Ch. 11

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*Lily's POV*

I positioned myself to where I was wrapped around the pole. I bent my head forward and let the hair fall to my face. I absorbed the sounds around me: the music, the beat, the conversations, the soft 'clinks' of drinks colliding with counters and tables...I opened my eyes and began strutting around the pole.

I traveled around the pole, not really focusing on anyone in particular. You attract the fish first before you go in for a capture. After traveling around once or twice, I dipped backwards and swung myself around it swimmingly.

This wasn't my first pole dance I've done after all.

While I was training to better my skills, my fellow employees suggested that I try out dancing classes to 'fit in' more, since they noted that I had little to no skill in this area. And although every once in awhile I would still stiffen up-

I jumped and wrapped my legs around the pole, purposefully giving those around quite a sight down below as I spun around the pole with ease. A few men were now hollering in delight as I continued on with my little show, strutting, moving, throwing devilish looks here and there.

But what about the next victim you ask?

As I was nearing my finale, I looked over to him and saw him staring at me longingly, his eyes no longer focused on his associates. I sent a smirk his way as I dipped in his direction, showing off more of the black bra beneath the tank top and spun around some more, making the audience go wild!

I wrapped my right hand above my left one onto the pole, stuck my left leg on the pole and spun around it elegantly, keeping eye contact with the man, who was beginning to talk with another associate. I swung my hips a few more times in a daunting fashion and then finally, ended my little performance with a glorious split!

(A.N. *cough cough* Totally didn't use Heavy Rain and Mark's pole dancing videos as a reference *cough cough*)

There were hollers and shouts and others asking for an encore but as I was about to step off, I found that one of the bouncers were in front of me.

"Mr. Heisner would like to speak with you," he commented lowly.

Inside my mind, I was grinning. But on the outside, I put out an oblivious curious face for him. "Mr. Heisner?"

"Yeah, the boss of this here joint. You should be happy-few ever get to meet the big man." He began walking and I followed close behind.

I smiled at the man as he kept drinking in my figure. I tilted my head at him, letting the hair fall to the side of my head. "Hello there~"

He grinned at me. "Why hello there."


*Wilford's POV*

I stared as I saw her begin her little 'performance.' She was simply going around and around the beam on the podium as though it was her little play thing. She owned it just as she owned everything else in her wake...

Part of me wanted to look away but...the other side won as I saw her literally flip herself upwards and fall slowly to the ground with a grace that any other woman there would have loved to have! She was like an angel with the way she lit that stage...or maybe like a demon for the way she moved her body around...

Angel or demon, I wasn't focused on that as I saw more people begin to crowd around her. But she wasn't focused on any of them. No, I knew better than that. I scanned the area till I saw the man that we were after. There he was, sitting there like a dog in heat as he watched her go around and around on that pole. The way he stared at her-I wanted to beat his face in. Along with everyone else down there, no one should be staring at a lady like-

I saw her spin around once more and then dip forward, the crowd going wild...Thankfully, I didn't see but I had a sense that he was enjoying the view as his associate began making his way to her.

I began moving over to the stairs that connected the balcony to the rest of the place as her performance ended with a perfect split. I never knew she could bend and sway her body like that...maybe she was holding off when we were dancing that night...I shook the thought away as I headed down the stairs, seeing that she was now approaching the man of the hour. After some mild chatter it seemed as though they were done collaborating and now they were moving away. But where???

As I came down I saw they were now entering a different staircase and making their way to an extruded building in the back. She didn't even seem to hesitate as she went through the door with him.

I sighed and got down. 'I know she's an assassin and I know this is her game...but I can't help but feel protective of her...'

I sat in a nearby booth and ordered a drink, watching for her return.


*Lily's POV*

He led me down a long hallway, his henchman staying at the door near the front of the place. Then he opened a door to the side and we walked in.

To one side there rested a big ol' lava lamp that reached the ceiling, giving off a red and yellow glow that was like fire. Around the area was cheetah printed couches and carpets and even a bloody lamp.

Before I could look at anything else, he led me over to the couch and sat down. He picked up a remote and pressed a button and right next to me emerged a pole that went all the way up with its own little podium.

"I'd like to see you light up my world..." he muttered softly, beginning to lay back in the couch.

I could already see my next course of action as I smiled and went near him. I chuckled as I grabbed his polka dot tie and pulled him down to me. "I can do much more than light up your world with a simple pole dance..."

I saw him grin as he caught on to what I was saying. I let him fall back and began to sway my body in front of him, taking off my coat. I saw he was getting mesmerized by these subtle movements and as he was distracted, I began to go for the killer shot in my back pocket. I got closer to him as I popped off the latch that had the needle and began turning him on more and more as I maneuvered my arm and-

"A-" I covered his mouth and pushed him farther into the couch, staring at him right in the eyes as the poison entered his bloodstream. He pushed and shoved but I was stronger as I held him there, simply smiling as he began to get weaker and weaker till...He stopped completely.

I breathed and backed away, brushing away any excess hair that had gotten in my way. 'There. It's done...' I chuckled to myself. "I just were my thousandth victim...what a waste..." I sighed and shook my head as I was about to step out. But...something odd caught my eye.

I paused and looked over to the desk and saw some papers scattered about. On further inspection, I old company name written there. I paled as I picked up the papers, looking over them. I shook my head and stuffed them into my purse. 'I don't have time for this, we have to go.'

I exited the room and went out the hallway, giving the bouncer a smile before heading down the stairs.

When I got down, I was about to look at my watch to see where everyone was when I saw Wilford pop up in front of me. "Are you ok? Are you hurt? Did he touch you???" he asked, concerned as he began looking over me.

I shook my head and stepped back. "No, he didn't, I was fine. I got the job done; let's go." I grabbed his hand and pulled him the way that connected this place to the underground unit.

I felt him shake his head but I didn't bother to ask why as we entered the sewers, I now switching over to a pair of sneakers. The sewers smelled odd but again, it's the sewers, what else was one to expect?

Soon we ran into Dark and Google who weren't that far from the entrance. "Hey, all clear?" Dark asked.

I nodded and then headed off ahead, I no longer holding Wilford's hand. I don't know why Wilford was worried about me-I was fine. Maybe a bit thrown off towards the end but still, I'm not a mor-

I saw a knife heading straight for my face and I quickly dodged it and jumped to the side. "The hell???"


Another slash and another dodge, I looked around for whoever the hell was attacking. "Come out!"

I heard a chuckle blare through the sewers and as I tried to tune in on the source, I felt a blade press against my neck. "Hello th-"

I didn't hesitate as I grabbed the arm and pulled forward, making him come forward and land on the ground in front of me, grunting. He got up quickly before I could really grasp how he looked like and he pushed me up against a wall.

"Huh, so you are a bit of a f-"

I lunged at him and knocked him to the ground, making a grab for his knife. He struggled with me though and tried to push me off.

"Get off of me-"

"Anti???" The man paused and I took that time to take his knife and I nearly gutted him when I felt a pair of arms pull me back. I kept moving the knife I collected from him back and forth and nearly stabbed the one who pulled me back before they took a hold of my wrist and twisted it to the point where I let it go.

I looked back to the man angrily to find it just to be Wilford. "Wilford, give me the knife!"

"No no, everything's ok now," he tried.

"Ok?! He literally just tried to kill me! He's a-"

"Friend," Dark finished.

"...I'm sorry, friend?!?"

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