chapter 16

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Chapter 16:


I know, he knows...

"Why, just chased me away, now wait what?", still playing in a lack of fighting tone, Nhat Linh acted as a delinquent.

If you already know, that's it.

Take a deep breath.

Thanh Thu whispered softly as if she was about to stop breathing: "Help me..."

Put your hand on your ear: "Huh?", say something that you can't hear clearly.

Living with no regrets, Thanh Thu repeated, her voice a little louder: "help me..."

"What you say, what you say, you can't hear clearly, say it out loud", and pretend to pick up your ears: "Why are my ears burning these past few days, what do you say again?".

When seeing Thanh Thu's distraught appearance, Nhat Linh was interested.

Face pale, Thanh Thu clenched her fists, shaking her whole body: "Don't let the rooster fall!".

Looks like it's been overplayed.

Nhat Linh is not interesting and coldly snorted: "Thanks to people's help, such an attitude".

"Then I don't need your help anymore!"

"Hey, don't, I'll help you!", playing loudly. Nhat Linh hastily pulled to do good.

From one person standing in the middle of the field, now it has become two.

The two stood still, looking at the tracks at their feet, not knowing what to do.

In the end, Nhat Linh couldn't stand it, pointed: "This mark doesn't look like anything, or leave".

"Can't", what if someone saw it and discovered it?

"Why not?".

"If you say you can't, then you can't, you said help me. Hurry up and think of a way!".

Snapping her fingers, Nhat Linh's eyes seemed to glow: "pour sand in".

"Are you stupid?" Slapping one on Nhat Linh's arm, Thanh Thu gritted her teeth: "Aren't you supposed to bow to this dusty grandfather?".

Moreover, pour sand in, if it sucks that up, the sand turns red red yellow yellow, she knows where to hide her face.

Frowning, Nhat Linh glanced at Thanh Thu like a retarded child.

Aren't you standing here also bowing to my dusty grandfather?

But Nhat Linh didn't say it out, anyway, for a child who is indecisive, no matter what he does, he has a habit of startling, it is best to find a way to cover up his tracks so that he can be reassured.

"Or buy a sting to pour it over like if you accidentally spilled it, this is cement soil, can't be wiped, flushed will see stains, sand can't be poured, so pour the sting on".

Full of skepticism, Thanh Thu did not believe much: "Okay?"

"Fine", no matter what you do, this mark won't be discovered, because of you.

After a tumultuous discussion, the two decided to buy a bottle of sting to pour in to erase the traces.

Quite satisfied with her work, Thanh Thu was finally relieved and agreed to leave with Nhat Linh.

"Do you have any other pants?"

Her pants were already wet in a large patch at the back.

Fortunately, today wearing a gym uniform, blue shirt and black pants, if you don't look closely, you won't detect it.

"No", there's no point, anyone who goes to school still has to bring an extra set of clothes.

"So do you have a coat?"

Nhat Linh shook her head: "Today I do gymnastics, except for this outfit, I don't wear anything anymore".

Confused as to what to do, Thanh Thu almost shed a tear.

The cafeteria doesn't sell these, where can I find them?

"Or go and ask the teacher in the infirmary."

Only this way.


"Hello teacher".

Standing on the podium, holding a piece of chalk in his hand, maintaining the posture of writing on the board, the teacher frowned in displeasure.

"What do you do now that you're in class?"

Thanh Thu coldly, nodded to admit his mistake: "Sorry, teacher, I had a little problem earlier".

He has already gotten used to the attitude of some students in the school, more insolent than there is. What's more, Thanh Thu's attitude is very moderate, not making him lose heart.

With nothing more to say, he waved her back.

Minh Thu: "Where did you just go?".

Not hearing the answer, Minh Thu turned to look at Thanh Thu.

Rolling her eyes, Minh Thu froze.

Unlike when she talked to the teacher, her face was red from ear to ear, her eyes were watery, her lips were puffy.

Where is the cold goddess anymore, this is clearly a young girl who has just been upset and shed tears by someone.

The beauty is so sweet that even Minh Thu almost fluttered

Touching her chin, looking at the back of the female student, Van Anh was suspicious.

She went away for so long to come back, could it be that the milk she gave her had a problem?

No possibility.

Where, with this school, everything is thoroughly tested before being put up for sale.

So why?

Clumsy skipping school?

But never mind, it's none of your business.

"Bring it over to the other side!"

Carrying the heavy cargo box on her shoulder, she placed it in the direction Jia Qi had just pointed.

As soon as she put it down, Van Anh wanted to get sick, she panted non-stop.

"Last day, I saw that you were still good, why have you been so bad lately?" Noticing Quoc Minh's condition, Giai Ky couldn't help but worry: "Are you sick again?".

Swiping sweat on her forehead, Van Anh shook her head: "No, the exam is almost over, so I'm a little worried".

Also once in school, Giai Ky agreed: "Do not study too hard, the more pressure you put on, the worse your results will be, you should relax more. If there is anything difficult at work, you can You can ask for help."

Hearing the doorbell ring, putting down the notebook, Giai Ky walked out of the staff room: "You sit here and rest for a while, let me go out to receive guests."

Van Anh couldn't help but be touched: "Thank you very much".

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