Ch. 29

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*Lily's POV*

"...Something more?"

I shrugged. "Because of the way I was raised and my mental thought process, I was always ahead in some ways compared to others. I didn't need anyone really. Sometimes my grades would suffer for it when I didn't do group work but really and truly, I felt I could be on my own. Not needing anyone...

"Then, when I finally graduated and went to college, I was faced with needing to choose a career. But, nothing caught my interest as I had never really invested time in anything besides routine because, what was the point? Anyway-

"While I was there, I saw what turned out to be an abduction case. Someone was taking students-female students-from the campus..."

"I'm guessing you found out who?" he asked cautiously.

I nodded. "And so, I took action."

"It didn't seem right to you to try and alert the authorities or something?" he asked jokingly.

I shook my head. "Call it instinct but...I felt that I had to do it...I...I wanted to see if I could feel something from it..." I paused. "So, I dressed up, took a knife I had gone and bought myself a while back and waited. We met, talked, he took me to the place and before he had a chance, I took him from behind and sliced open his neck." I looked at my hands. "It was so easy to kill him Wilford. It was like slicing through butter practically and...seeing the light fade from his eyes, his breathing slowing, the blood flowing from just...made me feel like I could do something. Something others may not have been able to do because they held onto their emotions." I felt myself rambling and I shook away the rest of it. "A-Anyway, as I was saying-I ended up getting the women saved. But then I began to wonder if there was a job in it. The more obvious ones that came up to my advisor were the FBI, CIA, military, etc. So, I tried out these different things..."

"But there was more than what you wanted, correct?" he asked softly.

I nodded. "And often times we wouldn't get anything and they wouldn't let me kill anyone! It was so stupid-"

"So how did you come to this?"

I paused at this question. "There assassin we had brought in for questioning at one point. I had heard about them often but never actually saw one. Since I was available, they sent me in for questioning...but...I felt a weird connection to them." I felt his eyes on me as I continued. "Something about them...the way they talked...the way they acted..." I looked up to him. "The way they looked at me...It was like they were trying to see through me...something I had done multiple times in the past..."

*the past*

I stared at the man there who was just staring at me. For some reason, I felt...drawn to him. Like...I felt he knew me. Somehow, someway, he just...knew. He knew something was wrong with me and...

He chuckled and looked down. "Am I being a bit too much for you dearie? Do you need someone to come and take your place?"

I blinked and tried to shake it away but...the feeling was still there.

As I tried to continue conducting the interview, they said, "There's something different about you...You don't really want to be here, do you?" I must've have made some face because he just laughed and muttered, "I knew it...You're not like the fact, I'm even having a hard time reading you myself." He kept staring at me as if staring at me would make me crack but, what could he possibly find out that I- "You want something more than what they are giving you, correct?"

I stared at him, confused. "Wh-What do you-"

He held up a hand, pausing the audio and nodded over to the camera. He muttered, "Can you take that out of the case my dear?"

I hesitated but only for a moment before I threw something at it and disabled it temporarily. "You have 5 minutes."

He nodded, smirking. "Plenty of time. Sit."

I hesitantly sat down in front of him. "What do you mean by that?"

He shrugged. "I mean as I say: this isn't the life you are looking for..." He looked over me. "In fact...I think you'd be better suited for...something else." He chuckled softly.

"What? What else is there?" I asked.

I heard something click and I saw he had gotten the handcuffs off of him. I quickly got up but he reacted faster and pushed me away, taking away my weapon before I could use it. "Nah ah ah~" He then took out the clip and removed the bullet that was set in the gun before handing it back. "Anyway-what was I saying?" He thought to himself as I stared in wonder. "Ah, right." He looked back to me. "You should see if you like the killing business!"

I blinked at this. "You mean...become-"

"An assassin!" he rang out for me, raising his arms in the air. He then offered a hand and I hesitantly took it. He looked me over. "You have a good amount of training to go off of but could still be taught much more...and the way you've been staring at me makes me believe that you see more than what anyone else does. Even now you are seeing something in me, don't you?" He reached out to me but before I could pull away, he grabbed my cheek softly and I...I froze. He snickered softly as he rubbed my cheek gently. "Didn't expect that, huh?" he muttered. Then, he looked away. "This world doesn't accept you for who you really why not put your talents to some use and help others who will actually appreciate it?" I continued staring at him as he continued on, now looking back at me. "I can get you out of the system. I could let you be free to choose another path..."

I blinked and asked, "F-For what?"

He chuckled and glanced over to the door. "Make it seem like I escaped. Then, I want you to meet me at the candy store right around the way-you know the one?" I nodded and he chuckled. "Good, good...I have a friend there who could help. And after that, we can part ways and just go about our own lives..." He looked over to my badge. "Does that sound alright to you-Lily Mason?"


I chuckled weakly as I looked over to him. "You could guess what I ended up doing from then on, right?"

He nodded some.

"From there, I went to go and do some more practice on my own time till I was ready to start offering my services. I did small jobs here and there until I felt more comfortable. Then I did larger jobs and it just got easier. And I felt...that I was meant to do this sort of thing. That this was my calling." Then, I chuckled. "Aaaand, as I was about to take out my thousandth victim...he took me for a spin."

*Wilford's POV*

I glanced up to her. "You mean...?"

She nodded, smiling softly. "At first...I thought you were an egotistical, pink mustached prick."

Ouch. Ok, that hurt a little bit.

She closed her eyes. "Seeing you there talking up a storm with all of the ladies, trying to get one to linger much longer than they possibly pleased and making their cheeks light up like a match...but then, I guess I was staring too long and you caught me."

I chuckled and nodded, remembering. "I saw the way you were looking at me and I couldn't help but assume you liked what you saw~"

She rolled her eyes and laughed. "I guess I taught you to think twice then!"

I nodded and laughed along with her.

Then, she continued. "I went along with you and hoped you would attempt to take me somewhere but, you weren't really interested in driving me around."

I nodded. "Yeah, didn't seem like a 'gentlemanly' thing to do, y'know?"

She laughed. "That was your angle? Being a gentleman?"

I nodded. "Of course!"

She rolled her eyes. "You could've fooled me. Anyway, we go to the bar and then have a good time. Somehow, I get you convinced that you 'needed' me I think were your words know what happened from then on."

I nodded, chuckling. "You actually almost had me there, y'know..."

She nodded. "Of course-I was one of the best. I just never suspected that you'd, y'know..." Suddenly she paused and I saw her cheeks light up. She looked like she was trying to say something but couldn't.

I attempted to save the conversation. "Eh heh heh, err, y-yeah. Tooootally unexpected."

She then nodded some before looking away.

There was silence held between us for sometime. I knew she was done but...I wasn't done with her yet.

"Lily..." She looked up to me. "Do you...still feel that way? That you can't connect or anything?" 'That you don't belong?'

She paused for a moment. Then, she nodded. "In some ways...yes..." My heart sank when I heard this. Even after all of this- "I just know that no matter how hard I try, I'll never actually belong anywhere...even with you all...I know at some point I'll end up messing up somehow and then you'll all turn against me. I just know it. At some point, you'll realize what I am and then you'll cast me out to the side..."

I stared at her as she looked down. 'Did she...did she really think this?' All of this time...

I shook my head and got up, going closer to her. Then, I took her by her shoulders and she looked up to me, wide eyed. "Wh-What are-"

"You could never do anything that would upset us like that, Lily," I stated. "If anything, we're all human. We all have mistakes, downfalls, different things but our way of thinking wouldn't change." I connected my forehead to her own as I kept looking at her, her cheeks heating up.

"B-But I-"

I pressed a finger to her lips and shook my head. "'re not different from everyone fact..." I gazed into her brown eyes as she gazed into my own. "I know that because..." I felt my eyes shift. "You remind me of how I once was."

She blinked. "What do you-"

I chuckled and closed my eyes, remembering the time before.

*10 years ago*

Ah what a time to be alive! I was 18 years old, out of the boring old school and was practically set! My brothers and I were getting together and making our own business-making our mother proud of course, bless her heart.

I had a little bit of an afro before now that I think about it. I was always finding some way to stand out...

But...I guess that wasn't really all that hard, was it...

I was always just...everywhere really. I didn't have a point of direction to really go on and, whenever I was alone, I just...wandered. I wandered wherever my feet would take me. From clubs to parks to alleys, I was always moving. And, wherever I went, I would always try to of something else even. If one were to take a look at what I was doing, you'd assume immediately that I was just some lively guy taking to the streets...but...

My brothers knew better than that...I knew better than the end of the day, when I'd come home, all I was left with was...myself. Wilford Warfstache...

I would remember the faces, the laughs, the emotions everyone shared...I...I thought I was never to be part of their world. Even Dark had a better idea about everyone than me...

Then...I met her.

Celine Mayor. No, she wasn't a mayor-it was just her last name. But man, was she beautiful...

I met her as I was walking around the park. It was late and no one was really there...except for her.

There she was, kicking her legs back and forth on a swing. She seemed...lonely at first so I approached her, asking about her night. At first she told me to buzz off. I mean, what could I do? If she wasn't interested then I wouldn't bother her.

I was about to leave when she told me to wait. She explained that she wasn't having the best night...I forgave her of course and we began chatting.

Eventually, we found ourselves laughing and having a grand ol time. We eventually exchanged numbers and just like that, we were two lovebirds just zooming here and there! It was exciting, having someone who knew nothing about you come and enter your world like a meteor! And she was...perfect...

At least...that's what I always thought. I...I really thought I was in love with her...

One day...we went out, just as we usually did. My brothers were beginning to get annoyed that I was putting off the business but I didn't care-I was in love! In fact, I was so in love that I was actually planning to leave with her!

I had everything set-I would ask her that night to take off with me. Escape the world that tore us down and start a new life-together! We'd be set and get married, maybe even have some children at some point! I was so ready and I felt she was too!


Oh how wrong could one be.

I met up with her that night. As we were sitting down, I held onto her hand and told her. I told her my plan and how we could go that very night! Just leave all of this behind; never have a bad day again! We could be happy!

...And then...her face told me that she had other plans...

Dejectedly...she...she told me had been 'fun' just wouldn't work out.

She...she told me that she had been thinking about it for a while and was actually planning on leaving me that night...but...I felt she wasn't telling me something. Something was off...

I tried to get her to tell me but then she turned it around and told me, "You haven't been all that honest about your feelings." This made me pause since I had never really given her any reason to suspect that.

Before I could refute, she claimed, "I've...I've caught you on your own time and...I've seen what you do." She laughed sourly. "Y-You're not stable at all. It's like you're a different person practically's just...weird."

I felt that word revolving around my head as she continued.

" don't really feel anything for me, do you?"

I blinked at this. I was going to refute the ridiculous statement, she was obviously trying to-

She pulled me forward and kissed me. My cheeks lit up on contact...but...

She pulled away, sighing. "Yeah...I knew it..." She chuckled and shook her head. " don't feel anything. All of that was just...a mask."

I shook my head. "No, that's not-"

She laughed and stopped me from talking. "Stop. Really, just..." She sighed and looked down. Then, she looked up to me and held my face softly, gazing into my eyes. "I know that eventually you'll find someone you want to be with. And...I just hope that next time you'll actually feel something."

That...that hurt. Because...Because I really felt that I did...but...I guess I was wrong...

We...We went our separate ways that night and I was left alone to my thoughts. I...I thought about what she said. And...from that point on, I promised I would try my hardest to connect with people.


I chuckled softly. "I did everything I could. I got out more, I asked Dark for advice, I did everything and anything that I could just to feel...and...eventually...I did begin connecting. It may have taken some time of course but I did it!" I presented myself with open arms. "And now, I'm the Wilford Warfstache you know today!"

She nodded, giggling some. "I can't imagine you being like that Wilford."

We had returned to our old positions out of comfort reasonings.

I smiled. "Well, I'm sure my brothers could vouch for me if you don't believe me!...Buuuuut-" I booped her nose and she blinked. "That just means that it is possible that we could be alike!"

She blinked at me timidly. "Wilford..."

A.N. Bum bum bummmmm! Aaaand that is the cliffy I shall leave y'all to for a month as my exile now begins......OH BOYYYYYYYYYYYY

See y'all again in July!

Love y'all! Be safe! ^^

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