Ch. 28

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*Wilford's POV*

Lily and I have become separate. By that, I mean that she's been dodging me and I her. I still felt weird about the move I pulled on her...

But I knew I couldn't avoid her forever...

I sighed as she got up from the table shortly after eating breakfast and took off upstairs.

Dark watched her go up before asking, "Wilford...did something happen between you two or something? Usually you two are always together it seems..."

I looked down. "I...I may have tried to kiss her..."

He tried to stifle a laugh but part of it still came out. "I-I'm sorry, what??"

"I was weak! I was weak and tried to make a move and now, we're like this!" I held my face in my hands. "I feel awful..."

"...Have you had the ch-chance to t-tell her about what we f-found?" Google asked.

I looked up to him and shook my head. "I...I kind of wanted to see if she had any idea about it before but-" I smacked myself in the forehand with the butt of my palm "-Wilford Warfstache has screwed it all up!"

Dark rolled his eyes and laughed. "Wilford, you're both acting like children who just found out that one likes the other. Eventually this sort of thing either slides or is confronted about sooner or later..." He paused. "But she deserves to know at least that maybe her life know..."

"Fabricated," Google finished, taking a sip of his coffee.

I nodded some. "Yeah, I know...but-"

"Yes it has to come from you," Dark answered before the question could even come out of my mouth. "She trusts you a lot more than any of us. We would just be wasting our time."

I nodded again and got up. "W-Well...then I guess I'll go try talking to her...yeah...I'll...I'll do that..." I began trudgedly walking towards the stairs, trying to figure out what I'd say to her.

As I did this though, I heard Google call out, "I'm pretty s-sure you can wa-alk faster than that W-Wilford!"

I looked back at him, my eye twitching. "Thanks-I had no idea."

"You're w-welcome!"

I sighed and began walking up the stairs at a faster rate, my heart pounding from within. What the hell would I say to her? I mean, she's already uptight about her past as is; why would she say anything now?

'She trusts you now...maybe she'd trust you with more information?'

I sighed as I just went with that and knocked on the door. "Yes?" she asked the door.

I hesitated before saying, "Hey, it's Wilford. M-May I come in?"

I could feel her pause before coming by and opening up the door, looking out to me with her torso blocking the way in. "What's up?"

"May I come in?" I asked again.

"Why?" she asked, raising an eyebrow. I guess she suspects that I'll try to do something else to her.

"Look, I'm sorry about the other day. I-I don't know what came over me. I'm an idiot, I know but...if you have any sort of belief in me, then will you let me in?"

I saw her staring at me, searching my eyes for anything at all that would make her say no. But, with a sigh, she opened the door more and I walked in.

I sat on the bed and she sat on the bed as well, putting space in between us. "So...what did you want?" she muttered, not really looking at me.

I looked down. "Look...I've just been kind of curious about your past. You haven't ever really told me much about it and-"

She looked over to me. "What? Why would you want to know?!" she asked frantically.

I raised up my hands. "Woah woah, I'm just a curious soul! You should know me by now. I just...I feel it would help me understand more about you, y'know?" I gently laid a hand over her own and gazed into her eyes. "Will you, please?"

I saw her look into my eyes for a brief period before pulling away and looking away, nodding. " won't matter anyway..." she muttered more to herself.


*Lily's POV*

I couldn't believe what I just agreed to. I still wanted to trust him-I really did...Everything just felt really weird...

For some reason every time I looked at him I felt like I wanted to run in the other direction. My cheeks have been subjected to more heat than ever before and even now it's like there are a dozen flies buzzing around in my stomach!

...Is this how death feels like? Is this the way I'm going out?

He's still looking at me. Oh, right, he's probably waiting for me to tell him something, heh heh...Gah, I feel so...jumpy.

"Err...Wh-What would you like to know?" I ask, trying to keep my stuttering to a minimum.

He shrugged. "Well...anything you're comfortable with telling me I suppose. I'm all ears."

I nodded and thought about it. I sighed and closed my eyes. "Alright...well...I guess I should start with my earliest memories if you don't have a preference."

He smiled lightly and nodded, bringing his legs up to begin sitting criss cross applesauce. Why was this man

I shook away my thoughts and closed my eyes again. Focus Lily.

I breathed and took myself back there. I saw myself sitting there in the basement. "For the first 5 years of my life...I was living in a basement." He blinked at this and tilted his head, confused. "After I was born, my parents placed me down in the basement and only came by really to feed me and give me very little affection-or, in their words, 'love.'" I closed my eyes. "I don't know if you've heard about the experiment where these babies were all given everything they needed to live except for love. No signs of affection, nothing to really bring about that emotion. Because of that, most of the babies there passed within a couple of months. That's why they claimed they needed to give me some-to keep me living. And they'd be sure to remind me that on a daily basis..." I chuckled darkly to myself as I felt him just staring.

I paused before continuing. "My father was always angry about something. He'd be the one to come down mostly just to feed me and to make sure I was actually asleep...He'd hug me every once in a while as well but...I knew he didn't really want to. It was like it was a job to even be down there with me..." I paused as I saw the anger that ran through my father's eyes; the way they bore their sharp blues into my normal brown ones...

"My mother on the other hand seemed more...sad and distracted, sometimes angry but...not at me directly. From her I would get read to and be taught how to read and write with a higher understanding...Now and then she would have these long talks with me and she really wanted me to understand so, she'd just try that much harder to teach me...I guess my father didn't really listen to her..." I paused again as I saw her pained face behind my eyelids. "She was...troubled...She wasn't consistent. Sometimes she'd want to hold me close and then the next day toss me around like I was some garbage that kept missing the dumpster...But I never blamed her..."

I twiddled my thumbs together before saying, "I...I think she was planning to leave my father...and...she was going to be taking me with her...but...I guess that was not what life wanted..."

"...What happened-"

"Car accident," I commented cooly. "Took the life of both my mother and father apparently..." I sighed. "I remember for that time period, I was starving in the basement and I barely made it to see when the officers came for me. They held a short investigation before explaining to me what happened to them and, thinking that because I just had my parents killed, they held a funeral for them. Just. For. Me." I shook my head. "They were probably very thick headed now that I think about it..." I paused as I remembered the caskets.

I felt him looking at me. "...I feel like there's supposed to be a 'But' here..." he commented weakly.

I nodded. "The man they had in the coffin for my father...wasn't him."

He blinked. "Wh-What do you mean?"

I looked down. "I...I know they were slightly disfigured, especially their faces...but I could just tell that there was something off..." I sighed. "I don't know, maybe it's just speculation...or a fear..." I looked down to my hands and remembered the way he'd beat me if I tried to disobey. I remember having to fight him sometimes to try and get away. Be a reactor and not just a deer stuck in the damn headlights all the time. Do not let him hurt you...

I felt a hand on my shoulder and I looked up to see Wilford. "You ok?"

I nodded some as I pulled away.

"...So...what happened after?"

"...Well, I got put through the system. There were no known relatives which was strange and the board decided to place me in an orphanage called Gratam Mortem. It wasn't as big as some of the others so they hoped I would be able to find some peace...but...they didn't expect that I wouldn't fit in..."

Before he could ask, I continued. "I wasn't really trying to engage with anyone and I wasn't acting like a traumatized child usually would apparently. My actions were like that of someone who had nothing in them. No feelings, no soul practically. I was just walking and breathing just So of course they brought me in to be checked...and...that's when they found it." I pointed to a particular lobe on my head. "Apparently, for whatever reason, this part of my brain was underdeveloped-that is, the part of my brain that was supposed to control my feelings, my emotions-anything to connect me to the rest of the world. The doctor had told me that although some cases did exist where people would get out of was too rare of a chance to happen to me..." I paused.

"And so, they sent me back. This one lady took me aside and tried to give me encouragement but...she was taken out of the picture soon after herself..."

"...Was she fired?"

I shook my head. "No...they tried to keep it from us and say she just passed away in her sleep...but...I found a news article on the ground of the playground and before they took it, I saw her in a pool of her own blood, her eyes widened and multiple stab wounds...I didn't cry about it though, if you were wondering..." I looked down. "In fact...I showed no emotion towards it. I shrugged it off really and continued on with my day...

"And this little thing didn't end there..." I remembered the way the others looked at me. "Somehow, word got around that there was something wrong with me, even though the caretakers were supposed to keep the information to themselves. All of the children tried to keep a good 5-10 feet away from me at all times..." I laughed. "It was actually funny really. It was like two magnets faced toward each other that would repel when coming closer to the same side. I would sometimes just burst out into running just to see how fast they would scatter!" I cackled some before taking a breath. "But...because of this, the orphanage felt I wouldn't ever have a chance to make any relationships with anyone. So, in attempt to thwart that, they sent me off to go and attend a public school...of course, the way I was always stuck with me. I stayed away from the other kids, didn't try to communicate unless asked, and was always just...watching."


I nodded. "See...since this was the first time I was ever exposed to anyone else beside my parents, it was like I was trying to figure out a whole new species-a new world with so much more to offer than the same 2 or 3 emotions my own family offered! You had happiness, sadness, anger, boredom, nervousness and even more things to look at! To watch! Each human to their least...that's what I thought...but..." I paused. "After watching everyone for so long...I realized that we're not actually as different as the world makes it seem to be..."

I looked up to him. "Each matter how you looked at it...could always be compared with someone else also alive..." I chuckled softly. "I would keep a list of names and their traits and connect them to so many people that I was exposed to-I would even give wannabe parents a complete list of kids that would suit them much better than I ever could!...but...along with that truth...I...I found another..." I looked up to him but...with nothing in my eyes. No remorse, no kindness, just something I can only call 'blankness.' "No one was like me."

Then...something began buzzing around in my gut and I felt myself begin laughing as I talked. "No one was like me, Wilford! I was alone! I was lost to myself and, hell, no one else was! Everyone had someone, Wilford, but not I! I was the odd one out! I was the one that didn't belong! I-...I..." I felt my moment of hysteria pass over me as I looked down. "I...was truly the freak in society..."

A silence lingered over us for sometime. Before he had a chance to speak, I began again.

"So after that point...I stopped trying to fit in. Why fit in when I could use this for something more?"

"...Something more?"

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