Ch. 12

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Fan Art:

*Lily's POV*

"...I'm sorry, friend?!?" I asked, completely confused.

I saw the man was now up as Wilford handed the knife back, keeping a steady hand on my shoulder so I wouldn't attack this man.

He had dark green hair, a black t-shirt and some accompanying black jeans. He also had a few lined red tattoos around his body, scattered almost and looked something like blood but obviously wasn't. He grinned at me. "Hello there~"

"..." I backed away and more into Wilford's grip. "Who the hell are you?"

"Lily, this is Anti, Anti, this is Lily, a new member of the group," Google introduced.

He groaned. "Awe, so I can't kill her off then?" he asked, annoyed as he looked over his knife and began lining it.

"No, you can't," Google stated clearly. "She's in my system now too so if you try to kill her..." His eyes turned a bright red. "We're going to have a problem."

Anti rolled his eyes. "Fine. I'll just tell the dude I couldn't do it, man, what a pain."

I was still confused. "Wait wait, so you're a friend now?"

Anti shrugged. "Consider me to be an ally to your firm as in if I need help, you all scratch my back and if you all need help, I scratch yours."

"...And right now you're scratching our back by not killing me off?"

He nods. "You're getting it! Although I must admit, you would've been a fun one to kill off," he commented, grinning. "I was actually excited~"

I could feel Wilford pull me close to him as I turned my hands into fists. "Don't listen to him, he's just full of bull-hockey..." Wilford commented lowly.

I growled at him as he simply kept grinning. "I promise, eventually he grows on you," Dark commented, shaking his head.

Anti nodded. "And I can't wait to get to know you more lass~"

I felt Wilford's grip tighten on me but before I could ask, Google asked, "Who sent you after her?"

Anti shrugged. "Some guy named Kevin, you know they never give me their full name...if they're smart," he commented, winking.

"And how did they know that she would be here?"

Anti shrugged. "Hell if I know, they just said she'd likely be down here..."

I raised an eyebrow. "But, how would they even know about this?...Unless..." I grabbed out the papers I took from the man in the room and reviewed over them. These papers were definitely about me...

I scanned over a few parts:

'Subject: Lily Mason...

Currently working with the Iplier crew...

Need her dead...

Should be on way to kill Jone Heisner...

Description as follows...

If failure to kill her prior, then have someone waiting down below and above...

She needs to die.'

I blinked at this. I didn't know whether I should be feeling something but right now, I knew we should get out of there. "Guys, we need to go, now."

"What's the matter? The threat was-" Google began.

"I have a weird feeling about all this, I'll explain later!" I began picking up the pace as we made our way to the exit. Already in the front police officers were swarming the place but we made our way to our car with ease and took off, Anti heading over to meet us in his own motorcycle.

When we got to the house, I calmed down a bit. I refused to let Wilford see any of the documents I was holding till we reached the house.

I walked inside and as I did, Google asked, "What are those?"

I handed it to him and went to go and grab some water from the fridge.

When I returned and tossed the guys some water, they were all looking concerned. "How could they have known that you were working with us? We only said we've gained a new partner in the workforce, we didn't even specify if you were male or female..." Google commented.

Dark nodded. "This doesn't make any sense. They don't even know any of our real names because we place others..." Dark shook his head. "And it's so specific-"

"Google, who assigned us to go to this club?" I asked.

He stood up and began swiping things in front of him. "Hm...A company we usually work with, the Phil Bros...they stated they needed Jone to be knocked off so that they could grow more in their firm...they are usually our best client."

I nodded. "Well...maybe they were simply bribed to create this job for you to have a chance to kill me off..." I looked up to them. "Do you think it's still the people that blew up my place?"

Google shrugged. "Likely. They must've been some group if they want to kill you off that badly..."

The doorbell rang and Dark let Anti in, who sat down on the couch, sprawled. "Nice place!" he commented loudly. I could already tell he was going to be a pain in the-

"You made sure to take the route I told you too, correct?" Google asked.

"Yeah yeah, round the back way. It takes so bloody long though!" he groaned.

I shook my head. "Well, whatever happens, we need to-"

"PEW!" I dove down along with everyone else at the sound of this. "The hell?!" Wilford exclaimed.

More shots began to fire into the house as Google made his way to the window. He looked out and then went back down. "Dammit, Anti I think someone followed you!"

"But it was smooth sailing the whole time! I checked!" he whined.

"It apparently wasn't as smooth as you thought. Come on, we need to get out of here!" Dark commanded. "Grab whatever you need and then we'll take off in five!" A much louder shot rang through the air and shouts were being heard. "Nevermind, make that two!"

We all ran to our separate rooms to grab our things. I hadn't really removed anything from my bag so I just grabbed my clothes and was about to step out...I looked back and grabbed Tiger, stuffing him in the bag before running out and ducking once more.

Wilford was waiting for me and he guided me to the basement for our other means of escape, as taking the vehicle in the garage seemed pointless with all the gunfire. Wilford closed the hatch above us as we heard the door being taken down. He blocked the hatch with a pole but I knew with a few good tugs it would be taken down. "Come on!" Wilford took my hand and dragged me to the car.

I didn't really have a chance to look at its exterior as Wilford pushed me in next to Anti, who merely chuckled while I gave him an annoyed expression.

There were no time for comments though as Google clicked a certain button and a literal layer of ground began moving from in front of us. We heard shouts and such but with a quick foot, Google took off out of there with speed.

Some had caught on and were now after us. They were beginning to shoot at us, making us need to duck our heads. Dark growled and opened a window, beginning to shoot at back at them. "Google!" he yelled.

"I'm trying Dark! It isn't exactly easy when you have people shooting at your map!"

I shook my head and went next to him. "I know somewhere we can go. It usually works with small cars like this one. Head down here." I don't know why I was helping. Google seemed slightly alarmed as well of the sudden disposition but didn't seem like he wanted to argue about it at that point in time.

I led him down the roads, giving directions as the men were closing in. I heard Dark shout in pain but grunt as he shot out another tire of the opposers. I felt Wilford begin to look in my bag and he pulled out one of my shotgun. "You have a shotgun?" he asked.

"Yeah, so how about you use it!" I didn't hear him respond as I heard my gun shoot.

I focused on getting Google off the street while losing those dimwits. In the end, we found ourselves by the side of a particular building with some cars stacked. "Get on there!"


"Do it!"

He obliged hesitantly and got on the ramp. I pushed a button to turn off the car and we all ducked our heads. We waited till we heard a number of cars pass us by. Then, it was silent.

"...I can't believe that actually worked," Google commented in a surprised manner as he backed out.

"Yeah, I don't know why but this particular spot always gets me away from chasers...well, got me away from chasers..." I shrugged and sat back in my chair next to Wilford, who was looking over my gun.

When he caught my eye, he blushed and stuttered, "S-Sorry, er, force of habit." He placed the shotgun back in my bag.

"It's alright; it's a good gun. It should be admired." I sent a smile his way before buckling in.

"So...where to now?" Anti asked boredly, beginning to pick at his nails.

Google paused for a moment. Then, he sighed. "Well...there's always Mark..."

Wilford raised an eyebrow. "Mark? We're gonna bring him into this?!"

I blinked, confused. "Who's Mark?"

"Our brother," Google, Wilford, and Dark groaned in unison.

Google began dialing someone. "Hello? Mark?...Yeah it's me Google...Er..." He looked over at everyone and then went back to the phone. "We're alright...Uh huh..."

While he was chatting with Mark, I decided to ask, "Is there a reason you guys lowered your voices as you spoke of your brother's name?"

Wilford grimaced slightly. "Well...let's just say he's very very different from us."

"Well, he can't be that bad-"

"Oh, he's bad," Anti commented, rolling his eyes. "Him and my brother happened to get to know each other and when they are is a nightmare. I'm so glad Jack doesn't live in the country..." Anti shook his head disapprovingly.

I blinked, confused. 'How bad can someone be?'

" know but circumstances have changed...yes...I will be sure to call mom later...yes, remember, I made sure your house couldn't be tracked?...Alright, bye." Google hanged up and tossed the phone to the side, holding his head at a stop light.

Wilford put a hand on his shoulder. "It'll be alright brother..." Wilford muttered.

Google muttered something incomprehensible under his breath before taking off.

'...If he got Google annoyed, I can't imagine what I'll do when I meet him...'

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