Ch. 27

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*Lily's POV*

We moved houses again. And by we, I meant all of us, including Mark.

Mark was reluctant of course because it was his home but after reminding him that he wouldn't be able to get rid of the memories now associated with the realm, he reluctantly agreed.

We heard the house burst apart from a ways away as Mark looked back at his old home, shuddering. "I-Is that really appropriate, Google?"

Google nodded. "C-Can't have anything be traced ba-ack to us, you know that." There was another loud "BOOM!" that erupted. I assumed that was the basement.

I looked in front of us to see Anti and Dark in a moving truck. Don't worry-Mark asked Tyler to file it under him so that we wouldn't be tracked.

I looked over to Wilford who wasn't saying anything. He had been silent during this whole endeavor. He probably felt bad but...

I lightly held onto his hand and felt him look over to me. But I didn't look at him as I focused on the road ahead.

Eventually, we came upon the new house. It was a two story just like the other one-another safe haven apparently with around the same amount of room.

We walked up to the house and Google opened it. "Home sw-sweet home," he muttered.

We walked in and looked around. Had an open kitchen near the back of the house, a living room off to the side. A couple of scattered rooms and a staircase.

Instinctively almost, I held onto Wilford's hand as I walked around. Mark looked around the place, running around here and there excitedly.

"This place is awesome!" Mark rang out from the back. "Think of all the activities we could do!!!!"

I looked around before heading upstairs with Wilford in tow. I just...didn't want to let him go.


*Wilford's POV*

I walked around with her as she held onto my hand. I admit-it was a nice feeling to be led around by her for a change but...I still felt bad.

I felt bad because I told her everything would be ok.

I felt bad because I made her trust in me but then things went sour.

I felt bad that because of me, she was put in danger. I could've prevented it had I just listened to her. None of this would've happened had I-

"Wil?" I looked up to her and saw her eyes boring into my own. But...there was no anger. There was no regret. There was no sadness...

It was just...concern.

I turned away. I didn't deserve this from her. I deserved a glare, a punch in the face, anything but-

I felt myself quickly being pulled into a room and pushed onto the bed by Lily. I blinked up at her as she bore her brown orbs into my own. "L-Lil?"

"...You're not helping anyone you know."

I blinked again. "Wh-What do you-"

"You couldn't have helped what happened back there Wilford. Get that through your head." She flicked my forehead-hard.

I seethed under her strong grasp. "I-I'm sorry-"

"Wilford." I looked up to her. "Quit being sorry. None of it was ever your fault, ok? No one knew."

"But I-"

She bent down closer to me to where our noses were practically touching, her eyes staring into my own with a determined look. "Wilford. You had to go. Anti needed you so that we could know what was going on. Now stop."

...I knew she was going to keep fighting me on this...

I knew she wasn't going to let me feel guilty...

I looked away and nodded. "Ok..."

She grabbed my face suddenly and made me look at her. "Say that to me."

I nodded again and gulped. "O-Ok, Lil..."

Her eyes seemed to soften some as she sighed and pulled away from me. Then, she laid down next to me on the bed and...hugged me.

I gulped as my cheeks heated up. "L-Lil?"

"...I know why you feel shouldn't. Just because of some small incident like that I'm not going to lose trust in you. It really wasn't your fault..."

"B-But Lil-"

She pressed a finger to my lips. "No, you listen for a change, ok?" I nodded as I turned over to look at her. She sighed and ran her hand through my hair, making me close my eyes. Her hands were so soft...

"You are the only person I have ever trusted, do you know that?" she muttered softly.

I opened my eyes some to look into her brown ones.

"...You are the only person who seems to give a damn about me..." She grabbed a bit of my hair-not too hard but not soft either. Then, she let it go and chuckled. "A man who was on death row...someone I could trust..." She moved her hand to my mustache and ran her thumb over it softly and I smiled some. "A man I thought of as a buffoon with a pink mustache," she muttered.

I chuckled softly. "Yeah, that is what most people think of me at first~"

She rolled her eyes and shook her head, smiling. "I...I feel more calm when I'm around you...I don't even know why either..." She looked down. "I...I've never felt anything that I've been feeling in the last month or so..." She looked up to me again and placed her fingers through my locks. "What is it about you that makes me feel things? What is different?" She laughed softly. "Are you a Warfy yourself?"

I smiled and shook my head. "No..." I wrapped my arms around her. "I...I just think I'm the only one that has been real."

She tilted her head. "What do you mean?"

I paused. She has a right to know...but...we needed to find out more.

I shook my head and looked away. "I-It's nothing. I just meant that...all of those people from before...they never really tried to see you the way I do." I looked back up to her. "I...I see a woman that has gone through a lot but still knows how to make it. I see a woman who takes care of herself and has been for most of her life. A woman that has never turned to anyone else because they always seem to go the other way. I see a woman that just...just needed someone to be there but no one ever came..." I took hold of one of her hands and she looked down to them before looking back to me. "I...I see a woman just needing a friend."

We looked into each other's eyes for god knows how long, searching and trying to gaze into each other. Reach a truth that was beyond our understanding. See what the other was keeping. Become closer...

I felt my arms pulling her closer to me till our noses were touching once more. She kept looking into my eyes as I looked into hers, not daring to look away. I didn't want to anymore. I didn't want to hide anymore.

I tilted my head slowly and inched closer to her till-

There was a knock on the door and whatever trance I was in was broken, along with hers. Her cheeks were burning it seemed as well as my own and as the door opened, she pushed me away and got up.

It was, of course, Google. "Hello. I just wanted to inform you two of the new training grounds..." He looked over both of us as my cheeks were trying to calm down. "Did I just miss something?"

Lily shook her head and went past him, leaving Google and I behind. I touched my lips softly. The lips that almost made contact with her own...


*Lily's POV*

I went into the restroom and pressed a couple of my fingers against my lips. 'Was he...Was he really about to kiss me???'

We were so close in that moment and something came over me. Something that was similar to when we were down there in that basement and he was trying to convince me we were the same.

This feeling that made me not want to move. Not want to speak...

I felt my cheeks. And made my cheeks light up like a fire on the loose.

I was glad that Google came in when he did to stop it but...

For some reason, I still felt weird about it. Like...disappointed...

But why??? I mean, I didn't want that...did I?

I turned to the mirror and saw an image of Wilford just standing there with caring eyes and open arms, smiling softly at me. I smiled back instinctively and blinked, shaking my head. I bent down and splashed my face with some water.

I looked up again and saw the image wasn't there anymore. I sighed and opened the door, heading downstairs.

Already the new hatch was open and the others were waiting except for Google and Wilford. I guess they hadn't made it down yet-

"Having some fun with your boyfriend sweetheart~?" Anti asked, grinning.

I glared at him. "He's not my boyfriend."

He rolled his eyes. "Yeah yeah, says the one who was leading him around like he was some lost puppy." He looked into my eyes. "And, the one with a couple of rather pink cheeks on her."

I raised a hand to my cheek and growled. "It's not what you think-"

"Oh lass, quit lying to yourself! You're only hurting yourself-"

I grabbed my knife and ran at him, aiming for his gut until Dark stepped in front of him and placed up a hand. "Stop. Both of you. This gets both of you nowhere so could you please just drop it?"

I glared at Anti angrily as he stuck his tongue out behind Dark before sighing and placing away my knife. Dark nodded a 'Thank you' as the others came down stairs.

We all entered the new area together. It looked fairly similar to the other place but just a smaller target range and a larger combat one.

Dark smirked as Google was explaining a few of the functions and went over to the combat section. "Hey Anti-want to have a go? For old times sake?"

Anti smirked and nodded. "Why not? I'd love to see you go down again~"

Dark laughed. "We'll just have to see Anti. I've gotten stronger."

Anti rolled his eyes as he approached him. "Sure sure, you always say that. But then I always win!"

Dark smirked and pulled out his knife. "We'll see~"

Google rolled his eyes as the two went at it with each other. "Th-They are always trying to w-win something against each other," Google muttered. "I don't understand why one just doesn't propose or something."

I blinked and laughed. "Really now?"

He nodded. "It cer-certainly would be easier than seeing who will win most times."

I shook my head as Google began explaining other bits, the whole time Wilford being quiet. More quiet than before.

When I glanced over at him, I saw he was looking at me before quickly turning back to Google with heated cheeks. I wonder if he himself knew what he was doing to me...Because if that was the case, then...

Does he love me more than as a friend?

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