Ch. 33

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*Time Skip!*

*Wilford's POV*

I don't remember how we made it home that night. I know Dark and Google chased after me and Google had to neutralize me but...After that, everything seemed...foggy.

I couldn't find her. Somehow she had managed to get away and...without her watch, we couldn't find her. Dark and Google still didn't believe her but Mark had hope...but...he always had hope.

I sighed as I stared up at the ceiling. I couldn't get my mind off of her...

It didn't matter what the others thought.

It didn't matter that she may be a spy or something.

I love her. And with that love comes trust...

I just wish I wasn't such an idiot to make her think otherwise.

If she wants me to trust her...then fuck it I will!

I closed my eyes and saw her head was turned away as I reached for her, tears in my eyes. 'Just please...give me another chance.'

I paused for a moment and looked to the side where the Warfies were. I got up and grabbed the bag. '...or at least make me forget.'


*Lily's POV*

I took a quick intake of breath as I looked around. I tried to move but found I was tied up to a chair. 'Fuck!'

I looked around again and found myself to be in a room with a large screen taking up a wall with smaller screens on both sides of it. No one else was in that room with me as far as I could see.

Suddenly, the screens began to turn on and eventually, a black silhouette of a man appeared. "Hello? Can you hear me?"

I nod hesitantly, messing around with my bonds still.

He chuckled. "No need to struggle Ms. Mason! We don't plan to hurt you."

I furrowed my eyebrows. His voice sounded...familiar. "Who are you?"

He chuckled. "You don't recognize me yet my dear? That's fine. I guess you've been somewhat weakened by your little 'introduction' to feelings."

He snapped his fingers and I saw the same man that we had gone after a couple of weeks ago: Kevin.

He smirked as my face contorted. "Hello again~"

I tried to move again. "Why am I here?!"

He laughed. "I told you already-we need you. And since you're our little 'project,' we sort of...own you."

I blinked. "Your little...what?"

He laughed. "Oh-I guess your little friends didn't get that much info! But yes-you were our little Lily Mason. The child who would grow up to become the best assassin out there."

I shook my head, not believing it. "No! That isn't right, I would've-"

"Stop before you tire out the readers," he interrupted, yawning. "Look-believe me if you want but I have a little...'guest' I guess we'll call him to explain everything. I have other business I need to attend to."

"Guest? Wh-"

"Hello Lily."

I froze at the sound of that voice. The voice that I haven't heard since I was 5. The voice that made me want to hide. The voice that never seemed to give two shits about anyone or anything. The voice-

I saw someone in my peripheral vision make their way in front of me. That man who was supposed to die, along with those pair of eyes, stood in front of me. That man father.

"Awwwwe, what a nice family reunion!" Kevin chuckled darkly. "Anyway, gotta go! Ciao!" The call ended and it was just me and my father.

He went to the side and grabbed a chair, dragging it back over and sitting in front of me.

We stared at each other before he chuckled. "What? Not happy to see your old man?"

I kept my stare, not wishing to speak. Something about this man always seemed to take the words out of my mouth.

He chuckled again. "Well, that's fine. To be quite honest...I'm not ecstatic about needing to talk to you either." He dropped his carefree tone and looked at me seriously. "If the boss hadn't told me I needed to tell you about everything then I wouldn't be here. I couldn't care less what happened to you after I was taken off of the project."

When he saw I didn't even blink, he groaned. "The faster I get this done, the faster I can get away from you, killer."

Before I could even ask what he meant, he started.

"So, I think we should probably start from the beginning.

"You were an idea at first. An idea that soon developed into a full project.The idea was to create the 'perfect' assassin by taking away one factor: its emotions." He got up and began walking around.

"Every assassin has their faults of course, big or small. But it seemed that whenever it came to morals or anything, the assassin would be hesitant and fuck everything up. Every great assassin we've had has done this..." He looks over to me. "Except you. You were the exception because you didn't care."

He kept walking. "I'm sure you remember your life in the basement, correct?" I nodded. "Aaaand during that whole time, you only interacted with me and...your mother," he muttered, shaking his head. "She was an idiot." He sighed and continued. "Anyway; you weren't given all that much affection besides the bare minimum as we couldn't have you feeling sorry for anyone-even your own parents! And we trained you to be always thinking; always being apart from...everyone! It wasn't till your damn mother went awol that the whole ordeal fell apart and we were nearly caught!...but then, phase two of the plan started. A little early but...still.

"Exposure. Exposure to the outside world...well...a fabricated one at least." He chuckled darkly to himself as if it was some joke. "From the place where you laid your head to the school you attended we kept control of your environment. We made sure you felt pushed away till you began to do it yourself! That doctor's visit also helped to instill how you were 'different.'"

I remembered the doctor. '...They probably threatened to kill him or hurt his family if he agreed to that...'

He kept talking. "And we didn't stop there. No no, we watched you throughout college too and saw how you were. We saw how you felt as though you were just drifting because nothing ever interested you and that's when we started on phase 3: Becoming a killer."

I shook my head and as I was about to refute, he claimed, "Out of anything you could've done on that fateful day, you took it into your own hands knowing the dangers of it. You could've called the cops. You could've informed a professor. You could've even trapped him but no. Something drew you to go all the way. Something drew you to want to kill him." He turned to me. "It was your destiny calling you sweetheart. Why do you think it was so easy to take him out?"

I stayed quiet as he continued. "You reacted like others would and tried to think of a logical job but...after our buddy came in and pointed you in the right direction, you were set!

"Good. Bad. It was all the same to you. Just people walking around until their inevitable deaths. And that's what we needed.

"'Why' you may ask?" He hummed to himself as he tapped his finger to his lips, thinking. "Why oh why would we put in so much effort just for an assassin who only does as it's told?" He turned on his heel. "Simple: it's business."

I stared at him blankly. 'Business?'

He chuckled and motioned to the building around us. "All of this was gained by our business becoming bigger and bigger! More products to sell, more income running in, more smaller businesses shutting down! And the more we produce, the higher we pull through the ranks! Soon every product in the world will have that K & C symbol!"

I furrowed my eyebrows at this. 'That's...that's it? Then...' "Why the hell do you need me for?"

He turned to me and smirked. He chuckled darkly as he came closer to me. "So the lady does have a voice! Very well. To put it simply:-" he bent down in front of me. "You are...a product! Or maybe an asset if you will."


He turned around. "We created you. We've set you going on a certain path for many, many years! From paying kids and civilians to act like you didn't exist to even the way you were addressed! You've been raised to be our little killer. Our little killer who would go and kill off anyone we asked to such as business leaders. Maybe even take out government officials who dared to try and stop our monopoly!"

I raised an eyebrow. "And what makes you think that I'll follow orders from you?"

He chuckled and shrugged. "I'm not the one to answer that. That is for Kevin to answer-I've already wasted my time here." He looked behind me. "Alexa! Come here!"

I heard footsteps approaching. "How may I he-help?"

'...Did she just glitch like Google???'

"I'm done. Feed her." Without another word, he took off.

A couple of minutes pass and a woman figure walked up in front of me with some food on a tray. Her face seemed unamused as she said, "Here's y-your food."

I stared at the food before looking up at her. "I'm kind of, y'know, tied up here."

She rolled her eyes and picked up the fork with some food. "Open."

"N-MMF!" She suddenly shoved the fork into my mouth and I felt parts of my lips get scratched up. "Fuck!" I seethed as she pulled it out.

"When I say to open, y-you open. G-Got it?" she asked, her blue eyes turning to something like a dark purple.

I nodded. If she was anything like Google...I better listen.

But still...what the hell could that man have to say that'll convince me to be with them?


*2 days later*

*Wilford's POV*

I stumbled into a random room, laughing my ass off with another woman following me into the bedroom. She's giggling too, smiling as her drunken face watched my own.

"Your brothers are funny Wil-Wilford!" she hiccuped.

I laughed and nodded. "Yeah, they'll be like that!" I pulled her close to me and felt our lips connect, the whole time just laughing. I pulled away from her and patted her head, saying, "And please-call me Wil."

She giggled, nodding. "Ok Wil!"

I smirked and pushed her onto the bed, following her as she began to take off her clothes. I laughed as I helped her and as I was about to reach over to the bedside table...I saw a stuffed animal.

Not just any old stuffed animal.

...Her stuffed animal.

"Wil? What's wrong?"

I sat up and turned away from her as I grabbed the toy. "...You should go," I muttered.

She paused for a moment before gathering up her clothes and taking her leave, huffing as she slammed the door closed behind her.

I sighed and gently rubbed the small things head. "What did she call you again?" I muttered softly, looking at it to give me an answer. "...Tiger, right?" I nodded to myself.

I shook my head. "I'm sorry that you almost saw that..." I sighed. "I am a fucking bastard aren't I? I haven't even tried to go out there to find her." I slapped myself as hard as my body would let me. "I'M AN IDIOT!"

Then...there was a small knock on the door. "Wilford? Can I come in?"

I didn't look up as I said, "Yeah, come in."

In came Mark and he sat down on the bed next to me. "I'm guessing things didn't turn out well?"

I shook my head, still gazing into the little toy's beady eyes.

"...Is that Lily's?" I nodded. "May I see?" I handed it to him and closed my eyes. "Awe, it's so cute! I never took her to like small things like this!"

I nodded. "I had found it and since she liked it, I gave it to her. It was a gift for...joining our team." I sighed and held my head. "I'm such an idiot Mark."

"No, you're not-"



"Slap me! Tell me I'm an idiot! Tell me I'll get what I deserve if something-"

"Whoa whoa whoa there, I'm not going to do that to you!"

I held him by the shoulders and shook him. "Please Mark, I need it, I need to know that I messed up!I need to know how much of an idiot I'm being! I NEED TO KNOW THAT-"

I felt pain against my left cheek and soon after I felt myself being pulled into his arms. "...I didn't want to do that Wilford," he muttered as we stayed in that position. "I know you did wrong but you can't go around saying that it's your fault. Lily just...y'know..."

I paused. "...So you think she lied too?"

He sighed. "I...I don't know what to think. I just don't understand why she would say that and risk everything for it." He held me closer. "...I know you want her to be with you but...if she's on the other side, it can't be-"

"She's not with them!" I paused and sighed, muttering it. "She's not..."

Mark nodded and pulled away. "Alright. If you say she's not then...she's not, ok?"

I nodded. "Th-Thank you for believing me." I held my head. "I just wish I didn't hesitate."

He nodded. "It happens to the best of us Wilford. We're not perfect. We're just...human."

I sighed. "I know...I just...I want her back. I would do anything just to have her back."

He rubbed my back gently. "I know Wilford...I know."

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