Ch. 31

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*Lily's POV*

Dark asked if I wanted to be taught a thing or two in combat, commenting about how most of the men I took down were just killed off immediately by bullets rather than anything else. "You aren't always going to have a gun on you so you need to work on getting enemies down in other ways."

I mean, I get it and all but at the very least it would help get my mind off of...him.

He had tried talking to me again in the morning but I was still hesitant. Something about him brought the flies back in my stomach. I felt if I were to stick around him surely the flies would begin eating me from the inside out-something I would very much not like to experience.

I waited for Dark in the training area. It was quiet.

I took out my knife and looked down at it. Wasn't anything special-just a pocket knife of sorts. Had gotten it a few years ago. Hasn't really let me down. Kind of like Wilford...


I felt the blade of a knife against my neck and I paused. "You weren't paying attention," Dark muttered, chuckling as he pulled away and tapping the top of my head.

I turned over to him. "I didn't even hear you..."

He nodded. "Yeah-a little something I learned from Anti a while back," he commented, chuckling.

I shook my head and laughed. "Figured-I recognized it from the first time I met him."

He nodded, smirking. "That Anti-always has something up his sleeve. He's a little off, yes, but he's good at what he does."

I nodded. "Seems like it...anyway, will this do?" I brandished my knife.

He held his hand out and I handed it to him. He looked over it, nodding. "I had one of these once. Then I got a bit of an upgrade." He tossed it back and I looked over it.

He pulled out his knife and handed it over. I looked over it. "An SOG seal pup elite. One of the best knives out there to have."

I lined my finger around the black blade lightly. "It's quite a beauty."

He nodded, taking it back from me. "Anti has good taste admittedly," he commented.

I raised an eyebrow. "Anti got you that?"

He placed it back in the holster. "Yup. One year, Mark and his brother wanted to do a 'Secret Santa' or whatever and, since I couldn't refuse, we got into it. I had gotten Anti and he had gotten me. We tried to get each other some useful gifts so I gave him an US Marine Corp tactical knife and he got me this." He chuckled mildly. "You should've seen the way his face lit up after receiving it!"

I smiled softly at this. He seemed to think very fondly of Anti...

I chuckled some and he offered a raised eyebrow. "What?"

I shook my head. "Nothing, it just seems that you two are close is all."

He rolled his eyes. "Yeah yeah, whatever. Just like you and Wilford aye?"

My cheeks heated and I tried to laugh it off. "Haha, wh-what do you mean by that??"

He shrugged it off. "Oh-nothing at all." He went onto the course but I had a feeling he knew something. Just how much he knew though was the question.

He got in front of me. "Alright, get in position."

I got into position, bending my legs some and holding my knife out.

He went around me and studied me. "Yeah, you don't use this too often do you?"

I chuckled mildly. "Is it that bad?"

He nodded as he rounded back to me. "Yeah. You look like someone trying to mimic something they saw in a movie which isn't always all that accurate. Stand up."

I stood up straighter and watched him. He held out his hand and I handed him my knife. "Now, because your blade is a little shorter than others, you have a lot less to actually go by, understand? So it's going to be difficult to make anything lasting unless you're aiming correctly. Which is not always something people have control of, understand?" I nodded, watching him as he got into position. "Depending on where you are relative to the guy, you can either get him from behind and stab him in the neck or even try to get to a vital organ in the back thigh. But if you're attacking with'll be a little difficult-especially if they aren't wearing shorts or something. You'd have to be accurate-" He quickly made two quick jabs in the air. "And hit them hard." He handed me back the knife. "But you don't always get to use the knife. It's kind of for the more heavier blows to throw them off. If they see you waving around the knife and all like you know what the hell you're doing, then they won't pay attention to what you're actually doing-"

He quickly grabbed out his knife and twirled it in his hand some before coming closer to me swiftly and aiming the knife off to one side as he punched with the other. He never made contact though as it was only a demonstration.

He backed away. "Alright: show me how you'd come at me."

I nodded and ran at him, raising my knife. As I did this, he smirked and grabbed my wrist before it had any time to strike and moved his other hand holding the knife to my gut. Then, he moved it away and pushed me back. "Try again."

I growled but nodded, going at him again.

I dashed forward this time around, making a move with my left hand which he blocked and then coming in with the blade which he swiftly blocked. I paused and as I did this, he rolled his eyes. "Come on-no one in their right mind would let you have time to think!"

He grabbed my wrist and brought it around till it was wrapped behind me and kicked in my legs, knocking me onto to my knees and I could feel his knife on my neck. "Stab-dead." He let me go and I got myself up. "Come on! Show me you were worth keeping on our team!"


*Wilford's POV*

I listened to the sound of quick movement down below with some interest, hoping at some point he'd bring it up. But this was just like Dark: he never tries to give away his intentions directly. In fact-he'll delay it for as long as he can till it comes to that point.

But I was also kind of worried. I mean, learning that your whole life may have been just made up of lies and such could really bring one down-especially if she even chooses to believe that even is the truth!

...I just hope she doesn't think we're part of this-

I heard a few loud knocks and Google went to go and answer it. "Oh, he-hello there Anti," Google greeted.

"Hey! There's my favorite android!"

"...I'm the only a-android you know."

"Right, right! Anyway..." I assumed he walked in as I saw him entering the living room. "Hey Willy!"

I raised an eyebrow. "No name calling today?"

He shook his head, grinning. "Nope! I'm a bit too happy today and nothing's gonna be bringing me down!" He came over and hopped onto the couch. He looked around. "Where's Dark and your girlfriend?"

My cheeks heated up at the last part. "M-My what?"

He laughed. "Ha! I knew you had a liking to her!"

Google rolled his eyes as he sat down in a chair off to the side. "Th-This isn't really a-all that new information, Anti."

He snickered. "Yeah, I know. I just gotta mess with him a little." I rolled my eyes as he looked over to me. "Soooo, have you two done 'it?'"

I blinked and was about to ask when it suddenly occurred to me what he meant. "No! W-We haven't d-done anything l-like that!"

"...They ki-kissed," Google muttered as he began typing away on his virtual computer.

I looked at him with a 'Really?!' face as Anti just laughed. "Oh-Oh really now? Maaaan, you must've had some pretty big balls to do that! And that was in what, 30 chapters or something?"


He snickered, shaking his head. "Nothing for your pretty little head to worry about~" He looked around. "But seriously, where are they?"

"Training downstairs," Google commented, looking over his screen. "How come?"

He huffed some seeming slightly disappointed. "Well, I had some info about a guy who you all could interview. He's easier to trap than that Kevin guy so it shouldn't be too much of a problem."

I nodded. "Well...maybe you could just tell us then? We could tell Dark later but she really needs this training."

He raised an eyebrow. "And why is that?"

"H-He's going to t-tell her about wh-what we found," Google answered.

Anti nodded, understanding. "Alrighty then, listen up!"

Anti then began to fill us in on this guy, telling us about his location and constantly saying how 'weak' he was. This was only a little strange but I mean, it's Anti. He likes to pick on the weak...and the strong...but mostly the weak.

As he filled us in, I heard more clashing and grunts down below, along with laughter. I smiled to myself. 'Must be having fun...'


*Lily's POV*

I grunted as I blocked another hit from him and he laughed as I slashed at him. "Getting better but still have a lot to learn!" He kicked forward into my stomach and I flew back.

I growled as I got up again, trying to find a way past him. But as I did this, he dashed at me and pushed me down to the ground, about to mount me but I quickly rolled to the side and kicked him down. He laughed some and got up. "Reacting! That's what you need more of!"

Before my mind could attempt to bring me back, he got close to me and we were blocking and punching at each other in a very fast pace before we bounced off of each other.

"Ha ha!" he laughed, coming back at me again.

After a while we found ourselves moving almost in sync-acting and reacting to each other's moves, all the while Dark and I giving off comments here and there to throw the other off.

"Only petty boys-" I blocked him "-need to dress up daily!"

"Says the one-" he blocked me "-that is struggling to get a wound in one!"

"Because you're too fast!"

"Or is it because you're too slow?"

He smirked as I went at him at a faster pace.

"I bet you if Anti was here-" I slashed forward and he bent backwards "-he would've taken me down again ages ago!"

He squinted his eyes and growled. "Well, that's because I'm going easy on you!"

I laughed. "Then don-" I felt his fist make contact with my chest and I flew back. I held my chest as I saw him glare down at me. 'Ok, that hurt...but I'm not going down that easily!' I smirked and got up, laughing. "Oh look at the cajones on this boy here!"

He rolled his eyes, unamused. "Quoting Warfstache won't get you anywhere." Before I could respond, he dashed over to me again.

We went at this more fiercely now, not really caring if we left a mark or cut at each other as it was all for practice.

Then the comments returned.

"Seems like someone-" I blocked him and kicked him away "-got a little antsy when I brought up their boyfriend!"

He glared at me and dashed at me, I barely managing to block him. "You have the wrong idea. Unlike you and Wilford, we're just like brothers!"

At Wilford's name, I was brought back to yesterday and I saw the way he was gazing down at me, wanting me, and as he came down I-

I felt the blade of his knife at my neck and I froze. He just chuckled and pulled away. "Got a little distracted there Lily-was it something I said~?"

I shook my head and got ready again. "Not at all."

We got into it again as I tried to push that thought away. This was not the time.

But then, Dark commented, "It's a weird feeling, isn't it?"

I was confused and asked, "What is?"

He got up close to me and gazed into my eyes with a smirk. "Being in love~"

I felt my cheeks light up at this but I quickly pushed him away and laughed. "In love? With who?"

He hummed to himself. "Oh, no one in particular...maybe just...Wilford Warfstache?"

I tried to laugh it off. "Y-You think what??? No! It's not what you think-"

"So you just let anyone kiss you like that?" he asked, smirking as my face heated up more. Dammit!

I shook my head and went at him much more. "I-have-no-idea-what-you-are-talking-about!" each break equaling another slash.

He laughed and pushed me off, commenting, "Awe, is someone a little embarrassed?"

I growled and pounced on him. "No-you are reading into this all wrong!"

He laughed and blocked me with ease. "Why are you trying to lie to yourself? It isn't all that healthy y'know-" He punched my gut and got me off of him.

I got up. "Why do you think I'm lying? I know me best!"

He rolled his eyes. "Yeah yeah, but when it comes to you and having feelings for anyone, you immediately want to push it in another direction!" He came at me and I barely managed to block as he came closer. "What's so bad about having feelings? Wants? Desires? It's-" he grabbed the collar of my shirt "-what-" he kicked in my legs "-makes-" he got me on the ground "-you-" he pinned up my wrists above me "-human!"

We both breathed, trying to catch our breaths. But he didn't let his gaze drop. "You're not different from us, Lily," he muttered.

I stared at him. "And what makes you think that?"

He chuckled darkly. "Besides how you react whenever Wilford is around?" My cheeks lit up softly and he chuckled once more. "Or when you even hear his name~?"

I rolled my eyes at this comment. He didn't have to bring it up!

He paused for a moment. "'s because the little problem you think you have...doesn't exist."

I raised an eyebrow at this. "Little problem?"

He tapped his forehead. "Something with that brain of yours?"

I blinked. "Who told you-"

"The only one you've told of course," he interrupted. "But that's not the point. Your little deformation doesn't exist."

I blinked at him, then began laughing. "Oh Dark, that's a good one!" I laughed some more and then realized...he wasn't laughing.

"I'm telling the truth. Google checked your system a while back and would've commented had he found something wrong but, nothing was. You're acting like you are of your own will."

I felt myself be brought back into the doctor's office and I saw the images. "B-But the images-"

"Could've been altered or someone else's. But they weren't yours," he answered calmly, beginning to sit up.

I saw the face of the doctor again. M-Maybe he wasn't sad about the deformity but, rather...of lying?

The image then seemed to crack before breaking into pieces and I sat up, staring blankly at my hands. "...Then...Then that means..." I couldn't say it.

No...I wouldn't say it. Saying it was believing it...but...

I felt a hand on my shoulder and I looked up. "You alright?" Dark asked.

I nodded some and sighed. "I...I don't know how to feel about this..." I shook my head. "I don't get it though. Why would I barely begin having these sort of reactions if this whole time I've just been feeling like I was an outcast?!"

He paused in thought. "...I have a theory...but can't support it yet..."

I looked to him. "A theory?"

He nodded and as he was about to comment, Anti came downstairs. "Hey ye bastards, how are ya???" We both looked up to him, our faces really not showing much. "Geez, did someone just die or something? It reeks of feelings in here!"

I shook my head. "No...just new information was gained. That's all." I got up and offered a hand to Dark.

Dark got up and patted off his clothing, Anti commenting, "Ah, so you told her. Well, just think of it like this lass-" He took out one of his blades and studied it, showing off one side. "Before, only one path was clear, but now-" he flipped it to the other side "-the other side has been found and now you have a full blade to work with. And be grateful cause you're going to need it~" He winked and I squinted my eyes at him, annoyed some.

Dark chuckled some before asking, "Alright Anti you sack of rotten potatoes, what do you want?"

He shrugged. "Just wanted to say hi before I left! I gave the others some info about a new guy you all can capture-a real easy one too! Maybe he'll be able to help solve the rest of the puzzle, y'know?" He smirked some before waving and turning on his heel. "See ya Dark! See ya Pinky's girlfriend!"

I glared at Anti from behind. Gah he was so annoying! Sometimes I just wanted to choke him-scratch that. I always wanted to do that.

Dark chuckled and bent close to my ear. "His ending comments are usually there to throw people off but just focus on the main message he had. Don't think of it as a problem added but rather as something that could be used to your advantage. Feelings don't always cause one to be bad at what they do y'know~" He began walking and paused. "It certainly helps Wilford at least." Then, he continued going up the stairs till I was alone.

'...' Eventually, I followed him up. Might as well see what kind of person we're after this time around.

A.N. If anyone's curious...I can see the floor of my room again...Progress is progress, no matter how small CX

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