Ch. 35

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*Wilford's POV*

Still no sign of her. The others have given up and Mark can't spend anymore time away from making videos without having a good excuse. I mean, he can't just tell his community, oh yeah, those egos I made up were actually my brothers and their friend, who is an assassin, is missing.

I understood that much.

Dark and Google on the other hand still didn't believe her. Google's trying to fix her watch of course to see if any of the phone calls she supposedly made were true but is taking his time with it, putting things like missions-...killings first.

I sighed and rubbed my eyes. I had been trying to look for any more info on the company but they kept everything behind lock and key. I chuckled to myself. This is why we just leave all the info finding to Google, he can dissect any page in seconds-


I looked over to the door quizzically. Who could be here?

Once again the knock came and I called, "Coming! Coming!"

The knocks came more frequently suddenly.

I growled and yelled, "I said I'm coming!!!" I finally reach the door and swing it open to see Anti there. Of course he'd knock on the door like that.

"Hey there Pinky! Man, it looks like you haven't slept in a week!"

I blinked boredly at him and asked, "What is it Anti? Dark nor Google are here and I doubt you need something with Mark."

He held his hands behind his back and tilted his head, pouting. "Awe, can't a friend just come by and say hello to his favorite man in suspenders?"

I rolled my eyes. "Is there something you need?"

He smirked. "Well, I think I can give you something you need."

I raised an eyebrow at him. "What do you mean?"

He hummed some before commenting, "I think I may have located where your girlfriend Lily is~"

I blinked. "R-Really?" He nodded. "O-Oh my-then-then we have to go!" I quickly closed the door behind me and walked to the car.

"Woah woah woah I never said it was going to be that easy! Don't you want to wait for everyone?"

I shook my head. "They...they don't care...To be honest, I'm actually surprised you were still even looking."

"Of course I would! What kind of friend would I be if I didn't help out?"

We got into the car and I took off, following Anti's directions. I didn't even question about where he got the information or anything, I just assumed that his sources were correct. I could've never seen what was coming next.

We pulled up next to the building we were at the other day and we went inside. Anti showed me the back way in that he had recently found and we went to an elevator...but...this elevator had less buttons. "See, the other elevator is for the normal guys but this one actually leads to the higher floors. It's not really needed to go anywhere else! Otherwise, anyone could use it!" He snickered as he pressed a particular button.

As we went up, I asked, "D-Do you know if she's still alright??"

He shrugged. "My sources only told me where she is. I don't know if she's dead or alive or if she's barely making it. For all we know she can just be filled with maggots at this point and will be rotting away as we-"

"Anti." He looked over to me. "I-I would appreciate some hope right now..."

He snickered and punched me in the arm. "I'm just messing with you! I'm sure she's fine!"

Although he said this...I still felt like there was something wrong. I just hoped we weren't too late.

We got off the elevator and immediately saw a bunch of people walking around the place. I was going to ask what we should do but instead was answered by a quick, "Come on!" by Anti, who just began walking.

Confused, I followed him closely, looking around. "Are you sure this is safe?"

He nodded. "Yep! It's just about to be quitting time for them so they don't really care to stick around and see what happens. They got lives of their own y'know!"

I nodded some and looked around. Again these people tended to follow some sort of dress code but...more so. Even the ladies were wearing something similar to the guys...It was really disturbing.

Eventually we went down this hallway where a few men were seen on the walls. "These are all of the 'bosses' of the organization that they've had! Pretty neat huh?"

As I walked with him, I noticed their timelines were fairly short. "Err...why are they not here very long?"

He shrugged. "Who knows? Maybe their face got too ugly!" He laughed and I merely chuckled beside him.

We kept going till we reached a particular room. For some reason there were no guards or anything really all this time. It was actually smooth sailing...

For an organization like this, could they really not have all that much security?

Anti bent down and began to pick open the doorknob, opening it with ease. He opened it slightly and gestured to it. "All yours~"

Without hesitating anymore, I ran in...but...there was just an empty chair. I looked around and called for her. "Lily? Lily, are you there? Li-"

I felt something large make contact with the back of my head and I was down for the count.

When I woke up again, I found myself in the same room but now I was strapped down in the chair. "The hell?!"

I heard Anti laugh somewhere far off. "HAHAHAHA! You moron! Oh how naive can one be! I'm surprised you haven't been killed off yet!"

"Anti?? Anti, what the hell is going on? Release me now!"

"Awe, is someone mad?" He came in front of me and grabbed my cheeks. "Is Pinky mad that he fell for a trap? Is he mad that he's probably going to die before seeing his girlfriend?"

"Shut up!" I pulled my face away from his hands. "How could you?! You were like a brother to us!"

"A brother without blood? Pleeeease." He laughed. "And besides, it's just-"

"Business." We looked over to see who finished the sentence. It was that Kevin guy, standing over on what looked to be a staircase.

He casually walked down as I continued to mess with the bonds. "Hello William-or should I call you Wilford? That is your real name, isn't it?"

"Where is Lily?" I growled, not wanting to waste time.

He laughed. "Lily is alive but I don't think she wants to see you right now. Especially not after your little 'affair.'"

I paused. "Affair? What do you-"

"That little lady you had in your place, you know, the drunk one?" Anti commented, grinning.

I blinked. "Sh-She wouldn't know about that! I-I haven't told anyone else about that-and even then, I didn't do anything to her! I swear!"

"Well Warfstache, that's not the story this picture tells." Kevin took out a picture and I saw myself above the naked woman, smiling...

"How the fuck-"

"Whoa whoa there cowboy! Bring it down a notch or I'm gonna have to stuff a sock in ya mouth!" Anti called, laughing. "I'll tell ya-I took that picture."

I blinked. "Why in the hell-"

"He's not your friend Wilford. He's been a spy for us for the past few months," Kevin commented cooly.

"..." I looked over to Anti. "Why?"

He shrugged. "Like I said, it's just business. No hard feelings, right?" he asked, chuckling some.

"You bastard. When I get out of this, I am going to beat you to a pulp!"

"I'd like to see you try~"

As he snickered to himself, Kevin stepped away. "So, you're probably wondering what happens now, correct?" I glared at him. "Well, I'm still getting her ready for her 'official killing' so, you're just going to hang out around here for a while, ok? It was nice to meet you Warfstache but...I don't think we'll be seeing each other again. Ciao~"

He began to take off somewhere and Anti followed after him. "Hey! Hey let me go! You're not going to get away from this!" But they kept going, ignoring my shouts and not wasting time.

Soon, I was alone. I struggled with the bonds some more and growled. "Fuck fuck fuck fuck!"

'I need to get out here!'

I struggled with the bonds more and growled. But, of course, that wasn't working. Anti put on these ropes pretty tightly.

I huffed and tried to think. 'Come on Wilford, think! Google once kept you for an entire hour telling you about how to escape these sort of things! Just think!'

I racked my brain for anything, anything at all. There had to be something there besides all of technical wording-

Something clicked. 'Ah ha!' I quickly checked the chair to confirm it was wood and then began to get to work.

I bent forward some, trying to get a firm grip on my toes, being careful not to go too far forward lest I messed everything up and end up on my front or side. Then, I threw myself backwards and landed on the back legs of the chair, breaking them off and falling the rest of the way down onto my hands. I grit my teeth and yelped out in pain before beginning to shake off the bonds. I'm coming Lily! I promise, I will save you!


*Anti's POV*

"Persistent, isn't he?" Kevin asked cooly, watching as Wilford managed to get out of his bonds.

I nod. "Sure but, that really isn't my problem. I'll just take what I asked for and leave."

Kevin looked over to me and laughed. "Oh, I'm not done with you yet. I said that he needs to be killed by Lily and she's not ready yet. So, I'm gonna need you to capture him again!"

My eye twitched. "What? That wasn't part of the deal-"

"It also wasn't part of the deal to have him escape. Now, go."

As he turned and went away, I growled in frustration and turned around, going towards Wilford's direction. 'That son of a gun, I swear if he fucks this up for me then I'll just kill his whole family! I'll make some Iplier stew out of their asses!'


*Wilford's POV*

I hurried up the stairs after them and looked around to find myself in another hallway. I shook my head and began checking all of the rooms. One after the other the rooms were empty. Each empty one added more and more to my worry.

Where could they have put her?! What could she be thinking right now? Did she actually believe that woman and I did something?

I just hoped that she didn't as I proceeded to the next door but, I never made it.

I opened the door and immediately was kicked back into the door of the opposite wall, breaking through and rolling into it.

I groaned as I got up, only to see a knife headed right for my head.

I quickly rolled away from it as I saw it connect to the ground by its point. I breathed and then looked to see another slashing in my direction, barely dodging it. "STAY STILL!" Anti yelled, continuing to slash in my direction.

I kept backing up until I couldn't anymore, trying to figure out what the hell to do. As I held up an arm, I remembered my gun and I pulled it out and shot at him. Almost like a demon he dodged it, glaring at me as I got up and held my gun up at him. "Anti you son of a gun I swear to god that I will get you for this!"

"Alright Pinky, but only if you can catch me first!" He dashed in different directions, not letting me get a clear shot at him as he suddenly tackled me to the ground, trying to wrench my gun from my hands while at the same time trying to stab me. I quickly kicked him off and got back up, noticing him taking the same route. He merely laughed as he came closer, saying, "Can't hit a moving target can ya Wilford? I guess that means you're going to have to fight!"

He dashed forward suddenly and as I dodged, I felt his knife slice across my arm. 'Fuck!'

I breathed and turned around, looking for wherever he went. "I'm above you~"

"Huh?!" I looked up but found no one there. Then, I felt a stab in my shoulder and I cried out as he pulled it out.

"Y-You really thought I was above you?! How fooking guilable are ya?" he laughed, beginning to come at me more.

I growled and pushed him back, taking the time to grab my own knife. Dark had told me I needed a better one and dammit I wish I listened!

I saw Anti snicker as he saw my knife. "Oh-Oh my gosh! Is that actually your knife? How pathetic!" He twirled his knife in his hand. "Oh I'm gonna have fun cutting you up!"


*Narrator's POV*

The two went at each other, one clearly stronger than the other in hand-to-hand combat. Wilford tried and tried to be able to land a hit but would barely make it away from Anti's thrashes.

Anti began laughing now as he began to get closer to Wilford, slashing him here, there, and everywhere, causing Wilford to seethe but he didn't dare to cry. Not for this asshole.

Wilford roared at some point and grabbed Anti, throwing him to the ground before coming down at him, only to collide with the floor and having to roll out of the way of Anti. Wilford quickly got up and began protecting himself again as Anti went at him more fiercely.

Wilford knew he had to make it out of there. He knew he had to to be able to see Lily again. He needed to see her again so that he could tell her- "Oo-" Wilford's body was at an angle as Anti's knife protruded from his gut.

With a smirk, Anti turned it and caused more pain, making Wilford cry out as his legs went out from under him, making him slip away from the knife. He coughed as he tried to cover up the wound as best as he could with his hand, the whole time Anti just laughing.

"I don't even care at this point if I get fired. All I care about now is ending your life." He chuckled darkly as he stood over Wilford, knife in hand and a smirk across his face. "Goodbye Wilford Warfstache!" He laughed as he brought the knife down and Wilford braced for a quick end... never came.

Instead, all he heard was the sound of two skins colliding as Dark dashed inside and grabbed Anti by his neck, bringing him up into the air. "Anti..." he growled.

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