Ch. 20

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A.N. Really quick, I just wanted to send a thank you everyone's way for all the encouragement. It really, really means a lot to me and has been pushing me forward. Thank you...:3

*Time Skip!*

*Lily's POV*

It has been about a month or so since we've been living with Mark and Wilford has not let me have a SINGLE moment to myself. He's always been around me: from the moment I wake till the moment I sleep, he hasn't left my side. He still has this idea that I can change! But I just can't! He doesn't get it, and if this continues any longer, I'm going to-


I glared at the door, already knowing who would be on the other side. "I'm getting ready Wilford!" I yelled.

But, Wilford wasn't the one at the door. "I-It's not Wil-ilford. It's Google. I w-was coming u-up to s-say that A-Anti is back."

I blinked. 'Finally!' "Alright, I'll be down in a few." I quickly got ready and exited out of the room.

I made my way to the kitchen to see Anti and Dark were chatting casually, as though they weren't just trying to kill each other off a couple of weeks ago.

Right. Anti was like fire.

Everyone was there besides Mark, who was off recording his new little project...scratch that, one more person was missing. And that was-


We all looked behind me to find a really drained looking Wilford with a very much used hanky in front of him, sniffling. "G-Good mo-or-ah-ah-ACHOO!" He sneezed into the hanky and I saw some gunk fly off of it. I was reminded of the booger faced boy as I quickly grabbed some napkins from behind me and handed it to him.

He nodded a small 'thank you' and sat down, I following after him.

"Awe, is Pinky sick today?" Anti asked, as though he couldn't see the ill man himself.

Wilford didn't reply as I asked, "What have you got?"

He giggled. "Want to get straight to the point, huh? Not slow to get some relief?"

"Anti, really?" Dark commented, laughing softly as though it was some inside joke.

But I wasn't really amused as I held a glare at him. "Well, I have a better idea of the guy in the picture. He's the guy named Kevin that sent me after you."

"...Really?" I asked.

He nodded. "Yep. And I have some intell about where he's going to be located throughout the week but..."

"But?" Google questioned.

"Well...the places are kind of difficult to get in and out of." He pressed something on his own little watch and I saw Google get whatever was sent. Then, it was sent and each of us received an email filled with locations and times.

Wilford wasn't paying much attention though. Actually...I looked over to him and noticed that his face had made contact with his plate and he was actually picking up bits of egg into his nose. I sighed and tilted his head to the side so that he wouldn't stop breathing.

I looked over the locations as the others talked. "Mostly public? Couldn't grab anything outside of this schedule?" Dark asked calmly.

Anti sighed. "Nope. This guy was really difficult to track-even less find a schedule. I had to request a lot of favors to get even remotely close to this guy! But, if you go here on these days, then you're sure to run into the guy." Anti ate some of the food in front of him.

"What are your sources like?" I asked quietly.

He paused and looked over to me. "My sources are to be trusted. They haven't failed me once in the years I've worked with them if that is what you're asking."

"Yes but like the Phil Bros, anyone can be convinced if their getting paid a little-"

Before he could take hold of my neck, I grabbed his wrist and slammed it down onto the table and nearly put a knife into his hand, in the process waking up the food-faced Wilford. If he hadn't grabbed my wrist, he would be bleeding out. Anti and I glared at each other, I not letting go of his other hand. Then, he smirked. "I could see why anyone would want to make sure she was dead. A little annoying, aren't you sweetheart?"

I began to dig my nails into his skin, annoyed. "Call me that again, I dare you. Give me a reason to slit that throat of yours-"

"That's enough." We looked over to see Google glaring at the both of us with red eyes. "Let go of each other and sit down. There's no need to fight among friends."

Anti grinned and let me go. "Of course not. Not when you have problems of your own..." Anti tapped on my watch and opened up the picture of the guy once more, a better image than last. "He should be the one to get that glare of yours, not I...but-" His voice lowered as his eyes seemed to darken. "-I'd love to see those eyes roll back in the bedroom..."

I cringed in disgust as I looked away and sat down, not even wanting to get a comment thrown back at this...beast.

I felt a hand touch me and found it to be Wilford, whose face was slightly flushed. Gah, he was probably running a fever or something... I shook my head. 'Maybe I could at least use him as a means to get away from this bastard.' I got up. "I'm gonna take Wilford to his room. He doesn't have any right to be down here with his current condition."

"I-I'm fine though! I-I-I-!" He sneezed and as he was going to retrieve his old hanky, I grabbed a napkin and put it in his hand, proceeding to grab another one in the process and take him by hand to his room.

Once again, his room was noticeable by the big pink letters he had on his door-I swear, does he just remake the letters everywhere he goes? Anyway-

I got him into the room and saw all around there were tissues on the ground. I retracted my nose back in disgust. "Wilford...Really?"

He chuckled softly. "S-Sorry. I-I really thought it was-was-was-" He sneezed into his napkin, making it already filled with more boogers. I sighed and set him on the bed, going to his bathroom to grab a bag and pick up his...snot-filled tissues. "Lily-"

"No, these are not staying on the ground for the duration of your sickness Warfstache," I growled, making sure to pick up each and every last one till his floor was clean of them. Then, I placed the bag by his side so that he'd have a place to put his trash when he was done. I even bothered to open up a new box of tissues for him.

"Th-Thank you, Lily," he uttered, smiling weakly with his hair all over his head. He couldn't even fix that this morning, huh?

I chuckled weakly and fixed his hair with my hand. "God Wilford, you're a mess, aren't you?" When I didn't hear him respond, I asked, "Wilford?" I looked to his face to see his eyes were closed softly.

When he felt I wasn't moving, he opened his eyes softly to look up to me. He blinked. "H-Hm? D-Did you say something?" he asked, worried that he might've missed something.

I just shook my head and removed my hand from his hair. "No, it's ok. I was just saying how you weren't being your normal self."

He chuckled lightly and nodded. "W-Well, I can't help it if I'm sick..."

I smiled. "Oh no, the Warfstache has been taken out by a small cold!"

"Shut up..." he muttered, pouting. "You don't get sick?"

"Not really...I think I have these really low moments but those happen only once or twice a year. And I usually recover pretty quickly," I bragged. After years of perfecting the system, I never really had to go to doctors or get medicine that couldn't be accessed by local stores in the large packs.

We heard a door "SLAM!" and I assumed that Anti had finally left. I breathed and closed my eyes. "Wanted him gone?"

I looked over to Wilford. "Today? Yes. You should've heard what he suggested to me. Saying he'd like to see my eyes roll back in the bedroom-I mean, the hell? And I'm supposed to get along with that creep?!"

He blinked. "He said what now?" he asked, trying to focus more.

"Sex Wilford, he suggested that we should have sex so that he could see me doing something-" I shivered in utter disgust and closed my eyes. "He's so freaking weird!"

He sighed and placed a hand on my own. "I'm sorry I was too weak to catch that...Otherwise I would've, I would've, I-" Before he had the chance, I stuffed a tissue onto his face and he sneezed. He thanked me before continuing, "I would've put an end to that. He has no right treating a lady like you like that..."

I nodded and smiled lightly. "Thanks...but I feel like I just need to give that bugger a good punch in the face and then maybe we'd be even."

He began laughing and I laughed some too, even though I was being serious. But it was nice to hear him laugh...

'...It was nice?...That's just a basic human function to do: to laugh. How can a laugh be 'nice'? There wasn't even anything special about it other than coming from-'


I looked over to him. "Hm?"

He chuckled softly. "I had asked a question but I guess you were lost in your thoughts seems like you have been doing that more often everything alright?" he asked with mild concern.

I nodded. "As alright as it can be Wilford."

He stared at me a moment longer before nodding softly and blowing some more boogers into another tissue. "As I was saying, I was wondering if you wanted to buddy up again to go confront this 'Kevin' person."

I blinked at him and threw skeptical eyes his way. "In your current condition?"

He shook his head. "No, dear god no. But whenever I'm better, which will hopefully be soon, may-may-may-" he sneezed into his napkin. "Ugh." He shook his head. "Maybe we can go find him together."

"...Only if you get better. Otherwise, I'm gonna leave you here with Google and Dark and I will go after him."

He nodded, smiling with soft brown eyes. Even though he was sick, he was still managing to keep smiling...weirdo...

I guess I was staring for too long because he asked, "Are you sure you're ok?"

I nodded and rolled my eyes, pushing him back onto the bed. "I'm find you weirdo. You need to get some rest though if you plan on getting better anytime soon," I berated as kindly as I could but still with some sternness to get the point across.

He pouted. "But I don't want to sleep!"

My eye twitched out of annoyance. "If you don't sleep-" I pulled out the covers from underneath his body "-you won't get better. And if you don't get better-" I placed them over his body "-then you and I can't go get Kevin together." I began to tuck him in, making sure that it was tight and snug. I stood up once more with my hands on my hips, staring down at him. "Understand?"

He nodded, smiling. "Thanks, 'Mom'."

My eye once again twitched. "I'm not 'mom', I'm Lily."

"Yeah, I know. But you sure are acting like one! You even tucked me in-OW!" I smacked him on his forehead, not too hard but at the same time not too soft.

"I'm not your mom and I'm only doing this so you can feel better you moron."

He huffed lightly and I could see he was in thought.

"What now?" I asked.

"I want to give you a nickname!" he exclaimed, making me flinch back a little.

"A nickname?"

He nodded. "I mean, we've been working together for so long! By now you should have a nickname!"

I blinked at this. "Do you give Dark and Google nicknames?"

His smile faltered slightly and he attempted to move his arm to likely scratch the back of his head, but failed as the sheets were too tight. "Err...I feel like their names are enough to describe them, don't you?" I nodded. I mean, you can't really describe Dark being anything but 'dark' and Google's system is literally maintained by Google!

He began humming to himself in deep thought. "How about...Flower?"

"...I think my name speaks enough about a damned flower," I growled, annoyed.

He chuckled softly. " about Cute But Deadly?"

I laughed. "Wilford, I thought this was supposed to be a nickname, not a phrase!"

He giggled. "Well, it sure did get you to laugh at least..." He hummed in thought further. Then, his eyes lit up in excitement. "OH! I got one!" I stared at him to share his thought. "How about Lil?"

"...Wilford, if that is a short joke I swear to god-"

"No no no no no no! Look: The first three letters of my name are W-i-l, right?" I nodded. "And the first three letters of your name are L-i-l, right?"


"Well, WE CAN BE KNOWN AS WIL AND LIL!" I could tell he wanted to move his arms but again, they were encased in the blankets.

"...You're not very good at this, are you?" I asked, smiling.

He pouted and looked sad. "You don't like it?"

"Well of course I-..." I caught his sad gaze and my voice was cut off. 'The hell?' But as I kept staring into his eyes, I told him, "Stop that."

He blinked but continued, tilting his head to the other side. "Stop what?"

"Looking at me like that."

I knew he was up to something as he asked, "Like what?"

I growled at him. "I mean it!"

"And I mean it too! What are you talking about?" I could tell a little grin wanted to crawl onto his lips.

I wanted to choke him or suffocate him with a pillow but I couldn't bring myself to do so. Instead, I punched him in the arm. "I'm serious!"

"I'll stop if I get to call you Lil."


"Then I won't stop~"

I growled and face palmed. "Fine..." I muttered through my hand.

I could hear his shout of joy as he once again tried getting up but failed. "You kind of tucked me in tight, huh?"

"Well of course-you are supposed to be sleeping, not moving." 'And not talking preferably...'

He huffed. "I'm guessing this was something your parents said to you to keep you still?"

At the mention of my parents, my mind went back down to that basement. Down to the cold and mostly dark basement where I was given only a blanket and a jacket I used for a pillow. I remember the way my father would yell at me to "GET TO BED!" and would yell at me for another 10 minutes before going up again to go find my mother. No tucking in, no kiss goodnight, no 'loving parents' from miles around.

My face must have changed because Wilford asked, "Lil? E-Everything alright?"

I tried to normalize my face but I couldn't control it. Instead, I just covered the lower half of my face that refused to work with me and nodded. "Y-Yep. Just fine." Before he could ask anything else, I quickly removed myself from the room and went to go sit outside for a while, the anger of my father's eyes running me through.

I had tried very hard to forget what had happened. To forget my parents. To forget that old life. But even today, what happened still haunts me. Still scares me. Still runs me through with a knife in my chest. I didn't care that it happened, I didn't care about the man and woman who called me their child. All I was worried about was that the man that was in the casket my father was supposed to be in wasn't him and that he was still lurking around somewhere...

I held my arms lightly and closed my eyes lightly, sighing.

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