wilford yelled.

I shook my head and faced the fluffy mutt. I heard Mark chuckling in the background. "That's just Chica. She loves when new people come over." I stared at the mutt in the eyes as she wagged her tail excitedly. Her brown eyes bore into my own, offering a fierce determination to take over, to bend my heart to its fluffy will, but I would not stand down! This fluffy beast may be considered 'cute' to others but to me, it's, it's!...

I looked away from it and patted its fluffy head, feeling my cheeks heat up involuntarily. 'What is this feeling?'

"She's...cute." Gah, how many times was that word going to emerge from my lips?!? First it was Tiger and now this furball named Chica! Next thing you know I'm gonna be calling Wilford cute!

I heard Mark chuckle in the background. "Thanks. I'm sure she appreciates it." 'It's a dog you moron. It can't possibly understand humans.'

I felt her wet nose make contact with my cheek and I looked to her again to get a big ol' lick in the face. "Eh!" I wiped my face. Scratch that, this dog is definitely not cute!

I got up with the help of Wilford who seemed to be smiling. I shook my head and warned, "Don't. Say. A. Word." He nodded and we walked over to the guy's living room.

"So, I know Anti but I heard your name was Lily?" I nodded. He chuckled. "How did you end up in the killing business? You don't look like you can hurt anyone!"

I smiled and tilted my head. "And that is why most of my targets are dead; they had that same thought as you right before I ended their lives with my very hands."

He paled slightly and chuckled nervously. "Uh...r-right...hehe heh..." He corrected himself. "A-Anyway, water anyone?"


*Wilford's POV*

I could tell Mark was now slightly on edge with Lily's presence. I knew we should have told her that he wasn't used to be threatened but what could we do. She has a strong mouth that will spout out whatever she deems to be appropriate. And if scaring our brother was appropriate...then appropriate it was. It's not like that was going anywhere anytime soon.

But...she was giving in more to another side that I feel she has yet to explore. A 'fluffier' side that may need some work but can definitely come to life...Just needs work...A lot of work.

The bundle of fur Mark has running around seemed to help bring that out. In the beginning I thought she was going to stab it, gut it like any other animal. The way she stared into her puppy dog eyes gave me chills but, after a few moments, even the large beast was able to break her cold heart and warm her up, which was clearly evident on her cheeks. She had blushed once again, but this time in the name of a pup named Chica and had called her 'cute.' She even pet it! It was probably the most confusing mix of emotions I've ever held in my heart but she made it work! And of course her face changed immediately after Chica gave her a big ol' kiss but I could still tell her heart was softened...even with the small threat tossed to me after.

I'll grow on her.

While Mark was grabbing drinks, I saw her eyes look over to Dark. "Dark, you're bleeding."

I blinked and looked over to see this was true. He was bleeding on the shoulder. He chuckled darkly and seethed. "Ah, you finally noticed? Well, I'm gonna go get it cleaned up...Google, care to help?" Google nodded and the two walked out.

I saw...concern in her eyes. As though she...cared about us? The look left soon after but that look of hesitance, that look of sadness...was that real?

Mark came in shortly with the waters and inquired about Dark and Google. "Dark got shot." Anti commented plainly, beginning to divulge in his bottle of water.

"What?!" Mark began freaking out. "D-Does he need to go to the hospital? I can call-"

I waved an arm. "Mark, Mark, calm down. You act as though it's a major wound of sorts but he's fine. It's not his first shot. Plus you know that we can't go to the hospital; we'd be arrested!"

He sighed and rubbed his arm. "Y-Yeah...I know..." He looked back up. "You have to take care of yourselves, you're all I got as far as brothers go."

I rolled my eyes. "Yes Mark, you tell us this about a dozen times when we visit, what else is new?" He looked upset with me and I just chuckled and got up, hugging him. "Come here you old chump!"

Eventually, he laughed and hugged back. He was always very quick to forgive.

"So, how's your 'youtube' career going? I hear that you're still in it," I asked, taking a seat once again next to Lily, who had now become interested in looking through her bag aimlessly.

He chuckled. "It's going great actually! I've been able to keep up with making two videos a day and people are excited for the charity livestreams we've been having more often! People are also being nicer to each other and we've been able to reach out so much! Everything is actually coming together..." He began smiling at the thought. Ah my brother, content with things happening over a screen. Admittedly though, he does have a handprint somewhere in the world...

"How much has your community grown?" I asked, drawing him away from his thoughts.

"Ah, right! Last time you were on I think there was about...10 million subs now that I think about it but it's increased a lot over that span of time! We're actually nearing 20 million and we'll probably hit it by next year!"

I blinked. "I'm sorry...20 million? As in 20 million people have literally come over and pressed 'Subscribe' to watch games?"

"Yeah! It's so awesome, right??? I never thought it would get this far but here we are just a couple of years later!"

A.N. Yep, here you are...alongwiththosetastefulnudes-BAD EZRA!

I smiled. "Good for you."

He shook his head. "It's not just me. They are the ones who are watching, I'm just a creator. And I'm not alone anymore! I have a team helping me!"


He nodded excitedly and grabbed out his phone. "Here they are! This is Ethan-" he pointed to a boy with blue hair and acne- "Tyler-" he pointed to a man with normal brown hair- "Kathryn-" he pointed to a lady with brown hair and glasses- "And last but not least, Amy." This woman had blonde hair and a big smile.

I recognized the name though. "She's your girlfriend, right?"

Mark nodded, smiling. "Yep. She is so great in many ways and it's been a blast really. We may be mates but we also are working together quite well! And she's such a hard worker, I have to tell you-"

He began to drone on and on about this woman. He really seemed to enjoy her. As he was talking, I looked over to see Lily lightly petting the little toy she called 'Tiger.' 'Maybe one day I'll find myself droning on and on about her...'


*Lily's POV*

I felt Wilford's eyes on me rather than Mark but I didn't know why. I think he's just being Wilford. He usually does odd things like that.

I shrugged it off and continued playing around with the fur of the small toy.

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