Ch. 34

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*Lily's POV*

A couple of days had passed and my relation with Alexa had not gotten any smoother. She wasn't anything like Google. At least, in the way he tries to act human.

She's always to the point, doesn't stay long when it's not needed, and understands her place in this whole ordeal. Which is?

"Primary object-jective is to follow and comple-ete orders as given. Secondary objective is to neu-neutralize any threa-eats posed to the company."

So, unlike Google, she doesn't give a shit what she's viewed as and doesn't try to be like humans anyway. Besides, in her words, she sees us as weak through our things like emotions and whatever sins we choose to partake in. She even thinks the whole project with myself was just led by greed itself. But she just follows orders since it's in her programming.

Well, today she came in again but it wasn't to feed me or anything. Rather, she was assigned to-

"Give you i-information concerning y-your little 'project,'" she commented sarcastically, pulling up a screen with a file that read: 'Lily Mason.'

I looked to her skeptically. "Why-"

"I'm was not given a-a why y-you incompetent girl," she commented, rolling her eyes. "Just tell me when you wa-ant to skip through things and I will, got it?"

I sighed but nodded, beginning to look through it.

'I guess if it's an option I should be at least somewhat informed...'

Most of the information in the file was just confirming a lot of what the old man said. Why the project started, what was to be entailed throughout my development, etc.

My eyes fell upon the first picture.

'The beginning to a beautiful operation.'

On the picture were two adults and a baby. The two adults were my parents and the baby...was me.

I zoomed in on the face curiously. I was asleep at the time it seemed, probably fresh from the hospital. I was a small baby with little tufts of hair. I chuckled lightly at how normal I truly looked. How...similar I looked to other babies...

"Are y-you done yet?"

I observed it for a while longer before nodding.

Eventually, I fell upon information on the two parents.

Melissa Warren, age 26. Occupation: Mother of child. It showed some info about her previous life along with how long she had been in the system. Just a couple of years apparently. In her picture, she looked completely fine. A bright smile on her face, her brown hair all down with a little curl towards the end. She looked...happy.

Adam Mason, age 28. Occupation: Father of child. He had been working here for about four years. On his photo he wasn't smiling. He never smiled as long as I knew him so, why start now? Even off of his picture you could feel the hatred he held for the world.

'Makes me wonder why they thought Melissa and him would go well together' I thought quietly to myself.

More info here and there and a lot of fieldnotes. Mostly they were by weeks but some went by months.

After scrolling for sometime, I got to the point where I turned five. I went a little slower here to observe some things.

One of the first things I found was a picture of a dude named Jason Ned. He looked familiar actually and I soon found out why: he was the guy they replaced my father with in the coffin. 'Figures.'

Going on, I found some info on Gratam Mortem. One of the caretakers was part of the organization. Apparently she was the one who was starting rumors around the area and what not. Oh, and that doctor? He and his family were killed after telling me about my little 'problem.' They had apparently told them they couldn't stand to hide it from the child and so, they needed to be put away...

Going on, I found there was always someone from the organization watching me, making sure my development was going well. It wasn't until college that this became slightly harder but only slightly as I eventually got onto the right track for them to follow. Hell, even the girls in my dorm were part of the organization.

Going on, they followed me more and more until I became my own thing. From there they didn't really need to watch me except for every once in a while and even helped me with some at first, making me think I did it...

I continued until I saw 'Final Phase: Hire the Killer.'

Could you guess who they hired me to kill? Yep. Wilford Warfstache, pink mustache and all. And by doing this, I would've been signing off my skills for them to use whenever they pleased and they wanted to make sure it wasn't easy. They also made sure it was someone they actually needed dead too but, why wasn't really on there.

And then...the file stops. Which made sense if they did end up losing-Alexa suddenly dinged and more was added. "File updated," she answered to my unasked question.

I nodded and continued...wait...

Throughout, there were pictures of many of my interactions with the guys. They...they knew where we were every second of the way... 'But then...why? Why would they wait till now? What was the point-'

I saw a picture of Wilford and I hugging each other...well, he was more hugging me and I was trying to get away. As I continued on, I saw there were multiple things such as when we'd sit outside, when we went out to the park, there were even some that were just in the house!

'...Why...Why would they have this? How-'

Alexa suddenly stopped producing the file and turned around. "Hey, why did you-"

"Good afternoon Lily."

I paused. I looked over onto the blank screen and saw a reflection of Kevin, just standing right behind me...grinning.

"I hope you don't mind me coming in...oh wait, you don't really have a choice to see me do you?" He chuckled softly and rounded around to the front. He gazed at me behind those glasses of his and I glared back at him. He chuckled again, commenting, "Ah, you still have those eyes, even after all of that...bullshit."

I raised an eyebrow. "What do you-"

"Alexa, would you please put up the eyes I'm referring to?"

"Certainly." She went over to one side of the screens and used an HDMI adapter to begin displaying the images. They were images of me while I was...fighting. Fighting and shooting out victims from either far away or close...And more were popping up.

As my eyes scanned over them, I realized blank my face seemed. How I never flinched or hesitated...How normal I made killing seem...

Kevin ordered Alexa to zoom in on one. "These eyes you can not get anywhere else except for those who know their place in the world. Who know they are apart from everyone else..." He chuckled softly as he turned back to me. "You were always meant to be our little killer."

I glared at him. "And what makes you think I'd follow you?"

He smirked. " don't have anything else to really lose at this point, do you?" He paced around in front of me slowly, making sure every heel-to-toe 'clack' resounded. "You don't have any family members that really care about you, your friends think you're a liar, and..." He looked over to me. "You don't have any direction. Without us, you are simply just a wandering soul. Do you understand that?"

He approached me quickly and before I could react, he picked up my chin harshly. "A person who is just wandering does not live long. Without purpose, without meaning, everything you do comes to failure. With no direction, with no purpose, you are truly alone."

I pulled my head away from him and spat in his face. "Don't touch me fucker," I barked.

He stood there for a moment and laughed before slapping me across the face and grabbing my head harshly. "I will grab you as I please. You belong to me. Got it?"

"Fuck you."

He sighed and threw my face back, making my chair tip back slightly. "You will learn to respect me. Especially since I'm the one that got you out of that sorry ass situation you got yourself in."

"I would've preferred to stay with them you asshole! They cared about me-"

He turned around to me. "If they cared about you then why did they let you go so easily? Huh? Why would they let someone else have a chance to grab you? Why wouldn't they trust you?"

I shook my head, remembering hearing someone call out after me as Anti put me to sleep. "No, no they did! They're going to find me, I know it-"

"So then why does it seem like they've already moved on?"

I blinked at this. "What...what do you mean?"

He smirked and told Alexa to pull up the files that were put in today. One of the images presented had Dark and Google going to kill another target, their eyes not seeming remotely worried about anything else while doing this. "This is the third mission Dark and Google have gotten themselves into," he commented, chuckling.

He pulled up another image of Mark working on videos. "Mark is still creating as he's always been."

'And...And Wilford? He's looking for me, right? H-He wouldn't-' He pulled up another image seeming to come from the window of my bedroom and...there was another lady on the bed...stripped down to practically nothing...A-And on top of her was-was- "Aaaaand Wilford Warfstache is already hitting up on other women. I guess he didn't really love you!" He began laughing as I stared at the image, not believing my eyes. 'That's...that's not real, r-right? That-That can't be real! He wouldn't, he-he...he....'

...Would he? If he stopped caring...would he just go with whatever whore came up to him next and offered him a good time?

I don't want to believe it. I don't...I can't even see his face. I can't see anything except what I can only assume is one of his smiles...Why...why does my chest hurt? Why...why is this making me feel pain?

Why...Why? WHY?!

I felt his hand on my shoulder and I was brought back. "You don't need him, you know that, right?" He paused as he let those words sink in. "They used you. They knew your little weakness and used it to be the end of you. And then, when you got old they threw you away...But don't worry." He bent down in front of my face. "I always believe in giving second chances. I know you, Lily. And if you let me...I can make sure that you never have to feel hurt ever again."

I heard the doors open behind me but kept my eyes on him. I...I didn't know how to feel. I didn't know anything. I...I was just there.

"...Alexa, release her."

I felt the rope around my arms and legs be undone. Then, he held out a hand to me and I took it lightly, still feeling uneasy about all of this.

I heard someone struggling behind me as I saw his lips curve up. "Lily..I would like for you to kill Adam Mason. He hasn't really been the best associate and we need him to be...put down." He handed me a knife and I took it, studying it gently as I lined my fingers around its blade.

Before my thoughts could go to Dark, I turned around and saw my father bound in ropes and gagged with a towel, being held back by two men. He was struggling harshly with them and was yelling out through the gag, wanting to be freed.

I stared at him as I approached him softly, my feet not seeming to even connect with the floor as I made my way over. I stared over him as he struggled and looked up to me with anger in his eyes.

He somehow got his towel out and he commanded, "Don't you dare you piece of shit! I have been part of this company for 30 fucking years and if you do this, then-"

"Lily. Now."

Without another thought I raised my knife and stabbed him through the top of his head. He stopped talking and his mouth hung open, as if not believing what just happened. His eyes were still pinned to my own as he sat there, more awake than ever before...for now. As I removed the knife from his head, he came down and fell against the floor, twitching for a few moments before stopping, blood flowing down from his lifeless body. His eyes were now focused on nobody as he laid there, no longer able to help anyone-not even himself.

I heard Kevin chuckling in the background and his hand found my shoulder again. "'s nice to have you on board Ms. Mason. I'll have more word on what your next course of action will be soon enough, alright? Go get some rest-Alexa will lead you to your room."

I nodded as I followed Alexa toward my room. When I got there, I felt myself reverting back to how I was. What was the point? All of the things Wilford told me, Dark told me, even Google-it was all bullshit. None of that was real. None of it...

I am...alone.


*Anti's POV*

I felt my phone vibrate as I watched the house. I groaned and looked at the caller before picking it up. "Hey boss, what's shakin?"

"Anti, it's time."

"Really? She's already in?"

"Yes. After a bit of convincing and those images you sent in I guess she was just knocked back to who she really is. Good work by the way."

I chuckled darkly. "Ah I was just the one taking pictures. But just remember your end of the deal and I'll make sure he gets over..." I watched as I saw Wilford near a computer and struggling to find information. "Alone."

I hung up the phone and laughed as the next phase of the plan began. I went up and knocked on the door.

'Wilford's gonna get one hell of a role call!'

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