Ch. 36

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*Narrator's POV*

Anti just chuckled in Dark's grasp, not struggling at all besides holding onto his hands. "Puhuhu! Hey there Dark! How are ya mate?"

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" he growled.

"Oh ho ho! Someone's barking a bit!" Anti cackled, now beginning to struggle a little but only a little.

Dark sighed and turned to his brother. "Wilford, are you alright?"

Wilford nodded and began to rip off some of his shirt to cover up the wound, breathing raggedly.

Anti laughed again. "Pinky's got himself a little scratch~!"

"Shut it!" Dark growled. "I'm not done with you."

"Oooh...Defensive, are we? Should I call you his protector?" he teased.

"Call me fashionably late." With that, Dark rammed his fist right into Anti's gut and let go, letting Anti fly against the opposite wall. Dark looked over to Wilford. "Wilford, recover as much as you can and then go after Lily. Here-" he tossed over a shot with blue liquid. "That should help stop the bleeding and quicken the recovery. I know you hate shots but that's the best we can-"

Anti suddenly dashed forward at Dark in which Dark used his arm to knock him away. "Don't forget about me Dark~"

Dark growled and yelled, "GO SAVE LILY!" as he ran at Anti.

Wilford nodded and took the shot, wincing in pain as it entered his blood stream.

While he recovered, Anti and Dark went at it heavily. "Why the hell did you do that, huh?! Why the hell did you betray us?!" Dark growled angrily as he slashed at Anti.

Anti merely laughed. "What did you expect? I work for myself!"

"You were our brother damnit!"

"Ha hah, you thought of me as your brother?? Pathetic! Really fookin' pathetic!" Anti slashed forward at Dark. "Family doesn't get anyone anywhere! It's money that makes the world go round! Hell, you should know this by now fancy man!"

"Shut it!" Dark came at Anti again and their knives kept meeting in the middle. "CLING! CLING! CLING! CLING! CLING!"

"How long were you working against us?! A year? 2 years? The whole time we've been interacting?!"

"I don't think that's worth saying you moron!" Anti slashed and cut at Dark's cheek. "You should be paying more attention than worrying about that!"

Dark felt his cheek and growled, running at Anti and tackling him to the ground.

Dark and Anti wrestled for some time on the ground, trying to disarm each other so they could get a better shot. At one point they both shot with their left fists right into each other's faces, making them fall back from one another.

Dark growled, angry and frustrated while Anti was just laughing, seeming to grow more insane by the second. Both were pretty bruised with some cuts covering them here and there in there attempts to get at one another

"Just give up Dark! You know that you've always been the weaker one!" Anti called, laughing as he took in ragged breaths in between sentences.

Dark shook his head as he got up, cracking his neck to the side. "You hurt my family." He took a step towards him. "You betrayed us." He took another step towards him. "You are part of the scum of the earth! And because of that-" He glared at Anti, his eyes seeming to darken. "I will not go down."

Dark took off at Anti just as Anti got up better, beginning to fight with renewed strength.

Wilford took a breath and noticed that the wound had stopped bleeding. But for how long? He didn't know.

He knew his brother wanted him to go but- "GO WILFORD!" Dark yelled, noticing that he was hesitating.

Shaking away his fears, he nodded and took off down the hallway again to find Lily. He needed to find her.


*Wilford's POV*

I quickly went down the halls, looking through all of the rooms and calling out to her. "Lily? Lily!" I searched and searched, ignoring any of the pain that ran through me as my adrenaline was kicking in. "Lily! Lily where are you? Call out to me! I'm here, I'm-" I entered a room and saw a woman sitting down in a chair. I recognized the hairstyle and practically ran forward, shouting, "Lily! Lily, I'm here!"

I ran in front of her and hugged her immediately. "Oh Lily! Oh Lily how glad I am to see you!" I got up and looked around, beginning to take her hand. "Come on, we have to get out of here, Anti-"

"SLASH!" I quickly removed my hand from her vicinity as her knife went down at it.

I blinked and looked to her more clearly. "L-Lil? Are you ok?"

I saw her gaze meet mine and no longer were they those soft brown eyes I had fallen in love with. No. No these eyes were more darkened, as though they held nothing within though, the owner of the eyes had nothing left.

I saw her pull out her gun and shoot at me, which I barely managed to dodge as I held up my hands. "Lily! What are you doing?! It's me, Wilford!"

"I know," she commented plainly, beginning to take aim at me again.

She shot and I dodged again, shaking my head. "What are you doing?? We're partners!"

"We were partners, but now you are my target." She shot again and nearly grazed my already injured arm, making me seethe.

"Lily, please! Look!" I held up my arms. "I-I'm not going to fight you!"

She shot again and I dodged it. "Then you should stand still and make this easier!" she growled, glaring at me now with those dead eyes of hers...But I had faith. I knew she wasn't gone. It doesn't matter how she looks right now, she is not gone! I just had to figure out a way to get her attention.

She went at me with her gun, shooting at me multiple times and reloading every 6 bullets. That was the pattern I had to wait for. If I just had one window, I could reach her and get that thing away from her.

She shot once, twice, thrice, growling all the while and getting angrier. As her fourth and fifth shots fired, she yelled, "DIE YOU IMBECILE!"

But I refused as she shot her sixth one and I dived forward, knocking away the new ammunition and the gun.

She growled beneath me and as I attempted to get her wrists pinned to the ground, I felt her knee collide with my balls and I groaned and rolled off to the side. I was in very much pain as I tried to recover and as I was about to stand, I heard a soft 'click' and I paused, looking above me and seeing Lily towering over me, the gun pointed right at my forehead.

We stared at each other for a moment, as if wondering if this was really going to happen. Wondering if this was really the end.

I watched her above me and muttered, "Please...don't do this."

She brought the gun closer to my head and growled, "Shut up."

"You don't have to-"


I shrank back some as the muzzle of the gun now bore onto my head. I stared at the barrel of the gun before looking back up to her. But...she was hesitating. Her eyes were trying to look away but then kept looking back, trying to make a decision.

I stared up to her and as she looked away, I muttered, "You don't want to do this, do you?"

She paused and then looked over to me again, her arm shaking as her eyes finally broke away from their coldness. "Shut-"

"You don't want to kill me."

"I said-"

I reached for her softly and lined the gun. "You don't want to shoot me. Even your body is telling you it's wrong-"

She tried to move back as my fingers touched her hand, crying out, "Don't touch me-" but then I grabbed her wrist and wrenched the gun from her with ease, throwing it to the side as she tried to get her arm away from me. "L-Let me go!"

I shook my head and began sitting up, pulling her closer to me until we were nearly hugging. "Lily, I know you weren't lying. I know you were right, I-I'm sorry for being such a coward that I-"

She held up a knife and aimed it at my neck, making me pause. With her eyes facing the ground, she growled, "Let. Me. Go."

"..." I began to pull her closer.


"Kill me if you want-I'm going to hug you one last time. Whether you like it or not!"

I pulled her closer and she kept pulling the knife back, shaking her head. "Stop stop stop stop stop!" she cried.

"I'll only stop when I'm dead." I pulled her up to me and saw her press the knife onto my neck. She was shaking and she refused to look at me.

"Please...j-just let me go," she muttered.

I held onto her and caressed her cheek lightly. "...Tell me you don't love me. Then maybe I'll consider," I muttered, now beginning to tilt her face to me. Before she could say another word, I connected our lips, feeling the knife puncture my neck a little as I did but I didn't care. Right now, I was going to make sure the love of my life knew how I felt about her. I was going to save her dammit and a little cut was not going to stop me.

I love her. I love her with everything I have to offer. She is mine and I am hers.


*Lily's POV*

I wanted to hate this man. I wanted to hate him with every fiber of my being and end his life in the most horrible way for making me feel pain. For making me suffer. For making me think there was something more to this fucking world...

But...I couldn't. For the life of me I couldn't-even now. I had the knife on his neck-all I needed to do was push...but...I...I couldn't. I couldn't get my arm to stop shaking as he pulled me closer to him.

I wanted to end him. I wanted it to be quick. I wanted to see the light fade from his eyes as he went...but...I couldn't do it. I just...couldn't. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't get myself to hate him.

As he pulled me closer, I muttered, "Please...j-just let me go."

He only paused for a moment as I felt his hand reach up to the side of my face and heard him reply, "Tell me you don't love me. Then maybe I'll consider."

Before I could realize what was happening, he tilted my face to him and connected our lips. He was...He was so warm...

I felt my knife drop from my hands as I began to wrap my arms around him, feeling tears flowing down from my face along from his.

"I'm so sorry Lily-" he muttered in between the kiss. "I'm sorry you thought-" he connected our lips again "that I did that. We-" He kissed me again. "We never made it past that point. I-I couldn't do it." He looked into my eyes with his soft brown ones. "I-I couldn't get myself to forget you." He pulled me close to him. "Y-You are my e-everything, Lil. I-I love you."

I held onto him and cried, "I-I love you too, Wil."

We stayed there for a few moments as we cried, we cried and held onto each other like all this was just some mistake. Like all of this was just some joke that almost went too far and-and-

"Clap! Clap! Clap!" "Well done Wilford!"

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