Ch. 26

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*Lily's POV*

Today was just a simple day. By that I meant nothing was happening really and I was alone. Well...I guess Mark counts as being someone but he himself was recording.

The guys had gone out with Anti to go collect some information. They told me it'd be best if I were left behind lest things went wrong. I was hesitant at first because of the fact that I still didn't trust Anti or any of this but after being taken aside by Wilford...I don't know. I trusted Wilford more than Anti...I believed Wilford more than anyone...

If he said it'd be ok...then it would be ok.

I walked around for a while before going downstairs and beginning to do some target practice. They told me I could be down here whenever I wanted so I made sure to use it. I had to keep up my skills somehow-especially since we're housebound.

It had been a few days since Wilford and I had that conversation from the last chapter...Wait, what the hell am I talking about? I'm not in a book or something!

Anyway, since then things have been...calmer. We talk a lot more, mostly about random things such as what we look to or what we enjoy...of course, I didn't really have any interests so he was mostly talking about his own things and how I should have something because everyone does...

But that was ok. I mean, he seems happy...and...I was-


I stopped shooting and looked behind me. '...That was from upstairs...'


I grabbed a couple of guns, some ammo and had my knife handy.


I headed up the stairs quietly and looked around. I could see figures going around the windows and heard whispering.


I bent down and looked to the front door where the loud noise was coming from. 'That's one fucking strong door...or they're really weak.'

I closed the training grounds and went through the hallway, approaching the door.

"BAM!" The door cracked some and I paused.

I went into the room next to the door and closed the door softly, watching the door.


The door came down and men began entering in. They looked like they were FBI but, something told me that wasn't the case. They motioned to look around and I got further behind the door as one man entered the room, looking around.

He glanced around the room here and there, occasionally looking behind him.

I took out my knife and watched him. He turned around once more to look behind the couch and I made my move.

I got up behind him and covered his mouth as I brought him backwards and slit his throat, him struggling and shaking as the blood spurted from his neck. As he stopped struggling, I let him fall forward onto the couch and I went back to the door to look around. A couple were in the dining room and looking around. I waited and eventually saw them exiting.

As they trailed behind each other, I exited the door and approached them from behind. The process was repeated but a lot more quicker, making one of the men fall on the floor with a soft "Thump."

"What was that?" a rough voice called.


I placed my knife on my strap and grabbed my guns. Oh well, here we go.

I got up and went into the kitchen, raising my guns up and taking out a couple immediately before diving behind the island counter to dodge some incoming bullets.

I waited for a moment as bullets flew before looking over the other side of the counter and shooting a couple of others.

"GO AROUND!" one yelled.

I heard some going around the way and I growled. I grabbed the trashcan on the side and as someone came over, I threw it at them and turned back around to find one right up on me. I threw one of my guns to the side and pushed up the wrist that held the gun, ringing my leg around the back of their calf and twirling them around till I got them in a choke hold. I felt him aim at my stomach and I used my free hand to grab it before using my leg to bend him forward more and bringing up his head till it snapped. As he fell, I brought him around and used the hand holding his pistol to shoot at his other associates as they shot at his dead body. I then dived away and looked around at the men. There were a number of them there, scattered all over the place-guns pointed right at me.

"We have you surrounded Mason. Just come on slowly and we're going to take a little trip."

I glared at the one speaking before casually raising my hands up and walking slowly towards him.

He motioned towards himself with one of his hands. "That's right; just come over and we'll go."

I went up to him and stared at him. Then, I smirked and kicked away his gun before I shot his head. He went down and I dove behind the TV, practically feeling the vibrations of the shots being fired at me. I got up and shot at a few of them but more were on their way. 'Fucking hell!' I went down behind the TV and began to dial up the others. But for some fricking reason, my calls weren't going through. 'What the hell is going on?!'


*Wilford's POV*

Anti told us he had a lead for more information about the situation. Why they were after her and I. What was their next course of action.

Of course, he needed all three of us to break into the office since it would be 'difficult.' Lily didn't feel comfortable with all of us leaving at first and was really hesitant, wanting us to possibly wait on it. I knew why she was worried though: she still didn't trust Anti. Which was understandable since he still hasn't done much to show her that he can be trusted; especially after the last time he tried to help.

He tried to apologize about the incident but she was still skeptical of him. But I soothed her to the best of my abilities and told her it would be fine. If anything happened, we can call her and she could call us through the watches we had. Everything would be ok.

That's just what we had to keep believing.

I walked around with Anti and Dark. Google was on the outside giving us info on people coming in and out.

We were dressed up and walking around in the open, nodding and blending into the environment.

"So where is this office again?" I muttered to Anti, looking over my shoulder some.

"Just up here," he muttered back, motioning forward. "Don't worry-no one will suspect a thing."

Dark readjusted his suite. "It's weird that most of the men here only have a certain way of dressing," Dark muttered, looking around.

Anti shrugged. "A mentality the company tries to keep up. Everything has to have order and with that order comes a dress code. Even the little ladies have a little something to go by too. Nothing too weird about it."

I raised an eyebrow and looked around at the women. Indeed, they had similar clothing. From dresses to dress shirts and skirts, they wore around the same. Hell, if you look at them for too long even their hair looked similar-

I felt Dark grab my sleeve and I looked over to see ourselves in front of a door.

"Cover me." Anti bent down and began working on getting the door open and Dark and I stood in front of him, looking around.

People looked at us every once in a while but were too invested in whatever operation they were partaking in. Something about the place gave me the creeps.

We heard a click and turned to see the door open. Anti grinned and motioned to the door with his head. "Come on in boys~"

We rolled our eyes and went inside.

It was just a normal office. There was a large chair behind a desk, two other chairs in front of said desk. On either side there were filing cabinets.

Dark closed the door and Anti went to the chair, taking a seat and spinning some. "Nice place we got here lads," he commented, grinning.

I shook my head. "Come on Anti, we don't have time to dilly daddle."

He looked over to us. "I ain't helping. I got you two sorry asses in-I'm just gonna chill out."

Dark chuckled and I rolled my eyes. Of course he would do this-he always leaves anything to do with searches to the others while he just sat around. Typical.

Dark and I looked in the filing cabinets looking for anything remotely related to the case. At first we found a few normal things-budget, products, reports, the works. There were actually quite a few products they owned by now-some I've even seen in the clothing store and bought!

I picked up a file and snickered, looking over to Dark. "Hey Dark, they even sell a couple of the ties you-..." I saw he was studying a particular file and I figured that it probably wasn't about any products. I placed down the file and came over. "What did you find?"

He handed it to me and I looked to see...

I blinked. "Is this...?"

He nodded, pointing to the beginning of the file which read:

'Lily Mason' with a few things blacked out underneath.

There were pictures of a baby being held by a couple, their eyes blotted out except for hers. The title of the picture was 'The beginning of a beautiful operation.'

I shook my head and continued looking on. There were papers to read but a lot of the information was blotted out for whatever reason, only providing minimal information.

'Minimal is still alive...survivor...

Baby is quiet minor commands....'

I skipped ahead.

'2 years old...talking small words...Mother reports larger understanding...tests will be placed...'

More was blotted out as I went forward. In fact, there was only one last thing that was really put on:

'Mother gone crazy...Taken out of operation...Next phase starts soon...' On the file, there was a picture of a local orphanage. And above it said: 'Phase two: Exposure.'

The file was taken from my hands and I looked up to see Anti smirking softly. "We gotta go buddy. Can't be having them know we've been here." He placed the file back into the cabinets and closed it.

But...I couldn't get those words out of my head. 'What the hell have we gotten ourselves into???'

We needed to get home. Now.


*Lily's POV*

I grabbed hold of one of the men and shot them in the gut as I used him to block more incoming bullets.

It was a bloody massacre at this point as my instincts kicked in.

I've only ever done this once. I was surrounded by a bunch of mercenaries after I killed their leader. All had guns but not an idea about hand to hand combat it seemed. And I used my hidden strength to get through them with ease.

But these men had some idea about combat, making it difficult but still possible. I just hoped that-

I heard a gun cock behind my head. "Don't. Move."

I paused all movement. I wasn't paying attention.

"Turn around."

I turned around slowly to glare at the man pointing a gun at me.

"Give me the gun."

I was about to hand it to him when I saw the back of a chair rise over the guy's head and come slamming down onto him. The man fell and I saw Mark was the wielder of the chair. He was wide eyed as he let the chair go and looked around. "What the hell is going on?!"

I saw a man from the kitchen aiming and I quickly knocked Mark backwards before shooting at the guy. "Want to help?" I tossed him a gun. "Shoot something."


I didn't bother to tell him before going around at the other men and continuing to fight.

A grab here, a stab there, a round kick to the face!

I felt a man take me in a choke hold and I struggled to get him off. I jabbed my elbow into his gut, grabbed his arm, pulled him over me and shot him in the head.

I turned to see Mark struggling some with one of the men and I was about to shoot when I saw Mark reacting.

He grabbed the wrist with the gun and aimed it elsewhere before he pulled forward on the arm around his neck, throwing the man forward while at the same time disarming him. He was wide eyed and was busy looking at his hands, giving the guy time to get up. But before the guy could do anything, I shot him from behind.

I turned around and focused on the others. "Don't hesitate Fischbach," I commanded as I pushed back a man into another.

Time passes and eventually, less men came and soon, there were only five. They had their guns aimed from all around and Mark and I were back to back.

"So, have any plans?" Mark muttered to me, looking around.

"I'm thinking." I looked around. "Got any more shots in there Mark?"


I nodded. "Alright. On my count." I paused for a moment. Then, I turned around, pushed him behind me and said, "One." I heard his shot fly as I took aim at others.

One shot-two shots-three shots-my gun clicked but nothing came out at the fourth. 'Fuck.'

The man smirked as he approached Mark and I. "Come on, what are you going to do now?" he asked.

Mark then dropped his gun and went forward with his hands up. "Alright man, be cool, be cool."

"Mark, what the hell are you-"

He raised a hand and I fell silent as he approached the guy.

The guy still had the gun aimed.

Mark raised his hands a little higher. "We surrender, we surrender, just be cool!"

The man glared at him and aimed higher. "Stop right there!"

Mark stopped moving right in front of him. "Ok, ok, just be cool," He brought his hands forward and somehow turned the gun around to be pointed at the guy. Then, there was a loud shot and the man fell back.

I blinked and went over to him shortly after. "...Care to explain?"

"...J-Just something I saw in a movie once..." he muttered as he let the gun go.

I looked over to the others that he had to take care of. "Aaaand those?"

He looked over to me. "I lived with a family of assassins for 18 years-don't think I picked up a few things?"

I nodded some. "Yeah but...I thought it wasn't your thing."

"Well, it may not be my thing but I know how to kill! I grew up with a bunch of assassins-" He dry heaved some and covered his mouth. He held up a hand as he did it again and held his stomach. Then he ran off to the restroom and I heard him retching.

I nodded. As expected: he had a weak stomach.

I heard the front door open and I looked over, taking aim with another gun. I waited as I heard footsteps enter and I backed away.

I saw Wilford walk in with a gun up and he looked over to me. "Lily?"

I lowered my gun and nodded some as the others came in behind him.

"Man, is it Christmas or something?" Anti asked, laughing as he looked about the place.

"Not now Anti," Dark muttered as he looked around.

I didn't notice Wilford coming close to me till he had his arms wrapped around me and was holding me close. I felt him shaking some as he held me and I wrapped my arms around him.

I rubbed his back and muttered what he'd say to me. "It's ok Wilford, it's alright. Everything is going to be ok."

He just shook his head and continued shaking in my arms.


*Anti's POV*

I smirked some at the sight before me. Ah, a bloody massacre! Top notch men sent after a single woman and boy did she do a number on them!

I guess she hasn't lost her spark yet~

I saw the way her eyes were. They were still set in defense mode as they looked around the area. I had seen these eyes in the pictures they sent of her. They were the eyes of a killer alright.

A cold blooded killer with no remorse for anyone...

I saw Wilford come close to her and wrap his arms around her. After some time, her eyes softened slightly and she wrapped her arms around him. 'Showing affection now lovely~? Hmmm, I don't think we could be having that~'

I chuckled as I looked around. Can't be having our little killer go soft on us~

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