Ch. 6

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A.N. Hey guys, before you start please go do the final vote. There's 5 options to choose from now and whichever is the highest by Sunday night will be the next book! : 

*Wilford's POV*

I was determined to get Lily to have some fun. She seemed like a woman to never have had a fun day of her life and I was gonna be the man to change that!

I felt her struggling with me. "Wilford! Let me go!"

"Never! We're having fun whether you like it or not!"

I dragged her over to a shooting game and looked it over. Wooden horses were going round and round. "Want to see how many you can shoot?"

"I don't think that's gonna be much of a challenge."

I thought about it. "Well, let's put on a wager. I win, you and I keep going around the carnival, willingly."

"And if I win?" she asked with slight interest.

"Then we get back on with the mission," I told her.

She grinned. "Well, I gotta say, your stakes are pretty high for a one-sided battle."

"We'll see~" I gave the guy a payment and we both lined up with the given guns. The music started and we began to shoot at the horses.

One by one those suckers fell back, Lily and I shooting in sync almost. She happened to have started a little bit earlier than me.

By the time we knew it there was only one row of 5 left and this would be the one to say who made the final victory. I grinned and shot two and saw her two go down and at the same moment, our shots went flying towards the last horse and it was knocked down...but who had hit it first was still a question.

I looked over to the man who was gazing in awe. "Did you see who hit last?!" I asked with eagerness.

The man blinked before looking back at us. "Uh...They both hit at the exact same time man...Are you both gunslingers or something?" the man asked in awe.

"Sort of..." Then, a thought occurred as I slowly turned to see Lily staring blankly. "Although no one exactly won, I would have to say that I still take the cake in this one! So let's go!" I grabbed her wrist as the guy was trying to ask if we had wanted a prize or anything but just simply ignored him and ran off to do a ride.


*Lily's POV*

'I...I lost? I'm faster than this insane man and have my head on better...I shouldn't have lost that!' Wilford snapped me out of my thoughts as he pushed me onto a ride without my acknowledgement. I looked around.

The ride basically took one in a circle it seemed, since there were no other contraptions attached to go could go elsewhere if there was a loose bolt or it were to break partially...But that's beside the point.

A man walked up to us and put the harness over us to help us not fly out during the ride. It made me wonder how easily it could be to 'accidently' not click the harness correctly and then leave the occupant- "Lily!"

I shook out of my thoughts. "What?"

"Are you thinking about work?"

"...Not exactly."

"Are you thinking about killing?"


"How? And why?"

I motioned over to the guy operating the ride. "It's his job to make sure the harnesses are secure. Someone could easily pay them to not mind it as much and 'accidentally' not click the target's harness in. So whenever the ride is in operation, the target will either be holding on for dear life or will fall to his doom because of the speed of the given ride."

Wilford blinked at me. "Do you...get out often?"

I looked away. "I don't find that there is any use for that sort of thing. Other than observing others and finding better ways to get the job done."

"I see..." There was an awkward silence shared as the man at the operating machine was telling us warnings, etc. Then, there was a "SCREE-PSH!" sound and the ride began to go forward a little. Not too bad.

Then the ride began to go backward a little. Ok, so far so good. Then it went forward a little more than before. How far does it go back and forth again? Then it went back a little more than the way it went forward and I could feel myself being drawn by gravity into my harness, which seemed to move slightly. It was probably usual that that happens. Then it went forward almost ¾'s of the way, making my body fall back into the chair.

I could hear Wilford giggling with excitement for whatever was about to happen. Before I could really ask, all of a sudden like a fricken bullet we were sent backwards, I being pushed into my harness. The wind was fast and screams were eminent, even Wilford was 'Whooing' next to me. But I was...scared? I think that's what it is called. I've never experienced one of these but holy hell, this was not ok! I was practically feeling my fingers embed themselves into the given bar in front of us. Then we were sent flying forward and I felt my body being thrown back into the seat. I could not understand how this was fun for anybody!!! This was terrifying and I've never been terrified of anything!

There was no way to read what this contraption was going to do. I was basically at its mercy as it began to go backwards again. My jaw was clenched to keep me stable as images zoomed past us. As we were about to go forward again, I felt my left hand being pried off and I saw Wilford taking it and putting it into the air. What the bloody hell was he doing? They said to keep all body parts in the-oh no.

The contraption went forward. I felt something growing in the pit of my stomach as I began to rethink my life choices. Eventually this thing began to grow and eventually it reached over its limit and I found whatever it was was beginning to spill out of my mouth. It was...a yell. "AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!" I have never made that sound before. But as we were brought backwards again, I shouted, "GEEZUS WHEN WILL THIS END?!"

Then. We stopped. Upside down. I was being pushed into the harness and I could see everyone below me. I glanced over to Wilford to see him...smirking. I wanted to smack that smirk off but before I could do anything, the ride began to go forward and then finally was pulling backwards a little, then forward, then backwards, and then came to a halt.

I quickly removed the harness and was going to run off when I realized: my legs are numb. So instead of a quick getaway as planned, I ended up falling into Wilford, who was making his way off the ride. I heard him chuckle. "You know, there's other ways to say you're falling for me~"

"Trust me, I am not falling for you. My legs are numb," I growled. I could never fall for this-wait, what is he-

Wilford had picked me up bridal style and helped me out of the horrid contraption. "What. Are. You. Doing??" I demanded, annoyed.

"Helping. You can't walk so, I have to help you. Unless you want to go for round 2?" he asked, grinning down at me mischievously.

"Dear God no, please, no." I shivered in his grasp as he let out another chuckle.

Soon we were away from the ride and I could feel my legs coming back to me. "Wilford."

"Hmm~?" Wilford hummed.

"I think I'm good."

"Okay." Wilford was still holding me.



"Are you going to put me down?"



He shrugged. "I don't know."

"...Please put me down."

He sighed. "You're no fun." He put me down and I was relieved to have my limbs back. " do you feel?"

"Feel? That was horrible!" I exclaimed. "Why does anyone find that fun? That was frickin terrifying and I've never been scared!"

He laughed with enthusiasm. "That can't really have been your first ride could it? I mean, come on! Out of anything to make you panic, that got you?"

"Yes! There was no way to read the ride!"

"That's the point! The element of surprise is used to bring your senses on the brink with everything!" he bellowed, moving his arms to describe it. "But how do you feel?"


"Yes! You probably feel relieved right? A certain high gained after going through such a ride!"

I thought about this. Although my body was still not used to it, it did feel...abnormally relaxed. That yell took a lot out of me. "Huh...I guess that is true..."

Wilford grinned and grabbed my hand. "See! Then let us go on another!" He began to pull me in a-wait, did he say to go on another one?!

"Wilford are you insane?!" I asked.

"Yes, yes I am!" Wilford called, not bothering to look back at me. This...was going to be a long day.


*Wilford's POV*

'That yell of hers...It had to be the best sound I have ever heard her promote. And the face she made was priceless. Although it wasn't of emotions I was exactly looking for, it certainly was a start. And I bet she wasn't thinking about work during that ride!'

I smiled to myself as we made our way to another ride.

This one was slightly better for people who haven't really had a chance to go on roller coasters; one I probably should've done first...But that ride makes it seems like anything else is for babies! I glanced back at Lily seeing her eyes were still wide from the ride. I think it's the most I've seen her expression change. I have to say: I'm not disappointed. It makes me want to bring her to an amusement park with more of these rides.

"What are you looking at?" she asked, now taking on her old facial features. Oh well, it was fun while it lasted.


"...I can see that. Why?"

"Is there a rule saying I can't?"

", but-"

"Then I shall continue to look!"

"...Could you at least relinquish my hand? We don't have to stand and hold hands ya know."

Begrudgingly, I let her hand go and looked back to the ride. It was simple: you get into your seats and the machine takes you flying into the air, supposedly like an airplane but with open windows and such. It was usually fun and would let you see around the place with ease, almost like the ferris wheel. I would like to take her on the ferris wheel, they say it's the 'place to be.' And maybe that'll kick her into liking me back!

I grinned as I unconsciously grabbed her hand again and began to pull her onto the ride. "Wilford! I can walk on my own!" she yelled.

We got onto the ride and we had our harnesses put on with ease. She looked to the ground and kicked her feet in the air aimlessly as we waited. "Don't worry, this one won't be as bad as the other one," I told her. She simply nodded to the ground. She was so cute, even if she didn't know it!
The man talked on the speaker before the ride started up, beginning to pull us up into the air and push us forward so we go around the pillar in the middle. I saw Lily hold onto the harness and her knuckles turn white with her grip. She did keep her eyes open though.

"See? Not too bad right?" She nodded. I rolled my eyes. "You can talk on here y'know. You can't be that scared, can you?"

Her eye twitched. "I-I'm not scared!" she yelled at me, and she punched me in the arm with the arm closest to me, surprisingly causing slight pain even with the weird angle.

I chuckled and rubbed my arm. "It's ok if you are y'know~ I could hold your-"

"No. Never in a million years," she strictly stated.

I chuckled. "Well, a million years must've flown by already because I've had your hand many times today."

"That's because you keep taking hold of it!"

"But you don't have to hold on~"

"...I hate you." I laughed.

The ride soon ended and I was about to pull her to the ferris wheel when I felt my watch vibrating. I knew who it was but...I didn't want to answer. I didn't want this day to end now.

I ignored it but in that next instance, we ran into Dark and Google. Some faint screams were heard in the distance. "We need to go," Dark claimed, dragging me by the ear.

"Hey!" I yelled.

"This is for not answering," he growled, continuing to drag me around like a child.


*Lily's POV*

I felt myself chuckle at the sight before stopping myself and blinking. 'What the hell just came from my mouth?' I stood there for a moment trying to figure it out.

Google looked over to me. "D-Do I have to drag y-you too?" he asked, his eyes faintly growing red in warning.

I shook my head and ran over. 'This is weird...Wilford is weird...he's making me weird...What the hell is happening to me?!'

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