Ch. 17

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*Time Skip to breakfast!*

*Wilford's POV*

Lily and I continued to not make eye contact with each other, every once in awhile catching the other staring.

It was mostly silent till Anti got there with his usual smirk on him. "Top of the mornin' to ya hoes!"

Dark rolled his eyes. "Just sit down Anti."

Anti rolled his eyes and mimicked, "Just sit down Anti. Blah blah blah, I'm the one that runs things around here with my big ol tie and slacks. Everyone should listen to me cause I dress appropriately-"

"Anti..." Dark gave him a death glare in which he returned back.

"Will you two st-stop your little 'Who's better' fiasco a-and sit?" Google asked, clearly annoyed at this point. It was true though-every time these two were near each other they liked to tick the other off.

Anti sat down and instead looked over to Lily with a smirk. "Hello darling~"

I saw her eyes cast daggers at him.

He simply shrugged it off and snickered. He looked over to me. "She's cute isn't she?"

Before I could make him take back that statement, Dark cut in. "Anti. We don't have time for your babble-what is it?"

He hummed before taking out a small file and tossing it to Google, who began analyzing it immediately. "The company after you is called K & C."


*Lily's POV*

Everyone froze up when Anti said what the company was called. Once again, I was out of the loop. "K & C?" I asked, confused at their reactions.

Google spoke up. "K & C is an organization that is centered on ma-making the world a better pl-place. It mostly deals with making its own ver-version of everyday products but better and sometimes even cheaper so people would be more prone to buy it."

"And it's bad because...?"

"Well, overtime it has grown to be one of the largest corporations in America," Dark commented, going for his cup of coffee and taking a large helping of it.

I blinked. "Seriously?"

Wilford nodded. "But I don't understand why they are so adamant on killing you...or me," Wilford commented, scratching his head.

Anti shrugged. "Couldn't get word on that part. All I know is-they tend to clean up any mess before it gets too...complicated."

Google nodded and handed out photos in the file Anti gave him. A number of these photos showed past assassins and other buildings it seemed that were killed or destroyed. "They were the ones in charge of killing Booper Dooper?" I asked. He was known for his large bombs he'd place down at random points, only able to be detected by the voice recording that repeated, "BOOPER DOOPER! BOOPER DOOPER!" left behind after the explosions took place.

Anti nodded. "I know; it's unbelievable. But I haven't been able to find a reason as to why they've been killing them..."

"...But?" Dark asked, staring at Anti skeptically.

Anti smirked as Google handed out another photo of a man. "But, this guy should know something." I reviewed over the photo...

The man had on a pair of glasses that went with his black hair. I couldn't really get many details on his face because the picture was taken from an aerial point of view. Otherwise, he was in a business suit.

"Any reason we can't see his face?" Wilford asked.

Anti shrugged. "No face to share. Couldn't even find a name on him."

"Th-Then how do you know he'll kn-know something?" Google asked skeptically.

Anti simply smirked. "Well, a good buddy of mine makes sure to take attendance of people who repeatedly come to their meetings and speeches and this guy happens to always stand by the stage."

"...That's all you're going after to prove your point?" I asked quietly.

He paused and slowly turned to me, tilting his head. "Got a problem there princess?"

I kept my gaze at him as I said, "No; it's just that you are making a very high rolling guess on someone who could potentially just be a passerby."

He simply smirked back at me. "I can promise my dear, you won't be disappointed." We held a hard gaze at each other before he shrugged and backed off. "You can choose to believe me or not, that's your choice. You asked for info and I got you some. Now since I'm not under surveillance I have to go back to other tasks. But if I get any more info I'll be sure to send Google an email, capeesh?" He got up, downed the coffee, and picked up a piece of toast. He walked out of the kitchen saying, "Thanks for breakfast!" The door then opened and then closed behind him with a loud "BAM!", making the pots that were hanging around clang against each other temporarily.

"..." I looked over to Wilford who looked slightly uneasy. "Is he always like that?" I asked.

He nodded hesitantly. "Yes...he's just a really really erratic person." He tried to eat his toast but as he grabbed it, he accidentally ended up crushing it. He laughed softly at his actions. 'Ok...either he's mad or he doesn't like toast...'

We heard quick movement on the stairs and we looked to see Mark standing in nothing but a towel, his hair freshly wet from what I could assume was a shower. Honestly: wasn't expecting him to have abs. Since, you know, he plays video games for a living...ANYWAY- "Everything alright?" he asked, concerned.

"Yes Mark, everything's just fine..." Wilford muttered, indulging himself in some of the coffee in front of him.

Mark blinked in confusion and then began, "I heard a loud noise-"

"That was Anti," Dark confirmed.

"He usually m-makes a loud exit whene-ever possible," Google commented.

Mark nodded. "Oh...right..." Then his eyes met mine and he quickly covered his chest and turned around. "AAAND I FORGOT THERE WAS ANOTHER LADY IN THE HOUSE!" He took off the best he could up the stairs. "SORRY!" We heard a door slam upstairs.

I snickered softly. "You guys are funny. Don't think I've ever taken a man down with half his body exposed or what?" I asked.

"...In what circumstances...nevermind..." Wilford looked back down to his food.

I shrugged. "I mean bath houses-which do exist still, you just have to know where to look-, err, hotels, clubs, beaches-"

"I um, I think we get it," Dark interrupted but, for what reason, I didn't know.

I shrugged it off and went to go wash my plate. Then I went over to Wilford. "Come on Wil, we gotta go."

"Go?" he asked, looking up.

"You know-me, you, and that 'Hello Kitty' shirt have a date in the backyard, remember?"

I grinned deviously as I saw his eyes look back down. "R-Right...I-I'll go grab that..." He took off to go grab the shirt, leaving me with the other two.

As I heard him moving things around in his room, I looked to the other two seriously. "Is Anti someone I could trust?"

Dark blinked at this but nodded. "He may be a little off but he's a good man that stands by his word; he wouldn't do anything to remotely put us in harms way. He's had multiple chances to do so but hasn't taken us down as you could see."

"He has problems ad-admittedly, but he hasn't g-given us a rea-ason to doubt him," Google commented, taking up any other dishes.

I sighed and nodded as Wilford came down with his shirt. He looked around, confused. "Everything alright?"

I nodded once more and just took his hand, walking off with him to the backyard.

When we made it there I simply sat down on the patio again. "Alright, just lay it on the cement and I'll...I'll get my lighter ready..."

He nodded and set the piece of clothing down. Then...he paused. He turned back to me, reaching for me. "Is everything alright?"

I backed away from his reach lightly and nodded. "Yeah..everything's just...fine..."

I wasn't sure what to call this thing that ran through my very core. It wasn't fear, it wasn't hatred...Gah, there has to be something to define this...

Wilford paused again but this time just took a seat next to me. "...You are probably concerned about the amount of trust we give Anti, aren't you?" he asked softly.

I nodded hesitantly. "I...I know the others say to trust him...but something about him-"

"Gives you the cold shoulder?" I nodded. He sighed. "Yeah, I know. Sometimes he even manages to give me the creeps but...honestly, he hasn't done anything wrong. We've been working together for..." He counted on his fingers. "3 years by now? And in that time span so much has happened that he's kind of become family...even if it doesn't seem like it." He chuckled lightly at his own comment.

Then, he returned his gaze to me. "But he's trustworthy. I'd even go as far as to say that any one of us would trust him with our life." He patted my back softly. "Hopefully one day you will too." He offered a shy smile which I only offered in return a nod.

This 'one day' prospect...getting used to that man would probably take months, if not years. But...if Wilford believed that it could happen...then maybe it could.

I flicked on the lighter and gazed into the blazing depths of it. "...Alright Wilford. Any last words?" I muttered softly.

He shook his head and looked away as I touched the edge of the shirt with fire.

Ah, was one of those things that could deal both warmth and also extreme amounts of destruction. It's attitude changed often as well. Maybe at first you find it to be loving, inviting. Then, in the next moment, it could be the one leading you to be on your deathbed.

Fire was something that can only be contained so much. Sure, you have fireplaces and little containers that'll keep it to itself. But then when fire comes in contact with something a bit more...large, there's no telling how far it'll manifest. It could run from a few feet to this huge conflagration that has taken down a whole forest because people didn't listen to that damn bear.

...Anti kind of reminded me of fire. How out of order he odd he seemed to be. How every time I interact with him is different because of his mood swings. He could change from a loud and obnoxious beast to a flirting bastard within moments...but...just like fire, he shouldn't be trusted to stay in one place...

After a few moments of watching the flame, I sighed and got up. I began to stomp out the flame, really only having it burn maybe an eighth of the bottom. I felt Wilford's eyes on me as I picked it up and handed it back to him. "Here."

He blinked as he took it back. "You don't want to burn all of it?"

I simply shrugged. "Isn't really all that much fun when you are burning something..." I shook off my ending thought. "Nevermind."

There was silence held between us momentarily.

Then, I fake coughed and headed for the door. "I'm gonna go continue to get ready. See you later Warfstache."

I entered the house and as I went upstairs, I could feel my brain trying to rack why in the hell it was about to say 'that someone you care about cares about.' I...I don't actually care for these people, right? Am I still trying to fill a role? Or...

I shook my head. No, even the doctors told me that there was never a chance that I would be normal...this is just has to be...


*Wilford's POV*

I waited outside for a few minutes as the sun was getting brighter outside. '...I have to say, that woman has many interesting points surrounding her...not even her current actions seem to match her personality...' I grinned to myself. 'I think she was about to say she cared about me!'

I got up and smiled. 'I'll get to her soon enough. Once I know more about her then we could really begin stirring the pot!' I giggled excitedly as I entered the house again.

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