Ch. 18

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*Lily's POV*

After some discussion with everyone, they felt like it was best just to wait it out until Anti got more information. It was fine though right? We didn't have some big company on our tails that have killed off the best assassins. We had all the time in the world because they could never find us! Everything is alright and the world is at peace, whoopdeedoo! ...

You can tell that I'm being sarcastic, right?

But...the others were being more optimistic. And by others, I meant Wilford. "LILY!!!"

I held my head and muttered to myself-"Oh god what now"-as I opened the door to the pink-stached man. "What?"

He was jumping up and down as he grabbed my hand. "Come on! We're going to play a game!!!"

He pulled forward as I tried to regain my hand back. "Whoa, do I have a say in this???"

He grinned and shook his head, beginning to pull me forward and down the stairs, I trying not to trip. Not that my life held all that much meaning to me but I at least wanted to die from an intense fight or even by my worst enemy-not from falling down a staircase just to play some game with a madman. Doesn't seem fitting for an assassin...

Anyway, he brought me down and the others were already holding these weird black objects with buttons and some protruding...sticks? I couldn't tell but I think these were mostly used by people that were gamers-wait.

He sat me down and handed me one of those objects. "W-Wait-" I tried to object but he pushed me back down.

"No you are not hanging out in your room all day!" Wilford stated, taking an object for himself and pressing the 'X' in the middle of it. He glanced at me and pressed my 'X.' "You're not gonna get away with not playing either," he muttered.

"But, Wilford-" I tried again.

But once again, I was interrupted. "Lily, just play a round. He doesn't take 'no' for an answer," Dark interjected.

"Y-Yes, he will do an-anything to get you to do what he w-wants," Google muttered knowingly.

"I get that but-" Then, the TV had a new screen pop up and it read 'Grand Theft Auto 5' with a few unruly things that you'd probably think would be in an intense action movie of sorts. They quickly scrolled to 'Multiplayer' and continued trying to get things situated.

I stared blankly as 4 screens began to divide each other. In three of the screens, the characters were changing, along with their clothing. The fourth one was just there, looking around mildly.

Wilford nudged my shoulder. "Are you going to pick something?" he asked, looking at the fourth unmoving screen. "You don't have to but make sure to press 'A' throughout to confirm."

I nodded and looked on the object before locating a green 'A.' I pressed down on it and saw a selection for part of the person was made. I continued all the way until it asked for confirmation, which I just decided to give another 'A' to. But then it went backwards.

Confused, I clicked 'A' again and the same question came up. I pressed 'A' and I was brought back. I growled slightly at this. 'Wilford said to press A to confirm and I am. I don't understand.'

I pressed 'A' multiple time, feeling my face getting slightly heated in anger.

I didn't notice this until Dark asked, "Um, everything alright?"

I looked at the other screens and saw they had successfully confirmed. My eye twitched lightly. "I'm trying to confirm but it keeps bringing me backwards," I growled, now pressing 'A' faster.

Wilford blinked and studied my screen. Then, he laughed. "You keep confirming 'Cancel' instead of 'Yes.' Here-" He took the object from me and pressed 'A', moved the top right stick once to the left, then pressed 'A' again. My screen now looked similar to the others as he handed it back.

I messed with the stick curiously, noting I could move that one and the other one closer to the bottom in a circular motion.

I heard him chuckle. "Don't worry-happens all the time," he tried.

I simply stared ahead and watched a small intro till we were all placed next to each other, a map in the middle of all of the screens. I saw what I assumed were their characters moving in all different directions. "Lily, follow me!" Wilford commanded, moving his character to where it was in my screen. I blinked and tried the buttons. The guy on my screen moved his hands oddly. 'Ok, not that.' I tried the top stick and the guy moved forward. Awesome.

I followed Wilford to a point until he took a sharp turn somewhere. Well, when I tried to follow, my character began to run into the wall at an angle instead of turning. "The heck?" I asked more to myself as I tried to fix it, but it didn't want to.

"The camera."

I raised an eyebrow and looked over the object. "The camera??"

He nodded and moved the stick closer to the bottom of the object and my vision moved. "You need it to help direct the character," he explained.

I nodded softly and continued following.

I heard him chuckle. "It's like you haven't ever played a videogame-" He paused, along with his character. Then, he turned to me. "Wait a second..." He blinked. "Have you not played a video game???"

I nod hesitantly.

"H-How? I mean, you are an assassin, you have to have skills that-"

"I never had to target gamers, Wilford," I dismiss.

"No big owner was down for the gamer life?" I shook my head at him. "So, you just never picked up a controller for the fun of it?"

I lifted the object and looked over it. "Is that was these are called? 'Controllers'?"

He nodded and sighed, taking my 'controller' and sitting closer to me. He pointed to various buttons, expressing their base functions and having the character interact with things accordingly.

"Now, the fun thing about this game is that there are no rules. All you have to really do is not get wasted-killed- by criminals or cops or anything of the sort! But, you can do whatever you want. Such as-"

He handed me back the controller, also known as a 'remote' apparently, and took his own. Then, he ran into the street and stopped an incoming car, earning an angry 'HONK!' But he simply grinned and went to the driver's seat, pressing the button the screen demanded and his character opened the door, grabbed the guy, threw the guy out, and Wilford's character got in, now yelling. "Get in!"

I blinked and went to the other side of the car, following instructions to get in.

Then, he took off. "We...we just took a guy's car?" I asked, trying to confirm.

He grinned and nodded. "Yep. And there's plenty of different things you can do too! Killing, exploding things, running from the law, drinking, and-my favorite-stealing military property."

I blinked. "Isn't that supposed to be difficult?"

He nodded. "Barely any of us can get remotely close-well, except Google." He glances over to Google before whispering, "I feel like he cheats a little though."

"I hear-heard that," Google responded, making Wilford shiver.

"R-Right, sorry, heh heh!" Wilford responded, clearly nervous.

I rolled my eyes and looked around to where we were going. It seemed like we were nearing these mountains near the highway. I saw a tunnel up ahead but before we could get close to it, Wilford made a u-turn in THE MIDDLE OF THE FREEWAY and headed up the mountainside, earning many honks from other people in there.

"Wilford!" I yelled at him.

"Whaaat?" he drawled, focusing on staying on the mountain.

"You could've killed us!"

"Pffft, you can't worry about that in a videogame much!" he commented, beginning to go to the peak of the cliff. "Alright, now hold on to your horses."

"My, what?" I saw the way the mountain was formed-it was like a ramp...but on the mountain side. And at the end of it was the military base.

He revved up the car and in the next moment, we were flying down the hillside. I prepared myself to eject in case things went wrong, not wanting to chance dying on the first few minutes of this game.

Our car took off from the edge of the cliff, over the fence, and into the base. He drove on, beginning to drive around to throw off the military but warning me we will have to abandon the car soon before- "GET OUT!" I didn't even question him as we ejected ourselves from the vehicle and took off to the sides as they blew up the car.


"Watch out!" I saw the military men approaching quickly but before I could escape, one made a headshot and my screen read 'WASTED,' my guy falling back in slow motion. "Noooooo!" Wilford cried, quickly trying to get out of the situation himself but he too was taken down. "Damnit!" He chuckled as he reset near me. "Oh well, we can always try again!"

I rolled my eyes.

We went at it for a very long time, trying again and again to get to the vehicles and at one point, we were really close!...but then things went down as we were trying to get in the plane.

In other words: we sucked.

"Are you sure this is even humanly possible?" I muttered to Wilford.

He nodded, pouting. I could tell he was trying to think really hard on how we could do this. "Maybe we could-"

Suddenly, a military helicopter came down near us and we both flinched. "G-Get in, morons," Google commanded, laughing...I never took notice before but Google's laughs actually seemed really close to being human...I wonder if other robots would even be able to understand humans all that well to be called 'brother.'

Wilford got in excitedly on one side and I took place on the other. Then, I found... "Oh ho ho..." I felt myself smirk evilly as I took hold of the machinery. "Ooooo, mama just found herself a new toy!" I commented in an accent I picked up from a visitor from Texas.

Wilford just chuckled and got onto his as well. "Ready when you are Google!"

Let's just say...things got pretty interesting from then on out. So much so that as we were running around in the sky, we were catcalling and saying 'final lines' for anyone who got in our way. And then whenever Google hit an incoming military helicopter with a missile, Wilford and I rang out in joy...


Wilford paused the game, claiming he had to go pee. When he left, I was left with Google, Dark, and my thoughts. I felt my cheeks hesitantly...they were warm...'...But...h-how? That can't-' I saw Wilford and I side by side, laughing. 'That had to be staged, that, that couldn't have been me. How could I-'

"Ha-Having fun?"

I turned to Google who was looking at me with warm head was pounding with confusion. I just curtly nodded and looked away. "I guess," I murmured, coughing a bit to try and lose whatever high I was on. This wasn't me. It couldn't really be me.

I was never meant to be like this. They all told me-

"I'm baaack~" Wilford sung, jumping into the spot next to me. He then unpaused the game and we were thrown back into it, all the while my thoughts running around in all directions. What the hell did this mean? I have never done this-...I gazed at the others who were all intent on the game with their own expressions, seeming to be close despite that being was like we were a team...Am I...actually enjoying this?

I didn't notice anything till I saw the words 'WASTED' drag along my screen. I blinked and tried to remember what happened.

"Awe, they got us!" Wilford whined.

"..." I placed the controller down and got up, walking to my room.

"Lily?" I didn't look back and rather just made it to my room, closed the door, and locked it behind me. I was shaking at this point, trying to figure out what the hell was wrong with me. Why was I like that?! Why was I having fun-that isn't what I was ever meant to do!

I breathed and went over to the bed, sitting down on it. I just...I just need a few minutes.

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