Ch. 5

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We were now riding in a sleek dark red mercedes benz, having to abandon the pink one Wilford was driving around earlier, much to Wilford's discontent. "BOOM!" I turned behind me to see that both the house and Wilford's car were blown to bits. Wilford slightly cried into my shoulder in which I returned with a light push off of me. 'They really clean up their shit.' "So, where are we going again?" I asked.

"We are headed to another premade base," Dark commented lowly, driving with a pair of black sunglasses.

'So...I guess my gift is still being brought to me...even though I didn't kill my thousandth person who has basically become my 'partner' now.' I tried not to think that much on it as we went onto a highway.

We eventually arrived to this average sized house with a brown roof and beige brick outlining the outside of the house. A window or two scattered in various places. There was even a garage.

We pulled into the two-car garage to find another one existing there already: a dark blue BMW SX. The garage door closed behind us.

"Home sw-sweet home," Google commented, mostly to himself.

We entered the main building and found there to be an already furnished living room. I sat on the couch and just stared at a white wall, waiting.

"...What are you doing?"

I turned to Wilford. "Waiting."


I shrugged. "I don't really know where to set up or anything, so, orders."

"Orders-This isn't a mission. Just choose a room!"

"...But you are the owners of the house-"

"The h-house belongs to those wh-who live i-in it," Google stated as he brought in a couple of bags.

"..." Although I did not feel comfortable, I went to a room anyway with my bag of various items saved from my vehicle. There were five rooms even if the house didn't seem all that big of a place on the outside. I just went for the one closest to the living room and found it to be a red themed room. Red walls with a maroon dresser on the side. The bed was lavished in a large dark red comforter with white pillows too. '...' I put down my things, walked over to the pillows, grabbed the pink pillows, and threw them across the way to the door. 'I'll see if Wilford wants them' I took the comforter off and folded it up, seeing that I usually don't sleep with much on the bed anyway. Helps to make an easy escape if needed.

I looked through my bags to see what was left of my old supplies. A few wigs, makeup that will likely last for a good 50 missions, 10 outfits (along with whatever I bought with Wilford), a box of various tools, a shotgun, three pistols, 10 knives of different sizes, a few needles, and some various poisons that I've grown to become immune to. 'Which reminds me, I'll need to ask Google for some of the Warfy stuff to get used to that too. I can't chance anyone else having that on them to clog my mind up.' I set up a knife under a pillow and put the other things in the closet.

When I was done putting everything away, I went out to see that Google was working on lunch in the kitchen. It was quite a big kitchen by the looks of it. It even had its own island counters.

I looked over his shoulder to see he was frying up some meat patties and had already cut up some lettuce, tomatoes, and onions. "Burgers?" I asked.

"Burgers," he confirmed, flipping over another patty.

As I watched casually, I decided to pop the question. "So, what is your purpose?"

He glanced up to me before returning to his task at hand. "Purpose?"

"Yes, are you acting like an intern or are you like a maid?"

"Maid or butl-ler?" he corrected.

"Sorry, but you know what I mean."

He was silent for a little bit before replying, "My pri-imary objective is to answer questions as quick-quickly as possible, acting as a da-atabase if you will. My secondary obje-ective has been modified to eliminate th-those in our way. Other functions are to be a bro-brother and kill if needed."

"What used to be your secondary objective?"

"...I'll t-tell you later."

I nodded. I went to go sit down at the table.

"Oh, right." Google looked over to me. "Watch or earpiece?"


"Preference of comm-communication a-and information," Google stated.

I shrugged. "I guess a watch will look fine." Google nodded and tossed me a brown watch.

As I put on the watch, a thought crossed my mind. "Google, do you know where I could get some Warfy?"

He looked back at me skeptically. "I-I wouldn't suggest y-you get addicted to the stuff. It isn't heal-healthy."

"No, god no, I just want to grow immune to its effects or at least be better off."

"To develop a t-tolerance?"

"Yeah. I've been successful with many different drugs and poisons already, just not with that beast."

He looked back to the patties and turned off the stove. "Warfies are a powerful drug. Some of the elements in there are probably some that you've never heard of or would make sense to use."

I shrugged. "I'll take up the challenge if it means I don't have to go through that again. I don't want a little drug to be the end of me."

"Th-then you should probably ask Wilford t-to help you; he's been the only o-one to actually take on the drug and st-stay sane."

'Or maybe that drove him to be 'insane'.'

As Google put down the plates, the other two walked in, Wilford in a cheery mood while Dark was just...Dark.

"Ooooo, burgers!" Wilford yelled out excitedly. How many emotions does this guy wear on his sleeve?

He made a grab for a patty when Google swatted his hand away with the spatula. "It's h-hot you idiot, do y-you want to burn-n yourself again?"

He massaged his hand with a solemn face. "No..." I don't know how he did it, but he managed to make himself look cute in the- Wait, what?!

I shook off the thought as I helped Google set up the table. 'That moron isn't cute...I don't even think things are cute...puppies, kitties, babies, none of that is cute to me! Cute is seeing the last expression of someone, especially if they are surprised...Wilford is nowhere near cute.'

"Lily?" I heard Wilford ask.

I looked up. "Yes?"

"Are you still hurting or something? You kind of seem lost; you're not losing conscious on me are you?" he asked, chuckling lightly.

"Ah no, I'm fine," I claimed, waving away any hint of that. 'That is probably it. Maybe I'm still somewhat loopy from the injury. It was in my head after all...'

"We've received a new mission," Dark remarked as he neatly placed his bun on top of his burger.

"Agh, Dark, do we have to talk about that now? We're barely getting-"

"What is it?" I asked, interrupting the 'compulsive' Wilford.

Dark smirked. "Are you sure you're up for it? I mean, if you need more time to recover-"

"If I'm not going to be used as an asset then I might as well be a flower on the wall. Besides-" I launched a knife at Wilford and it cut off a bit of pink tuft, "I still need to keep my babies content~"

Dark and Google laughed at Wilford's pale expression as he touched his now slightly shorter hair. "I-I thought I said that you wouldn't kill us..." he muttered.

I shrugged. "I knew it wouldn't hit you." Then, I bit into my burger.

"Well, the venture should be fun; it is at a carnival afterall," Dark commented lightly.

"Oh, lots of people huh? I'm up for a challenge."

"AND THEN AFTERWARDS WE CAN GO DO SOME GAMES AND RIDES!" Wilford exclaimed out of nowhere, causing me to nearly choke on my burger.

"Uh...yeah, sure," Dark muttered, not really wishing to put up an argument for this idea.


'I guess I could observe people there...haven't really ever been to one because I heard it smells like hay and sweat...not the best combination in the world.'

*Time skip brought to you by Bibbity Bobbity Boo!*

I stared at the scene unraveling before me as Dark bought the tickets for the place. There were hundreds of people there it seemed walking all over the place, chatting with others, laughing, smiles shining brightly on their faces.

I also heard small screams in the distance that would fluctuate based on how far they were and when I looked in that general direction, I saw people on rollercoasters. I knew it was a common thing for people to scream on roller coasters but it did still bother me slightly. Why do you want to go on something just to scream? Is it another form of masochism that I don't understand?

Wilford saw me staring and asked, "Seems like fun, right~?"

I looked over to him. "Your idea of fun is odd."

He paled. "What? My idea of fun is odd?!"

I looked back over to the people on the rides. "You're paying to go on a ride that will inevitably make you scream. Why would you want to scream like a child?"

"...Lily. Have you ever been to a carnival?"

I looked over to him again. "No, but I've heard enough about it to get the gist of it. You pay money to go around and play some pointless games that you only have so much of a percent at winning and then maybe go around on some rides to get freaked out on with your friends or companions." I paused and thought about something. "Maybe you could use the ride to your advantage though. Everyone around you is concentrated on the ride and, seeing how fast they are going, they would probably think a shot would be one of the many clicks in the ride itself. No one would really be able to track who was the one who shot either because you could position yourself to where you're in the sky and-"


I blinked and refocused on Wilford. "What?"

He sighed and massaged his face. "Not everything has to be about work!"

I squinted at him skeptically. "Then what's the point?"

"The point?" Wilford groaned and looked over to the others temporarily. "One sec."

Wilford began to talk to Dark and Google in hushed whispers and I caught onto things such as 'rides' 'please' 'easy job'... Wait, he's not trying to-

But it was too late. I saw Wilford bounding towards me and I wanted to sprint away but he already had grabbed hold of my wrist and placed a band on there. Then he continued to hold my wrist as he exclaimed, "Come on! We're going to go have some fun!"

"What?! But what about the-"

"No buts, Dark and Google are getting it! Come on!" Wilford began to pull me away from the two and I wanted to get away from the madman.



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