Ch. 4

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I parked the car a little ways away from the base just in case they did end up finding the car. My head was ringing slightly and begging me to hit the ground but I wasn't safe yet.

I walked towards the broken down building and entered.

I've been living here for about...3 months by now? I often moved so as to not get caught and to keep me on my toes. Moving was easy as I only held onto the essentials. No friends or family meant no gifts or useless articles to hold onto. And weapons and clothing can always be replaced.

In fact, I'll be needing to move soon since the 3rd month was coming to an end. It was supposed to be a gift to myself for my thousandth kill. A real nice place too.

I knelt down to a wall and pressed in on it. A panel opened up and I typed in 0314, the day that I first killed someone. Lovely day really.

A trap door opened up underneath me and I found myself sliding down to my base. "Weeeee!" I screeched. Then, I landed. 'Well, that should top off today's random feelings to be tried to have.'

I often had to force myself to try to be human just to practice really. I wasn't always the best 'flirt' or actress so I had to try and connect with others. Try.

I looked around but...something was off. My place often looked like a mess looked more of a mess. Like...something or someone was looking for something. 'Someone got in?!' I grabbed the gun to my right and checked for ammunition. Thankfully that was still there. I walked around, watching my surroundings like a hawk despite the other part wanting to let go. Everywhere was messed up and they even tore up my sleeping bag and clothing. Next to it, I found my computer, smashed to bits and a note laying on it. I flicked it open with my foot and looked it over.

'Randy, (my code name)

It has come to our attention that you could not complete the mission. We are going to destroy all of the evidence and with that evidence is you. We've taken out your base and now all that is left is your lovely self. So we will-'

I backed away and ran out, not bothering to read the rest. 'Fuck fuck fuck fuck!' I heard something ticking away and knew what it was. How had I not noticed it before?!

I slammed a part of the wall and opened up a secret staircase, then ran through.

I reached the top and looked for the crowbar...there wasn't a crowbar. Instead, another fucking note with something likely around 'Randy, I didn't believe you would be needing this'

I rammed my elbow against the doors above me. 'Come on, come on!!!'


*Wilford's POV*

"There!" We parked next to the broken vehicle but found no occupant. This part of town was run down with many old buildings scattered, almost a ghost town.

We got out of the car and looked around. "Google, take a geographical look on the area; see if there is anything out of the ordinary."

"On it." His eyes glowed a bright blue as he worked with a screen in front of him. I pointed to something that looked like a basement.

"There!" He closed the window and we walked in that direction.

We looked around in the rubble, finding no way to enter. "Where's the entrance?"

Google shrugged and began to scan the area.

Then, I heard banging from somewhere. "Google, quiet." He paused. There was another bang. "This way." We went towards the noise which was behind the building. Something was attempting to push open a door that had a lock and multiple cement blocks on it. I heard a grunt and recognized it to belong to a female's.

I pushed the cement blocks off with Google's help and he zapped the lock apart. Before we could react, there was another 'BANG!' and someone came flying out onto me. It was Lily. She stared at me confused temporarily before getting up and taking off. "Run!" she yelled.

Without hesitating we took off after her and not even 30 seconds later there was a loud 'BOOM!', causing all of us to fly forward from the blast. I looked to the noise and saw the building we were in was blown to bits further with a large blaze rising from it. 'Dear god...'

I looked forward and saw Lily on the ground, a small stream of blood flowing from her head. "No no no." I picked her up and saw her eyes staring at nothing. "Lily, Lily come on, stay awake. Google! We have to go!"

He got up and we ran to the car. I carried her in and sat in the back. "Come on Lily, stay with me." I slapped her face lightly as her eyes kept wandering around, not really focused on anything. "Lily stay up, stay awake." I shook her and pried her eyes open. "Lily. Lily!"


*Time Skip!*

*Lily's POV*

I felt awful. Extremely awful. My head was in pain and I couldn't keep my thoughts straight. I couldn't tell what was really happening either. The last thing I could remember was running out of the building with Wilford and Google...but that was it.

I tried to move but nothing wanted to move. But it didn't matter what my body wanted.

I forced myself to move and opened my eyes. Once again, I found myself in that disgusting, pink bedroom and found my hand being held by someone. It was...Wilford. "Wilford??" I seethed with my voice and I fell back.

"Lily!" He came closer to me and caressed my cheek.

I almost let him get away with it till I realized again that it was him. I pulled my head away, pain echoing through my head. "How did I get here?" I groaned.

Once again he was caressing my face in which I felt the immense need to burn the hand. "Your base I'm guessing blew up. You got hurt and we took you back here to heal..." He suddenly held me which caused my eyes to open wide. "I'm so glad you're ok!"

I felt pain. Pain pain pain. "Wilford, Wilford, I'm in pain, I'm feeling pain, let me go-"

"Oh oh, sorry." He placed me gently back down on the bed and I caught him staring at me for a moment too long.


He shook his head and glanced away. "Nothing..." He looked back to me and held my hands. "So I hope that maybe now you'll join our team?"

I furrowed my eyebrows at him. "Join you? Yes Wilford, after my base was taken out and you have valiantly saved me I'll join your team!"


"No! What are you, crazy?"


A.N. You wouldn't even know it heh heh~

I sighed. "Look, I guess I should be appreciating this but my mind is already thinking far ahead of this and do you know what it is saying?" He shook his head. "It's telling me to get the hell out of here and out of town and to try and get my life back together!" I tried to get up again but my body restricted my movements by etching pain all over. "AH!" I went back down.

"Lily, whoever did that to your base is likely going to still be after you. You at least have to stick around till you heal-"

"No! I'm a sitting duck here you moron!" I pulled my hands away and sat up, grinding my teeth together to keep myself from showing any more signs of pain. I looked around. "Where's my gun?"


"Where is my gun?"

Wilford got up. "Google knew that you were going to be like this..." He sighed and began to walk away.

"Where are you going?"

"...You're going to stay in here till you calm down."

"What?!" I tried to stand on my feet to go after him but my body was still yelling at me.

"The sooner you calm down, the faster you can think about your next decision my dear." He stood in the doorway. "Sleep well~"

He closed the door behind him and I stared. "Wilford!" He didn't answer. "WILFORD!"


*Wilford's POV*

I stood outside my door listening to her yelling on the other side. For someone that was hurt she sure did have a hell of a voice still. And the strength to stand up...she was truly a marvel. But it did worry me slightly about her mindset. I can't have her leave being a target...

Dark and Google were already trying to find out who had me on as a target. Although Dark didn't care for her being, he was concerned if she was now under our roof. I think it was also her defending herself that got his attention.

I walked forward and went to the living room. I pressed a button and the fireplace turned into a target practice zone. Head shots were brought onto all small 9 figurines moving around.

'She just needs time to calm down...then she will be more open to the idea...She'll come to like us eventually.'


*Time skip!*

*Lily's POV*

I sat against the bedpost and stared at the door. My mind had began to calm down and was surprisingly not thinking about much besides getting something to eat. The pain was gone and the ringing had stopped; I didn't even feel tired.

...I knew that these people were helping me...but I couldn't wrap my head around why. People always have a reason for everything. They want something; more than just my friendship or even a stupid partnership. But what?!

I heard a knock on my-the door. "Come in," I muttered.

I saw the pink mustached man enter in with food. "You're on the floor..."

"It doesn't matter," I replied, eyeing the food. It was a simple sandwich but dear lord it seemed like the best sandwich I've seen in ages.

He blinked down at me and then to the food. "Oh, right, you're probably hungry." He bent down and before he could neatly lay it on my lap, I snatched the tray and began to rip into the sandwich. "Really hungry..." he muttered as he watched me. He sat down next to me. "You don't have many ladylike manners, do you?"

I swallowed. "I'm sorry if I'm not being 'Ms. Perfect' right now but that is me on duty. And usually well fed." He chuckled as I continued to eat.

Then he paused. "Lily...have you thought about what I told you earlier?"

I paused and swallowed, thinking. 'Considering my's either I continue to stay here or join them...Although I hate the idea, at least I could figure out what they want through' I hated that word. I sighed. "Look...Wilford."

He hummed.

"What will exactly happen if I joined your"

He crossed his legs and I felt his eyes on me. "Well, you will be put on missions that we have and will work with us depending on what is needed."

I groaned. "You mean that you do other things than just kill?"

"'s just we call our 'targets' our 'missions' to put it in lighter words."

I rolled my eyes. "You don't need to sugarcoat it. Killing is killing; that's what makes it fun."

I glanced over to him and he seemed slightly...surprised. He blinked a chuckled lightly. "Straight to the point huh...that's another thing I could add on to the things I like about you." He wrapped an arm around me but I was now focusing on the chips and water given to me to care much.

A thought crossed my mind. "Do you have rules?"


"Like, do you care if I go on a killing spree at points to kill the target?"

He shrugged. "If it's a necessity or a want, I don't see why you couldn't." 'Awesome.' "I believe the only rules you could have with us are to not kill us or betray us, and we'll do the same for you."

I groaned. "So I can't kill you?"

"No! We're on a team now!" he cried rather offended.

I just chuckled. "I'm 'playing around' in a sense, it's what you do right? Man, you are a bundle of emotions." I felt my lips curve slightly but then paused. '...He didn't just make me smile...did he?' No, no it had to be my practice emotions coming into play.

He stared at me...not in an ill way though...more like, in curiosity? I couldn't make out his face; I haven't seen anyone look at someone like this. "What?"

He shook out of his trance. "N-nothing. Just thought I'd never see you smile. An actual smile, that is."

"Oh, well, don't take that to heart..." There was an awkward silence. Then I noticed his arm. "Um, Wilford?"


"Your arm. It's kind of on my, y'know..."

"Oh! Sorry!" He removed the arm, removing the extra warmth being brought to my body.

More of the dreadful silence.

"Hey, do you want to try meeting everyone again?"

I stared at him as though he was a moron. 'He can't really be like this, can he? This was the guy I was almost killed over for not killing?' "I think our introductions have been made already."

"Ah...ok well, at least come join us to find out what our plans are."


He got up and held out his hand. "Yes, we do have to move after all just in case anyone saw your little 'incident' today."

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