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A.N. Hey guys! Thank you so much for supporting and enjoying the story! I'm really happy that you all are enjoying it and so, I decided to post a little early! Enjoy! ^^

*Lily's POV*

Today started off like any other day really. Well, I guess if you don't find waking up, showering and dressing to be normal. Soon enough I had made my way into the dining room but found no one was up. But...all of the lights were on.

'What's going on?'

I began to go around to see if anyone was there. "Hello? Helllllooooo?"

Strange. No one was there. And it was ridiculously quiet, not even a mouse was stirring...Scratch that, the air conditioner seemed to be fully in function. It's so weird how it adds to the conjunction- "WAIT A BLOODY DAMN SECOND! AUTHOR!!!!"

A.N. Yes?

"Why the hell is the text rhyming?? And why are we referencing things from Christmas???"

A.N. Just go with it!

"Wh-" I growled and continued to look around. "I swear if anything weird happens-"

Suddenly, a large man hopped into view and scared me. I raised my gun quickly but only found that my gun had been replaced with a bunny rabbit. "What the-??"

I quickly let go of the bunny and looked over to the man, only to find... "Dark?!"

Dark nodded, his little bunny ears slightly drooping over his head. "Good morning Lily." Not only did he have bunny ears, he was wearing mostly white and yellow, not even matching his accessories!

"Why-Why are you wearing bunny ears?!"

"I'm not wearing them-they've always been there. Haven't you noticed?"

"I think I would've noticed if you had bunny ears."

Dark huffed and rolled his eyes, beginning to scratch one of the large ears.

"Anyway...Where are the others?"

"Around. Hopefully your sight is much better for those without cute bunny ears!" Dark hopped away and out of sight to another part of the house. I soon discovered as well that he also had a tail on his rear............

'I'm not gonna even bother asking...'

I walked around further until I reached Mark's recording room. But, that was where I made my mistake. Because inside the room, Mark stood there in nothing but his tighty whities, posing in front of the camera. "GROSS!!!!"

Before Mark could look my way, I quickly closed the door and shivered.


I heard the door wiggling and I scampered off with the speed of a cheetah.

I hid behind the couch, scared for what could happen if he found me. Then, that's when I heard a small voice call, "H-Hey."

I blinked and looked over to see- "AHHHHHH!!!!!" I threw myself back as the child-Google-THING made its way over.

"Wh-Why are y-you scared M-Ms. Lily?" he asked in a cute little robotic voice. WHY IS THE WRITING SAYING CUTE?!?



A.N. *eating popcorn*

I gasped. "You little-"

"M-Ms. Lily? A-Are you alright?" Google asked, tilting his head.

I nodded, shaking my head. "Yeah yeah I'm alright...Why are you a child?!"

"I-I've always been one M-Ms. Lily..."

"And the stutter?"

"H-Have trouble computing speech a-at points," he commented shyly, scratching the back of his head.

"I see........." I got up. "I'm just gonna...." I bolted out of there, not wanting to have to be in charge of a little Google. I'm sorry but I'm not a parent of ANY sort!

I ran until I reached outside but, to my surprise it was already evening. "How the heck??"

I shook my head, already tired of all this anyway. As I stepped forward, I saw a dark figure form in front of me. I blinked and backed away, only to find it smirk and disappear again. Then, I felt my back press against something and someone whisper, "Hello there Lily~"

I yelped and turned, seeing.... "Wilford?!?"

Wilford chuckled, moving his hair to the side. "Hello there Lily. My, you look so pale. How come? Cat got your tongue?" He began to approach my and I realized not only his body had changed but he was also half naked and wearing a bunch of dark clothes! How in the fudge-

He took my arm and brought me against him without warning. I wanted to move. I wanted to get away...but...his eyes....They...They were

He smirked some and began to bend down towards me. I closed my eyes some, feeling something unreal happening throughout me. I could nearly feel him against my lips as he spoke.


I paused and when I opened my eyes, I found myself in my bedroom again. I blinked and breathed. "Oh thank god that was just a dream."

I heard the door open and saw Wilford in dark clothing, Dark in bunny ears, and Google close to the ground. "Morning!"

"AHHHHHH!!!!" I fell off the bed and quickly ran to the restroom.


*Author's POV*

"...Is she afraid of rabbits or something?" Dark asked.

Wilford shrugged. "Maybe. She hasn't ever mentioned it though."

Google stood up. "I wonder why she ran..."

Mark yawned and made his way over in nothing but his tighty whities. "Hey guys."

"Ew Mark! Really?" Wilford asked.


"Why?" Dark asked, shaking his head.

"Well I don't usually play games with pants on."

"Without a shirt this time either Mark?" Google questioned.

Mark paused. "...OH MY GOD-KATHRYN!!!!!" He ran back down the stairs.

Dark and Google rolled their eyes while Wilford giggled.

A.N. ....................So..............Happy April Fools people! X'D Love y'all, byeeeeeeeeeee (This won't be part of the actual story line, this was purely for shits and giggles C'X

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