Ch. 21

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*Wilford's POV*

Lily-or shall I say Lil- and I walked through the doors together. Heh, together...that's a good word. Together, being near or in the proximity of another...I looked over to her. Yep.


I blinked, breaking from my thoughts. "Y-Yeah?"

"Could you concentrate? We have a mission you know."

I nodded, chuckling nervously. "Sorry. Spaced out."

She shook her head. "Well space man, please come back to Earth at least for now, alright?" I nodded and we began to look around the area. This Kevin guy was pretty normal looking in the least sense as far as we could tell. It would be a little difficult to actually get to him really-

Lil took my arm and nodded in a certain direction. I looked in the direction and saw he was talking to another associate. 'Huh, I guess it wasn't that hard.'

She pulled me in a different direction to talk. "Alright, how should we do this?" she asked lowly, looking around some.

I blinked. "Never extracted someone?"

She shook her head. " Not without killing them...and I think this one we need to keep alive."

I chuckled softly and looked around. "Well..." I thought to myself. "I don't think we'll be able to get him out of here really...but maybe we can watch him and see what he does, pick up any information by passing him by."

She nodded, looking over to him. "Well, let's hope he's a bit of a chatterbox like you..."

My eye twitched as she just chuckled. Maybe I've gotten too close to her at this point...

We began walking around, maintaining a close distance to him. Seemed that he was mostly muttering to himself; likely had bluetooth or something. But, we weren't catching anything important.

Lily groaned in annoyance. "This feels like I'm back in the CIA..."

I blinked. "Really?"

She nodded. "They often just sent us to get intel but, oftentimes all we got was a whole lot of nothing..." She shook her head and thought to herself. "Well...let's try something else, shall we?"

I looked over to her, tilting my head. "What?"

She smirked softly and as a waiter passed by, she grabbed a drink and began going over to 'Kevin.'

'What the hell is she doing?!' Before I could stop her, I could see the little 'accident' she caused.

*Lily's POV*

"Oh I'm so sorry!" I cried out in a slightly remorseful tone as he looked at me, annoyed.

He seemed to pause only momentarily before taking out a rag, shaking his head. "It's fine ma'am."

I shook my head. "Here, let me help with that."

He held up a hand. "No. It's fine."

I sighed. "Well, at least let me offer to get you something. I kind of just ruined your suite."

He seemed to pause as he was trying to sop up as much as he could with the rag. Then, he looked up to me with those reflective glasses of his, fixing them. "...Alright."

I smiled lightly and offered my hand. "I'm Karen."

He took it, smiling only a little. "Kevin."

I nodded and led him over to the bar. We got drinks and began talking casually as the man at the stage began talking to who I assumed were possible investors.

Kevin motioned over to it. "Are you an investor or a curious customer?"

I chuckled lightly, looking down. "Well, just a 'curious customer.' How about yourself?"

He rolled his drink around in his hand. "I guess you can call me an investor. It just depends on one's definition."

I nodded. "That is true..." I gazed down at my drink, trying to think about how to pose my next few questions.

But I wasn't even given the chance. "Listen, Karen, was it?" I nodded, looking up to him, noticing he was looking directly into my far as I could tell. Those glasses didn't enjoy showing his eyes at all...

He rolled his drink once more. "As you are a customer, I'd like to ask you a few questions."

I nodded. "Shoot."

I saw he smirked some before asking, "Tell me, how would you feel if...only K & C products were in all of the stores?"

I blinked and raised an eyebrow. "That wouldn't happen though..."

He chuckled knowingly. "I know but, it's just a 'hypothetical' question. Entertain me a bit." He took a small sip of his drink.

I squinted slightly at this and shrugged. "What would there be to think about? If I need something then I'd just have to buy from them-no questions about it."

He hummed, nodding. "I see...How about...if we took over the entire selling industry?"

Once again I blinked and pretended to laugh. "Are you joking?"

He shook his head. "It's just a question Karen. Answer it." Although he said it casually, I could tell there was some sternness.

I looked away. "Well...then we'd have no where else to turn to than to K & C. It's not rocket science. But it's not-"

"Possible?" I nodded and he smirked, drinking some. "Well...what if there was a way?"

I raised an eyebrow. "...What?"

His voice got lower. "A way for us to take over the whole industry. To get advanced in so many ways that the world would have to buy from us."

I shook my head. "No, because there would be competition."

He paused. "And what if there was a way to just...make that competition go away?" I sensed danger and tried to maneuver away but he grabbed my wrist, pointing a gun at me. "I'd sit back down and listen, Lily Mason."

My face faltered. 'Crap.'

*Wilford's POV*

I watched from far away, being sure to keep an eye on them. I didn't trust this plan. I trusted Lil but Kevin...something about him...

At some point, I could see Lily's face get confused but, for what reason wasn't certain. I kept watching and saw that he had grabbed her wrist and had a gun pointed at her. 'CRAP!'

I began talking into my watch. "Google? Dark? We have a situation!"

"What now?" Dark asked.

"I think Kevin knows about us-we need the lights turned off, now!"

I heard Dark and Google conversing. "Alright, just get ready. We'll only be able to turn off the lights for 3 minutes before the generators come back on."

I nodded, looking over to Lily to see the man leaning in more and her face become more grim. 'Just hold on Lily!'

*Lily's POV*

I held still as this man began talking to me again. "I know exactly who you are my dear. Do you think I'm that stupid?" he asked, laughing lowly. I needed to get out of this situation. "You haven't been very good lately, have you?"

I scrunch my eyebrows with some confusion. "What do you-"

"You were supposed to kill that man," he growled. "You were supposed to kill him and then go off quietly. But instead, you got yourself captured and now are doing petty things like this. You aren't safe Ms. Mason. You are anything but safe." He gripped my wrist tighter and I held my glare at him.

"Then why are you keeping me alive?" I asked lowly.

He smirked. "Well, the author doesn't want you dead yet."

I blinked. "What?"

He shook his head and chuckled. "I need you to do something for me sweetheart~ And to do that, you need to be alive."

Before he could say what he needed to happen, the lights suddenly went out. He loosened his grip slightly and I felt someone begin to attempt to tug me away.

Before he released his grip on me though, he muttered, "See you soon."

Whoever was pulling on me finally got me away from him and we took off, I looking back to him to see him still staring in our direction with those reflective glasses...grinning.

When we finally exited the building and made it into the car, I finally noticed it was just Wilford who pulled me out. He didn't say anything though as he messily pulled out of the parking lot and began taking off to the house.

I stayed quiet throughout the car ride till we made it home. I was trying to figure the guy out. I should've known he would know how I looked if he knew my name. If he had me targeted. Why was I being so precarious?! It would've been my damn fault if I had died because of that move.

Before Wilford could even attempt to ask me anything, I excused myself and went upstairs, locking myself in my room. I couldn't control whatever I was feeling right now. What the hell was this?! I feel like I want to rip out my hair, take out my knife and stab something, yell out!

I growled and punched a wall with all my might, only indenting it some. Somehow, this only made it worse.

I began punching at the wall more and more, feeling myself begin to roar in anger until at one point, my fist made it through the wall. I breathed heavily as I backed away from the wall, glaring at it.

Then...there was a small knock on the door. "Lil?"

Through my haze, I growled, "What?!"

He paused. "C-Can I come in? Please?"

I glared towards the door. I approached it and unlocked it, backing away.

Wilford opened the door slowly and entered, softly closing it behind him. He hesitantly looked over to me, meeting my eyes. Then, as he was about to say something, his eyes looked down and blinked. "L-Lil, y-your hands!"

I stared down at them blankly, noticing how red they had gotten along with some bleeding. Before I could say anything, the door opened again and Wilford ran out. He came back in with a little basket of medical supplies, closing the door behind him. Then, he took me by the wrist and sat me down next to him on the bed.

I stared as he was cleaning the wounds and bandaging me up, muttering things like, "Why did you do this....Did you...You need to be more careful...Lil..."

Throughout this, I didn't bother to comment. By the time he was done, my hands were feeling slight relief compared to the rest of me. To say the least-they were the calmest at this point.

I stared down at them, envying their now neutral nature. "Lil..." he muttered, holding my hands softly.

I didn't look up to him, keeping my eyes to my-...our hands...

"Lil," he tried once more, a little more strain in his voice.

Still, I refused to look up to him.

"Lily, to me," he cried out softly.

I looked away from our hands and to the side. I couldn't look at him and I didn't want to speak to him.

Then, I felt him grab my face and turn me to face him to see his eyes "Lily, please. Don't ignore me. I want to help. I want to be here for you..."

I stared to the side, not being able to stand the sight of him crying. I felt...pain in my chest. A pain that spread throughout me and made me feel...ugly.

Then...I felt his forehead fall gently onto my shoulder and his arms wrap around me. "Please...Please...Please..."

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