Ch. 30

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*Wilford's POV*

I didn't know what to expect as she muttered my name. "Y-Yes, Lily?"

Her hand suddenly reached forward, grabbed my finger, spun it around and held it there, causing me great pain to where I just shouted out. "Don't. Do. That. Again."

"D-Do what?!" I cried out.

"Poke my nose! I might need to cut off one of your fingers if you do it again."

I shook my head. "N-No! Please! I would miss my finger!"

She rolled her eyes and bent my finger back more. "Alright then how about I break it?"

I cried out some more and grabbed forward instinctively. She yelped as we both fell off the side of the bed and she let go of my finger.

We fell with a mild 'Thump!' I blinked and groaned some as I pushed myself above her. I heard her groan some beneath me with mild discomfort. "I-I'm sorry!"

Then...she just began laughing. I smiled hesitantly as she continued laughing beneath me. Eventually I joined her laughter and asked, "Wh-Why are we laughing?"

She laughed some more. "Your face is a character of its own!" She reached up and touched my cheek and that's when I noticed it was warm. "Y-You're so sorry that your cheeks are even lighting up about it!"

I chuckled mildly and rolled my eyes. "You sure do have a funny way of thinking, Lil..." As her hand was on my cheek, I let myself lean more into it. She was so warm...

"W-Wil? E-Everything ok?"

I opened my eyes softly to gaze down to her. Her own cheeks were lit up by now, making me chuckle softly as I raised a hand up to her and began to rub her cheek. "Yeah, I'm ok. Your cheeks seem to be lighting up though."

She blushed more and looked away from me. "Sh-Shut up!"

I chuckled above her and just gazed down to her. "...Has anyone ever told you how beautiful you are, Lily?"

I saw her eyes look back up to me, confused. "Wh-What do you mean?"

I smiled softly at her and came closer. "I mean as I say. Has anyone ever told you how beautiful you are?" I moved my hand to cup more of her face and even her neck, feeling her shiver beneath me.


"Shhh..." I sighed as I gazed at her. "From the way your body is shaped to the color of your eyes, I see beauty..." I whispered softly to her. "I see your mind and find that it is...intoxicating almost." I ran my hand through her hair and she gulped but didn't speak. "Filled with so many thoughts, so many ideas..." I came closer to her. "Possibly even emotions if you'd believe me~"

I saw her wanting to say something but nothing came out.

I chuckled softly and lined her lips with my thumb. "And the words that come out of those lips of yours...I could listen to them all day..." I came down closer to her. "...maybe even kiss them all day."

Her eyes widened but before she could say something, I softly connected my lips with hers.

Ohhhh were they soft...Soft and warm...

I felt like there were a dozen butterflies just bursting within me as I continued kissing her, holding her closer to me and closing my eyes. Oh how could such a small little act make me feel like I was already in heaven? It just felt right.



How was she reacting to this?

As I opened my eyes, I thought about how stupid I could've been. She hasn't been moving at all with me, how could I think she was-...?

I saw her eyes were closed and I felt her arms were wrapping around me. My cheeks blushed harder as she began to pull me closer to her, her cheeks very red at this point.

I felt my lips curve up at this and saw her eyes slowly opening to meet my own. They was some embarrassment within them but I just chuckled, pulling away lightly before kissing her forehead.

We gazed into each other's eyes for sometime, getting lost in them almost. I don't even remember ever feeling this way with any of the women in the was just with her that I...That I-

There was a knock on the door. "Wilford? Everything alright?? We heard a shout-" It was Mark of course. I guess he had gotten home around the time we were finishing up.

I waved my arm and called, "Yeah, everything is fine!" I looked down to her. "Isn't that right, Lil?"

Her cheeks blushed more but she nodded and looked away. "Y-Yeah..."

I could practically feel Mark pause and possibly even smirk as he commented, "Ok well, we'll be downstairs if you need anything!" Then, he left us.

As I was about to continue, she began sitting up. "Lil?"

She just chuckled softly and began to move to get up. "U-Uhm, I-I think that, um, m-maybe we should g-go down stairs." She laughed nervously and held onto her arm.

I understood though: We just kissed! She was probably trying to figure out what the hell kind of emotions are running through her as of right now.

But...I didn't mind. I could wait with the knowledge that she didn't reject me.

I nodded softly. "Ok then. Do you want me to go down first?" She nodded quickly and I chuckled. "Alright alright, I'll go down." I waved to her and exited the room, humming happily. I just kissed the woman of my dreams! And she didn't reject me!


*Lily's POV*

I ran to the restroom and began washing my face. What did I just do? What did I just do?!






I took a breath as I looked into the mirror. I touched my lips with my fingers. I had never...I mean, I had kissed many a man in the past has never felt like this!

I feel like my whole body is a on fire and that he's the one that has caused it. There are now 50 flies buzzing around in both my stomach and head and this feeling I can't shake for some reason. But what is it?! What is this?!?

I took another breath and held my head. "Come on, you're being stupid. Feelings? Really?"

I heard Wilford's words going around in my head about him changing...

He...he can't be serious though, right?



I shook away the thought for now. I have to get down there anyway before he comes back and we...we...

I quickly began walking down the stairs.

Before I knew it, I was next to all of them again...All...of...them...

My eyes looked over to Wilford who just smiled back to me and I shyly returned the smile back. I had never felt this awkward before!

"Hey Lily, we're about to eat!" Mark rang out.

I nodded some and came by. Instead of taking a seat next to Wilford as I usually did though, I took a seat next to Dark and Mark. I could feel their eyes on me but I kept my gaze down.

Mark then corrected his voice, commenting, "A-Alright then! I hope you like spaghetti and meatballs!"

He swiftly began serving everyone and before we knew it, we were eating...but...

I could still feel Wilford's eyes on me. It made my cheeks light up at the thought of it. What the hell has this man done to me?!

Eventually, I finish and excuse myself, going to my room and locking the door. I just...needed to think. I mean...this can't be me...can it?


*Wilford's POV*

We watched her climb the stairs and heard the door close behind her.

Then, the others looked to me, Mark raising an eyebrow. "I thought you two just, y'know..."

I nodded. "Yeah, we...we did...But, I'm not sure why she's acting this way..." 'Did I do something wrong?'

Dark rolled his eyes. "I know what's going on."

I blinked. "You do?"

He nodded. "Google and I have discussed the way she is in the past...Wilford, I don't think she believes that these feelings she has are hers."

I tilted my head but before I could ask, Mark asked for me. "What does that mean?"

"Well...from what we've heard from Wilford, she doesn't want to think she's...normal," Dark commented cooly.

"Sh-She often rejects things associated w-with feelings because she feels th-there is something wrong with her, correct?" Google asked.

I nodded. That is true...

Then, I remembered what she said. "She...she told me that when she was younger, the doctors told her that the part of her brain that dealt with emotions and such was underdeveloped. That's why she's not able to connect all that well with anyone."

Google blinked as though surprised. "...They told her that?"

I nodded. "Yeah...why?"

He paused. "Wilford...early on, when w-we had rescued her from her ol-ld base, you told me to che-eck her for injuries..."

"Yeah, and...?" I pressed.

He paused. "Well...I checked e-everything Wilford, including her brain...but...there was no-othing wrong. It was a perfectly normal brain; no de-deformities. "

I blinked. "W-Wait, what???" So, this whole time, it has just been-

I got up. "I-I need to go tell her-"

"Wait." I felt Mark grab my arm. "Just...wait a sec, ok?"

I blinked at this. "Why? She needs to kn-"

"We understand that Wilford but she's still trying to figure everything out; understand?" Dark commented cooly.

I paused but nodded. "I...I guess...but she needs to know-"

"Why not just have someone else tell her?" Mark suggested.

I blinked. "But, who?"

There was some silence as we considered this.

Then, Dark shrugged and commented, "I could."

We looked up to him. "Really?"

He nodded. "I mean, she seems to trust me somewhat and won't be really expecting it to come from me. I could just invite her for some training tomorrow and then drop the ball."

I paused but then nodded. Then, I went over to him and hugged him. "Thank you Dark!"

He shook his head and tried pushing me off, laughing. "Hey get off you weirdo! You're gonna make me not want to help you again!"

My brother was always watching out for me, heh heh.

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