chapter 15

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Chapter 15:

In the schoolyard, the girl and her friends played happily, smiled brightly, and chased together.

The female student is not very beautiful, but she gives others a pleasant feeling.

The leaf fell on the girl's head, a male student ran to pick it up, the girl looked unhappy and turned to leave.

It all fell into the eyes of another male student standing on the third floor.

This male student is none other than Van Anh.

Been in this strange place for too long, still can't come back.

Van Anh suddenly thought of a daring idea.

If it wasn't for the elevator, it would probably have come from the heroine, because when she opened her eyes, the first person she saw was the heroine.

I don't know, if she recreated the situation that day, she would be able to return.

But she didn't want to touch the heroine at all, because she was the comet.

The wound on her body was still very painful.

The break bell rang.

Tearing the bag of bread, Van Anh was fed up with chewing.

I really want to go back so much.

Every noon must be safe with packaged food, she is almost going crazy.

What school sells food as expensive as the devil, 4-5 times the price outside. Do she can only buy ready-made food.

Looking at the students around, they are all full of rice, meat, fish, soft drinks, and milk.

Van Anh is jealous.

All evil people have money.

The more she thought about it, the more angry she became, she tried to swallow the tasteless bread, while trying to make up for some of the original knowledge she had missed.

Wait until the last sentence, she took the thermos to pour water. Fortunately, the school's water is free.

As she was walking, she was noticed by a table and stopped for a moment.

There are five more minutes until class, and yet the female student still hasn't moved her chopsticks even a little.

Fried shrimp, fried chicken, seaweed soup...

All the things she likes.

Drinking a glass of water to quench her thirst, she shook her head and sat down.

"Thanh Thu".

"What's wrong?", still thinking about it, Thanh Thu was startled by Minh Thu's cry.

"It's time for class."

"Ah, is that so?", quickly packing up the food box, she rummaged through her books.

What subject is next?

My Ngan: "What are you doing, taking out the books?".

Looking at the strange eyes of the two, Thanh Thu was bewildered: "Didn't you go to class?"

"Oh", then what?

"Why don't you take the book out to study?", seeing that My Ngan refused to go back to her place, she asked: "Why haven't you gone back yet?".

My Ngan looked concerned, she sat next to Thanh Thu, worriedly asked: "What's wrong with you today, why are you like a person in the sky. The next class is gymnastics."

Minh Thu: "The whole class has gone down to the yard".

Embarrassed, Thanh Thu forced a smile: "I'm fine, just thinking about a few things so I can't remember, let's hurry down to the yard".

After saying that, she ran away.

The class is already lined up, only one position is left in the last row.

The other two friends also went down, lined up beside her.

Two classes of gymnastics, one class has passed.

Thanh Thu's stomach suddenly throbbed with pain, feeling something wet underneath flowing out, she clamped her legs tightly.

Stomach still rumbling for a few hours, it seems that because I didn't eat before, I am now so hungry.

Finally, the teacher also let all the students sit down, Thanh Thu hugged the lucky mentality, curled up and hugged her stomach.

Minh Thu and My Ngan were called to check the shuttlecock.

She used the excuse of being unwell to sit on the spot.


A milk carton suddenly appeared beside her, Thanh Thu's eyes widened in surprise.

What is it, this guy suddenly gave her milk carton to do?

But since when did he sit?

Actually, Van Anh has been sitting here since the beginning, it's just that Thanh Thu didn't notice.

During the whole training session, he kept a sluggish state, as soon as he sat down, he held his stomach.

Thinking about the food that hasn't been touched yet, she guessed, this female student must be quite hungry, still need to exercise, so she must be tired.

Suddenly feeling sorry for herself, she felt compassion, and just got the score on the shuttlecock and ran to the cafeteria to buy a box of milk.

Didn't expect it to be like this.

A box of milk costs only eight thousand, but here sells forty forty, Van Anh spends money but bleeds.

Darken her face, Van Anh whispered: "Drink quickly".

"You suddenly gave me a milk carton to drink, did you take the wrong medicine?"

Van Anh: "Haven't you eaten yet?".

Thanh Thu was surprised: "how do you know", when did this guy notice me?

If you touch the circuit to buy it, maybe it's weird to get it back.

"I see", pushed the milk carton into Thanh Thu's hand: "Drink it".

I don't want to take it at all, but the feeling of being hungry and hungry is not good at all.


After finishing the carton of milk, her stomach felt much better, it was just that the liquid below came out more.

She wished she could die on the spot.

Waiting for the whole class to leave, Thanh Thu still refused to get up.

Feeling that sitting forever is also not good, but as soon as she saw the blood stains on the bottom, she was stained, although she couldn't see the color, but she couldn't go, afraid that if she left, someone would come here to check.

"Hi beauty".

Hearing someone talking, Thanh Thu was like a cat being trampled on her tail, she ruffled her hair and looked at people coming.

Nhat Linh used the most innocent face possible: "why, is there anything hot, why stand here forever and refuse to go, anything to say?".

Stepping on the bloodstain, Thanh Thu tried her best not to let Nhat Linh find out: "Nothing, why are you here?".

Head and tail sign...

Nhat Linh couldn't help but laugh to the point of internal injury, innocent eyes glittering: "Is it really nothing?".

With every word, Thanh Thu was extremely angry: "no, yes", so leave quickly...

Covering her mouth to show regret, Nhat Linh used a lack of tone to cut jokes, and erm: "Is that really true?".

"So, that bloodstain, you should do it yourself."


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