Ch. 32

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*Wilford's POV*

Dark and I entered the park where we'd find the man. It should be easy enough to extract him as he wasn't really in all that much of a public area. Not many people were really there as most kids still had school and few adults would really come by.

Dark and I checked the image again. He had shaggy blonde hair and light skin-a pair of bright green eyes that seemed to have a small flare behind them.

I felt Dark pat my shoulder and nod his head in a direction. I looked over and saw the man of the hour: A Mr. Howard Flats. He was just there reading a book it seemed, not really paying attention to much. He was even quite a bit away from the park itself seemed a little too easy though...

"Do you think you can tranq him from behind?" Dark muttered.

I nodded, getting my gun ready. Dark moved forward and I walked around the way.

I waited till Dark was about to pass the man and as he did, I shot and the tranq hit him on the neck. He was going to shout but Dark had gotten close to him and covered his mouth till he fell limp.

I soon went over, checking to see if anyone noticed but no one moved from their previous positions...they kind of looked like they were wearing the same clothes now that I-

Dark punched my shoulder lightly and we got moving with him between us. Eventually, we get him into a car and drive off to the location we had sealed off for our 'special interview.'

*Time skip!*

Google lined up a shocking device next to Howard's neck and turned it on, earning a yelp from him as he woke up.

He was wide eyed and was looking around. "Wh-What-where-who-"

I held up a hand to him. "Now now, calm down sonny boy. We'll let you be after you tell us what you know~"

He furrowed his eyebrows. "Wh-What I know? B-But that's so minimal-I barely even landed the job because I dropped out of college, how could I-"

"We're not talking about your smarts kid," Dark growled, annoyed. Dark took out a picture of Lily-wait-

I looked at Dark. "When did you-"

"Don't ask." He put it in front of him. "Do you know her?"

He blinked and shook his head. "N-No, sorry. Is she missing or something? I can't really help-"

"Does the na-ame 'Lily Mason' mean a-anything to you?" Google asked calmly, gazing at him.

I saw the man's face pause. Then, he began laughing. "Oh...Oh! You're those people!" He began to laugh more hysterically as we just glanced at each other, confused. He then nodded. "Yeah I know her. But you're not gonna be getting anything out of me now that I know who you are!"

I saw Dark smirk out of the corner of my eye as he brought out a few of his toys. "We'll just have to see about that~"


*Lily's POV*

I sat in the living room waiting for updates on what was happening. I was to send them something every 30-45 minutes to make sure the watch was still working. For some reason, something must have abrupted the signal last time but they're not really sure what.

But it helped me feel a little bit better about everything.

I got a message from Wilford.

[Anti was right-he knows something. He's being a stickler though so, we might be a while.]

I nodded and responded, [Alright-everything is still ok over here.]

He responded: [Good :)]

I stared at the last part, confused. I text back: [What's with the colon and parentheses? Is it code?]

He responded soon later. [What? No, it's just a smiley face! Turn it horizontally!]

I raised an eyebrow and turned my arm weirdly. Then I saw it. [Oh, got it!]

[I got to go but I'll show you many more faces when we get home! For now, try solving this one!: X'D]

I stared at it intensely for a little while before giving up. No one's faces make an X-not even horizontally!...

I went to the bathroom to double check. Yep. None of the ways a person's face can go would make an X!...maybe if I make an X with my arms?

As I was about to try this, I heard my watch ringing. wasn't Dark, Google, or Wilford. It was...Anti...

I answered it hesitantly. "Hello?"

I heard him coughing. "L-Lily? Oh thank god you answered!" He coughed again.

I furrowed my eyebrows. "Anti, are you ok?"

"Y-Yeah, never better! Just have a few added scars to add now-" he wheezed out a laugh.

"Anti, what-"

"Listen. I-I was wrong. My resources just tried t-to kill me!" He coughed again hoarsely. "Y-You need to kill Howard! He-" he coughed "-He has a bomb on him! Th-They are planning to kill off the brothers! P-Please, he-" Suddenly, the line went dead. I looked at my connection and saw there were suddenly no bars. 'No no no no no!'

I quickly grabbed Mark's keys and went out to his car, starting it up before tracking their location. I kept trying to get my watch to work but it wasn't wanting to! My calls kept saying they were failed along with my messages!

'Come on come on come on!!!'

I can't lose them. Not like this.

Not whenever I haven't told them I'm sorry.

Not whenever I haven't told Wilford how I really feel.

I swerved onto the freeway and pounded the gas.


*Anti's POV*

I chuckled as I saw she was now in motion. Ah what strings could be pulled in the name of 'love!' We have our little killer here who is not really sure of herself but has gotten herself to believe she cares for these people!

These people who are nothing but another problem standing in my way!

I chuckled as I rounded the corner of the place, watching to see when she'd pull up. I knew I didn't even have to hide either-she'd be too distracted in trying to save her 'precious Wilford' that she'll just run right past me!

And then, as her partners stare in horror at what she's just done to their only lead, she'll take off and I'll be the one to collect~

I laughed a bit before leaning against the brick wall.

This will be fun.


*Wilford's POV*

The man was now laughing and crying hysterically as blood flowed from different places.

Dark's eye twitched, annoyed. "They usually break at this point-what the hell is wrong with him?" Dark growled.

I shrugged and pulled out a pill. "Guess it's my turn~" I walked up to him casually and forced open his jaw. Then, I flicked the little pill in and clamped his mouth shut around it. He tried to spit it out but there was no point-the pill usually began dissolving as soon as it made any sort of contact.

Eventually he stopped struggling and looked like he was struggling to keep his head. "Ahhh~" he groaned. "Wh-What did you-"

"It's called a Warfy sonny," I commented, smirking at his confused expression. "Basically it bends your mind in a way that throws one off and may have them more prone to...'slip things out' if you know what I mean~"

I chuckled as I saw his face turn to that of horror. Then I nodded to Google and Google began conducting a thorough interview of him. He asked some simple things at first, trying to get his brain to respond with some truthful answers before diving for...others.

Google walked back and forth in front of him some. "So; wha-at do you know abou-out Lily?"

He chuckled. "You mean that pretty lady in the picture?"

My hands clenched up but Dark touched my shoulder warningly.

"Neeeever met her!" the guy laughed out.

"But do you-ou know her?" Google asked calmly, not quite as annoyed as I was.

He nodded. "Everyone does! Well, at least, the ones that matter!" He laughed again.

Google raised an eyebrow. "The ones that matter?"

The guy snickered and looked up to him. "Yeah-I'm aware of the Mason project. What of it?"

We all looked at each other, raising an eyebrow. 'The Mason project?'

"What does this 'project' entail?" I asked curiously.

He shrugged. "As far as I know? Just some baby that was supposed to grow up and lead some group of assassins-make the competition a little easier to knock back if ya know what I mean~" he commented, chuckling.

I paused at this for a while as Dark broke in. "Taking out competition-you mean going head to head with some of the larger companies and-"

Howard began laughing again. "No! Not just large! If that were the case, then we would miss out on those smaller, more insignificant ones!!!"

I blinked as he continued laughing. 'All of the companies?'

He chuckled then. "Lily was supposed to be our little killer. Her first kill for us should've been you, Warfstache." I felt his eyes on me and I looked over to him and held my gaze.

"What do you-"

"If she kills for us, then she'll-"


Suddenly, a bullet rang and Howard was shot right in the head. I blinked and looking around, trying to find a source but only finding at the door was... "Lily???"

She breathed some and then ran over to me, hugging me. "Oh thank god..." she muttered as though there was a large weight lifted from her shoulders.

I blink and hug her back. "Lily, wh-why did you do that?"

She held me closer. "I-I didn't want any of you h-"

I felt her being torn from me by Dark. "Lily! What the hell???" he yelled angrily. "He was just about to give us more info!"

She shook his head. "H-He was planning on blowing you all up!"

"A-And you couldn't j-just text or call?" Google asked.

She shook her head. "N-No, the connection, it was-..." She looked down at her watch. "B-But-"

As she was trying to figure it out with Google, Dark and I began to look over the man but found no bombs strapped to him.

"She's lost it," Dark muttered, glancing over to her as she argued about the equipment.

I shook my head. "No, something must have told her to come and do this-she wouldn't-"

"What if she didn't want us to know something?" Dark asked.

I blinked at him. "Dark, what are you-"

He turned to me. "What if she's already working for them?!"

I shook my head. "No, Dark, that wouldn't-"

"Anytime she's been involved it always seems like a point where we're about to find out some crucial information and then she ruins it!" He begins walking towards her and I follow after him.

"Dark don'-"

"Lily." She looked over to him, her face showing...I...I can't even read it anymore. "Why the hell did you do that?!"

She looked down. "Anti told me his info was wrong. He called me after he was hurt."

Dark raised an eyebrow. "Anti?"

She nodded. "Just try calling him! You'll see!"


"Yello!" Anti answered cheerfully. Lily's face paled some.

Dark glared at her before asking, "Hey Anti, you good?"

"Never better! Why?"

"Just...Just checking..."

"Have you hoes gotten through with Howard yet?"

Dark looks over to the bleeding Howard. "...I'll get back to you on that. See you."

I hung up the phone and we all turned to her. She was shaking her head. "N-No, I had just gotten a call from him!"

I raised up my hands and stepped closer to her. "Lily, Lily it's fine. Just tell us the real reason you came here."

She backed away. "Th-That's the real reason. I swear! Wilford, please!"

She stared at me, her eyes begging for me to believe her. And I wanted to!...I just...


*Lily's POV*

I saw Wilford's eyes begin to look down. So...he didn't believe me either, huh?

I felt like I had a gash on my chest as I backed away from them, Dark beginning to give me more of a glare.

As he walked up to Wilford, he barked, "Get out. Now."

I felt pain run through me as I removed the watch and threw it on the ground along with Mark's keys. Then, I ran out of there.

I ran. I wanted to get away. How could I have been so stupid? They ask for my trust and I gave it to them but when it came to this, they-"MMF?!"

I was suddenly pulled by force into an alley and as this person held me, they drove a needle into my neck and I could feel them pressing onto the end of it. Immediately, I felt myself getting weaker and weaker.

As this happened, I heard the man chuckling...but...I recognized it. "Heya lass~ Time to sleep..."


As my eyes were closing, I could hear my name being called in the distance but I couldn't answer. And, like a light-I was out.


*Wilford's POV*

As Dark tried to pull me close to him, I pushed him off. "No."

He raised an eyebrow at me. "No wha-"

"I REFUSE TO BELIEVE SHE'S ON THEIR SIDE!" Then, I dashed out of there after her.

How could I have done that? Make her believe that I didn't trust her?! I trusted her! I trusted her!!!

"LILY! LILY!!!" I felt tears fill my eyes as I passed by the many alleyways. "LILYYYYYY!!!!!!!"

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