Ch. 37

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*Lily's POV*

We looked up to the voice and found it to be Kevin on the balcony, clapping his hands together slowly. "Well fucking done Wilford! Are you proud of yourself? Hm?" He walked around up there. "Are you fucking proud of what you've done?! You've ruined my fucking project!"

"Lil," Wilford muttered softly, "Does he have a gun?"

I observed Kevin as he kept ranting on about things being ruined and I muttered, "No..."

He nodded some and as Kevin was about to continue, Wilford whipped out his gun and shot, shooting Kevin right in the chest. Kevin yelped as he fell backwards and off of the balcony. Down down down went the man and he fell with a resounding, "THUMP!"

As we approached him hand in hand, he was struggling to breathe.

"Must've knocked the air out of him," Wilford commented, chuckling as he put his weapon away.

I nodded and smirked some before looking down to Kevin. "Alright Kevin, your time is up. Have any last words?"

He paused and looked up at us. "Just two-" He held up a button and pressed it, grinning. "Good luck~"

I blinked and we looked around till I heard it-there was...there was ticking. Somewhere in that place a bomb was ticking!

"Crap. Wil-"

"Let's go!" He took a stronger hold of my hand as we ran out of there, hearing the man laughing hysterically in pain.

Wilford and I ran through the building and we reached the elevator but, the doors were wide open and the cord that held up the elevator was cut! 'He was planning on taking us out!' "Shit!" Wilford shouted.

I shook my head and took lead. "Come on, let's see if there are any stairs! This building wouldn't go without stairs!"

We ran around and eventually, we did find stairs. The only problem was: they only went up. "What the hell?!" I yelled angrily. "Who makes a one-way staircase?!"

Wilford groaned and looked behind him. "Well, it's the best we got. Come on!" He took lead once more and we ran up the stairs, I barely noticing his stomach was dripping blood. 'He-He got hurt?! When???' "Wilford, your wound-"

"We can worry about that later! We need to get out of here first or else it won't really matter!!!" With that, the conversation was dropped but my worry increased as more blood seemed to flow more frequently. 'At this rate even escaping will be next to impossible!'

As we reached the next flight of stairs, he suddenly stopped and held onto his side with both hands. "F-Fuck..."

"Wilford!" I helped him before he fell and steadied him. "Come on, you need to rest-"

"There's no time for that Lily! We don't even know how much longer we have!" He tried to straighten but failed as he cried out again and fell to the floor.

I shook my head and sat down next to him. "Well, at least let me try and help!"

"W-We don't have-"

"Shut it!" He stopped trying to fight back as I tore off a large portion of my shirt to wrap around him. As I lifted up his shirt, I noticed how bad the wound actually was. It was a gash that was meant to kill. It was a miracle he was even alive...

I shook away the thought as I quickly tied the new cloth around him and lowered his shirt down again. I bent down to him and helped him get up. "Come on Wil, let's get out of here."

He nodded as we both began to pace up the stairs, him holding onto the railing with his left hand while I supported his right side.

Eventually, we made it to the roof and we walked out, looking around but finding nothing. Then, that's when we heard it: "BOOM!"

One bomb fired off somewhere far below and screams could be heard as the building was beginning to fall in. "Crap!" Wilford shouted as another went off in a different direction.

We began to run as fast as we could towards one of the ledges, finding the ground beginning to tilt and fall more and more around us.

We kept a death grip on each other as we ran, knowing that if one of us fell, the other would be able to haul us back to safety and not have a 'Jack and Rose' moment. This was not going to be our last moment together!

We made it to a ledge and then we stopped as we looked down. We were at least a 100 stories up and the building was still blowing up. As I looked down, I felt fear. I felt fear and anguish as I kept looking down and then looking at the explosions behind us. This. This was the end. We had two choices and both of those would result in-


I looked at Wilford and he gazed at me with the most serious face he's ever done.

"Do you trust me?" he muttered.

I was going to look back to the explosions but felt his hand guide me back to his face.

"Do you trust me?" he asked again, softer.

Without another moment of hesitation, I nodded. He quickly pulled me in and kissed me and as the explosions came nearer and nearer, he took a firmer grip on me and leaned us to go over the side.

We held on to each other as we fell. It didn't matter that there were explosions happening all around. It didn't matter that Wilford was on the brink of death. It didn't matter that this may be the last time we'll ever see each other. We were with one another and that's all that really-

"BAM!" I felt my body collide with something that felt like metal and took a sharp inhale as Wilford's body fell against mine. I could feel us rolling over whatever it was but before we could roll off, another arm grabbed us and I looked up to see... "Dark?!"

He smirked with blood running down his cheek some. "Hello again Lily. Been a while hasn't it?"

He pulled us closer to the middle and that's when I realized it: we were on a fricken helicopter!!!

"Dark, why the hell are we on a helicopter?! Who does this belong to?!?"

He chuckled. "Well, Google had managed to fix your watch and found that the phone calls being made in and out that you claimed happen did and so, we requested our mother's help and-"

"Wait, your mom just has a helicopter laying around?!"

He chuckled, nodding. "Yep! I mean, she's the mother of a good assassinating business; plus I'm sure the cousins put in their share for learning under her."

I looked around, amazed. "Wow..." I looked to the front and found Google there. "Hey Google!"

He simply waved as he kept control of the helicopter.

I smiled and shook my head as I heard someone groan. I looked over to Wilford and saw that he was still bleeding out. "Wilford!"

Dark looked over to him and his eyes widened. "Quick, help me get him to a seat!"

As we did this, Wilford muttered, "It's fine, it's fine, I'm ok! See-ooooo," he groaned again as we fixed him there. Then, Dark took out a shot that had blue liquid in it and placed it in his neck so it would reach his bloodstream faster. "That should work on him till we get home. Then, we can put some stitches on him."

"Oooo, I knew he was going to need stitches~!"

My face darkened as I turned and saw Anti in the corner of the helicopter, bound together as though he belonged in an insane asylum, which, in my opinion, he did. I growled and approached him, taking out my knife. "Anti, I'm going to kill you-"

"Wait!" Dark held me back and I growled angrily towards Anti, who was laughing and giggling up a storm.

"Let me kill him!"

"It's not his fault-I-I gave him a Warfy."

I blinked and looked at Dark. "You...You gave him a Warfy?! Why didn't you kill him-"

"I figured I could torture him and figure out why the hell he decided to betray us, alright? Geez!"

"It's cause he likes me~" Anti giggled.

I looked over to Anti, raising an eyebrow. "What?"

"D-Don't listen to him-" Dark tried, but Anti kept going.

"He kissed me~"

Dark's cheeks were beginning to light up. "No I didn't, he doesn't know what he's talking-"

"He kissed me right here on the lips~," Anti refuted, tapping his fingers onto his lips playfully.

As I looked over to Dark and raised my eyebrow even more, his cheeks were now a very dark red as he stuttered, "I-I was just ad-administring th-the Warfy- th-that's all!"

"Sure Dark~ But what about-"


I snickered and began holding my face with one hand, shaking my head. "You guys are funny."


"The influence of your love~ Puhuhu~" Anti giggled, laughing as Dark's cheeks were now even redder than before. I burst out into laughter at this amazing sight.


I snickered and rolled my eyes, now putting my focus back to Wilford as I made my way back over to him. He had his eyes closed and was...smiling... I stared at him for a while, admiring his smile before muttering, "Man, who was the one that blessed you with that cute face?", lowering myself down to his head and softly placing a kiss on his forehead.

"Who was the one that blessed you with cute thoughts?" he muttered and I felt my cheeks light up as he looked up to me and chuckled.

I shook my head and flicked his forehead. "Weirdo."

"Oww, I'm already hurt!" he cried as he held onto his forehead.

"I know..." I gently picked up his head and laid it down on my lap, running my fingers through his soft lockes and watching his eyes beginning to close in comfort. "I know..."

A.N. Awe...this is one of my favorite fluff points ^^

Last chapter will be released on Monday! Love y'all! ^^

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