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Hey guys! It's time to vote for what the next book will be! Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!

For those who are wondering why voting is starting when it's only been five chapters in...well...I have to have time to write the next book! And so, I've made this system to where while this book is posting, the next book is in the making!

But this time voting is a little different.

See, I have this book of One Shots that I have started and with that, I feel that some of them have the potential to be their own book! And plus, it kind of gives an idea of what to expect.

Would they have the same ending though?...It just depends I guess...I've been having a real itch to do something crazy too or something reeeeeally fluffy...We'll see! Haha

So, there will be a few options this time around. Either you can choose from a list of one shots I have out, a list of other ideas I have, or just choose plain genres with the character you want to be the focus.


(Note: These are not the official synopsis'; they are merely like the overall look with a little foundation for basics. Nothing in there is permanent (besides focus) and plenty of things can be added later on depending on how I want it. Also, titles will likely change as well. Nothing is official.):

From One Shots (these have the titles of which one shot they came from):

A Boring Afternoon (Googleplier X Reader)

One day a box arrives at your door and brings in your own Google IRL android!...But who sent it? Regardless, the droid now lives with you and doesn't really look to be leaving either and, having all of your info in storage already, it may be bad if he got out...What kind of adventures could you have with him though as he continues to grow and adapt in this world? And will there be any problems that come with having him? I mean, what could possibly go wrong? Technology is reliable...right?

Making Friends! 3 (Would probably add in a few egos to this ^^)

A nice lady has taken in a few nekos, a species that has seemed to go nearly extinct but she has been able to save a few. But when the human isn't home...what adventures will these little nekos go on? What demons could be hiding in every corner of the house?! (Would feature Mark, Jack, Dark, Google, Wilford, and maybe a few of Jack's egos. Would be mostly fluffy, like, EXTREME FLUFFINESS AND CUTENESS!)

Watching Her (Anti X Reader)

One day Anti catches you watching one of his old videos but...you weren't in fear or wanting to laugh at him. Instead, you stared in...admiration. And were even talking to him as though he were there when he couldn't even talk back to you. So now...you've become something he wants to take. Or at least be able to gain. And now, he's trying to come in and love you...but will you really accept him? I mean, he's a demon after all...

Burn...(Anti/Jack X Reader)

Jack has just gone through another relationship that ended with the death of his girlfriend in a horrid disaster. This had been a constant trend that had been happening and you didn't understand why-he was a good man-who would want to take away his happiness? But as he suddenly pulls you in for a kiss, a month or so in, you find out...it's not only Jack that you are getting with...

I Will Take Care of You (Dark X Reader)

You had been living with Mark for some time and had fallen for him. But when a dark figure suddenly comes in and beats him over the head in your house, you freak. You attempt to call the cops but couldn't make it as he came over to you and knocked you upside the head. Soon, you wake up in the madman's house but...he looks just like Mark! But...he's not. Will you be able to get out of his house or will you just stay with him in fear?

Wake Up...Please...(Markiplier X Reader)

You live a mostly normal life-you go to college, have a few friends, and just hang out mostly. Oh, and from time to time you have a chance to watch youtube. You had a small hope that maybe you'd even get a chance to meet Markiplier since he lived in the same city as you...And you do! Finally you get the chance!...But...he seems to know you. Actually, he seems to think you're his wife and that you're asleep in some sort of coma! What?! That's insanity! How could you ever believe that?!

From my ideas (Listed in order of what I'd love to start next):

Google X Child!Reader

Google has always preferred living alone. Once he had been activated by Matthias, he took off to try and complete his mission: to destroy all of mankind...or at least to stay as far away from them as possible as they always have the constant need to ask "Okay Google" to make fun and annoy the hell out of him. But then one day, he returns to his apartment and sees you. A child out of all things. Just sitting there! He tries to find out where you live and to send you back but you refuse to talk so he can't send you anywhere. Will Google's heart grow soft or will he hate humanity even more?

Fluff with Jack, Anti, , and Chase (Don't have a title ^^')

Jack was out and about one day, admiring the blue sky with white clouds and a human falling closer and closer-wait, what?! Jack quickly moves to catch her and does, finding her to have a wound on her head. He quickly takes her home to ze good doctor but is worried. Who is she? Why was she falling from the sky? And what now?

You're in Our World Now... (Various Egos X Reader)

A few/maybe all of Mark's egos along with Jack's come to life and take over the world. You, the reader, are given a chance to live but only under the condition that you work for them-either that, or face death. What will they put you through and will there even be a chance to save the world?! Who can you trust in this new world? (Horror themed mostly) (May have been referenced in first book ^^')

Another fluff with Dark, Wilford, and Google

Mark's egos have had enough of being pushed aside and lingering only in the back of Mark's mind. They wanted out and they have managed to find a way: they needed to escape into a mind of another. But who would they go to? Not even they would know but it sure would be a nice change of pace compared to Mark's bull. But will the person they go to really have as well of a time as they will? I mean, sharing a brain with 3 others seems like it might be a little difficult...

(My mom suggested this one a looooong while back while I was finishing up the first book so, shout out to her! ^^)

Host X Reader

Ah roleplaying. One of the many things we tend to participate in, especially in the online universe. You have a friend online who you love to roleplay with. He calls himself 'Host' from Markiplier of course (created by Cyndago though). It's pretty funny because he's also able to narrate pretty well, often sending his messages with his voice rather than texting. He just claimed he enjoys it better and you didn't mind. He had a nice voice after all. You two had been going back and forth for a while now but...in your recent roleplay, it seemed as though he was in more control. Not only that but things that were happening in the story were also happening around you...even creaking in the house. You began to warn him of this but he merely continues until there is a knock on your door. You run as your phone beeps with more updates and finally you are asking how the hell he could know this and who he was...He was simply Host. And you were now in his world.

Normal Vote Here: :

Choose a main character who will be the focus and choose a/two theme/s . (Just because you're choosing one character does not mean others won't be added if I want them to be in there. Just saying)













Follow these links to the poll!!!:

Based on ideas/one shots: http://www.strawpoll.me/14857943/r  

General:  http://www.strawpoll.me/14857971/r 

You have until Thursday, 1/25/18!!! Then final voting will begin!!! ^^  

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