Ch. 22

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*When they got home*

*Wilford's POV*

I parked the car in the driveway, staring at my wheel. I had felt so much fear in my heart when I saw her like that. Saw the way he was talking to her, saw the way her face changed from calm to confused. I saw the way he was simply smirking at her and I couldn't stand it.

Right when the lights came out I grabbed her from him and took her out of there, her not really paying any attention. She seemed lost throughout the whole car ride as well, as though she couldn't grasp what just happened herself. I wanted to ask if she was ok but, I had to wait until we made it to the house.

I had to wait till we got home.

I was about to look over to her when I saw the door suddenly close, her walking out and into the house...I guess Mark just left it open.

I exited out of the car along with the others and they looked over to me with a questionable look.

"What happened?" Dark asked.

I shook my head and looked to the house. "I...I don't know. She's been off ever since I guess her cover was blown..."

I couldn't get myself to move. I couldn't get myself to follow her.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and I looked over to Google. He stared at me with a firm grip. "Wilford. Go to her. Now."

I felt my limbs come back to me as I nodded, heading into the house.

I passed by the kitchen where Mark was. He was checking to see if things were alright but I didn't answer as I went upstairs.

I saw the door was closed but before I could attempt to open it, I began to hear...banging. Something bashing against something else, along with growling. Eventually, the growling turned to roaring and it became more prominent that she was hitting something...

I didn't know what to do or if her door would be open this time so I waited. I waited until the bashing stopped. I waited for the roaring to be over...I waited...and waited...

Eventually, it did stop and the only sound I could hear was heavy breathing.

Hesitantly, I knock on the door. "Lil?"

"What?!" was the response.

I was hesitant to respond, knowing that with most women, it wasn't good to try and pry at them when they were in a bad mood.

But...Lily wasn't most women.

"C-Can I come in? Please?"

There was a pause. Then, with a soft 'Click,' she unlocked the door...but didn't open it.

I took one last breath before grabbing the door handle and turning it slowly. I entered, not looking at her as I gently closed the door behind me.

Then, I raised my eyes to meet hers. There was a burning rage subsiding within them along with something else I couldn't comprehend as I hastily looked away. eyes caught her hands and I blinked, making sure that my eyes weren't deceiving me. He hands were red and seemed to be bruised along with some blood residing around them. "L-Lil, y-your hands!"

She looked down at them blankly, as though she couldn't feel any pain or was even slightly worried about the ordeal.

I quickly left without saying a word, running over to the nearest bathroom and grabbing the basket of medical supplies there. Then, I came back to see her still staring somewhat blankly. I shook my head and grabbed her wrist softly, trying to be careful not to touch any of the wounds on her as I led her to her bed.

As I was cleaning the wound, questions seem to just flow out like water going along a steady stream. "Why did you do this to yourself? You can really hurt yourself..." I looked up at her and as I did, not only did I notice she wasn't looking at me but there was a hole behind her in the wall.

"...Did you make that hole with your hands?" I sighed. "You need to be more careful Lil. You should've told me if you needed to punch something, I would've gotten you gloves..."

Throughout my ramblings though, she wasn't responding. I looked up to her at one point. "Lily..."


I sighed and finished bandaging them up. She just continued looking down at her hands, not even saying 'Thank you' or anything...just being silent.

"Lil..." I muttered, beginning to take her hands into my own softly, making sure to not be too tight.

But she didn't bother to look up still...

"Lil," I tried again, feeling my voice slightly strain.

Still, nothing.

"Lily, to me," I nearly cried out.

She looked away from our hands, saying nothing.

I felt tears begin to fill my eyes. Without thinking, I grabbed her face with one hand, making her face look to me. "Lily, please. Don't ignore me. I want to help. I want to be here for you..."

Her eyes stared into my own temporarily before looking to the side.

I...I didn't have any more strength in me. I...I blanked out some and before I knew it, my forehead collided softly onto her shoulder and I wrapped my arms around her, tears flowing more smoothly now as I begged, "Please...Please...Please..." 'Please let me in...I love you...'


*Lily's POV*

I stared at his figure as he cried onto my shoulder. I couldn't I wouldn't move...

He shouldn't be crying like this...he has no reason to do so...

So why the hell is he?!

I watched as his figure began shaking some and the pain within my chest began to swell.

What could I do to stop this?! First I feel this rage burning in me and now I feel pain??? Why was I feeling this?! Why wouldn't it stop??? What's wrong with me???

I heard him sniffle. I knew that he wouldn't stop this if I just let him be...

To satisfy him, I hesitantly wrapped my arms around his figure. As I did this...I felt my face become really heated. And with eyes began to sting. As they stung, I felt something wet begin travelling down my face.

'Am I...Am I...'

I felt my breathing shift as I began to cry onto his shoulder, holding onto him tightly. Before I knew it, I was shaking just as he was and as I did this, I felt him begin to rub my back gently and muttering different things such as, "It's going to be ok...don't cry...I'm'll be ok...I'm with you now..."

I couldn't control it as whatever it was poured out of me.

By the time the tears stopped flowing, my face was warm to the touch and Wilford's shirt was really wet. But...I felt less enraged...


I didn't want to let him go...

I felt him begin to move and I held onto him. "Don't."

I felt him pause but nod. "Ok...w-we can talk when you're comfortable, ok Lil?"

I nodded softly into his shoulder. "Ok Wil..."


*Wilford's POV*

We sat there together, silently hugging one another. She didn't want me to let her go...why, I didn't know...but I knew she needed me...I just had to wait...

I don't know how long we were like that but eventually, she tapped my back softly and began pulling away and I followed in suite.

We both looked down at first before looking up at one another...her face was still a little red and it was as though her face couldn't figure out what to express...her eyes were a little pink as well, but only a little...

We stared at one another for what seemed like ages, staring into each other's eyes as though it would give us all of the answers that we wanted to know. That if we just sat there, we'd find out what made the world turn, why we were there, and why she was upset...

But...that's just not life, is it?

Her eyes slowly looked away from mine and we shared some more silence...

Then, hesitantly, I spoke up. "Lil?"

She glanced back over to me. "Yeah, Wil?" she slightly strained. She softly covered her mouth, as though surprised of the way she sounded.

...I took a hold of her hands then and placed them in my own. "...Do you want to talk about it, Lily?"


*Lily's POV*

I stared at him as he suggested this little task. Did he think that such a thing would actually help me?

I shook my head, looking away. "...Do you trust me?" he asked.

...I nodded hesitantly.

"..." He took my face softly to look at him again. "Then you know I wouldn't suggest something that would hurt you, right?"

Again, I nodded.

"...Talking it out will help you...and also me..."

I blinked at this. 'Help me and him?...'

His other hand gripped a little more firmly on my own. "Please..."

I stared at him for sometime, trying to read his eyes for anything, anything at all...but there was only care lingering there in those eyes and sincerity dripping in his voice...

I sighed but nodded. "...Alright..." I thought about what I'd say but...nothing wanted to come up. I couldn't even form thoughts. Unbelievable.

"...Can't find words?" I shook my head. He paused in thought. "...I'll be back..." He took off and was gone for a couple of minutes.

Then, he came back with something in his hands. He sat down next to me and placed one of his Warfies in my hand. I stared at it, then at him. "I don't-"

"I know. I just...I just know that you speak more freely on often say the most interesting things on it as well," he muttered, chuckling.

I blinked at this. Although I had gotten better over the past couple of weeks as well, he has never mentioned this...but...

I knocked it back and swallowed it. After a little while, the effects took hold again but weren't as bad as the first or second time...

I breathed and closed my eyes for a moment or so before opening them again and seeing Wil popping one in his mouth as well.

"Now...I'll run down some questions and you just answer whatever you feel comfortable answering, ok?" I nodded softly. He breathed. "...Why did you punch a hole into the wall?"

I looked over to the wall. "I...I felt something within just making me want to beat something and...well...the wall wouldn't break so...I just kept at it."

"Well, that would be Google's fault. He reinforced a lot of things in the house and I guess the walls was just one of them." He chuckled softly and I sort of smiled. It was certainly better than him crying...He rubbed my hands gently before asking, "What happened back there? With that man?"

I blinked and sighed, looking down. "He...He knew who I was, Wilford...he knew I was with you guys, he's just...he's just known. I don't even know if we're even safe here Wil. I don't think it's even safe to be around-"

"Woah, woah, slow it down. Breathe."

I hadn't even noticed that I was talking faster. I breathed and let it go, closing my eyes and then looking back up to him.

"You ok?" I nodded some. " you think he knows you? In what way?"

I shook my head. "I don't know...what's worse is I got the feeling that he knew about me...more than I knew myself...and because of that, he wanted to use me in some way that makes keeping me alive worthwhile!"

"...Hey." He made me look up to him. "He doesn't know everything about you. He just wants to incite fear into your heart...into your worrying mind," he commented, tapping my forehead. "But he can't know everything. Hell, I've been with you for a few weeks by now and I still don't know everything about you!"

I smiled softly at this.

He smiled softly as well. "He has nothing on us. We are unpredictable and crazy, meaning there could be nothing he could hold on us. We are a team and through that, we stick together. We help each other and there is nothing that will stop that. I will always be here with you, just as the others. We are...a family."

Although none of those sentences really made sense being together, that last part struck some sort of cord. '...Family, huh...' I thought about my original family and felt cold...

He held me close again suddenly, as if by doing that, it would tie that knot. Seal it and make that phrase true...

...And he felt warm...

Hesitantly, I wrapped my arms around him and held him close. "...Thank you, Wil..."

"...Anything for you, Lil..."

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