chapter 29

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Writing in a hurry in one night, so if there are any mistakes or distractions, I hope everyone understands...
Chapter 29:

Ring Ring...

The phone rang several times.

The messy-haired teenager ruffled his head uncomfortably, he squinted his eyes to find the phone, his hand touched his temple, his voice hummed: "listen".

"What did you guys do to have a group break today?", the voice of the girl on the phone came, the girl paused for a moment, as if realizing something: "wait, are you still sleeping?" .

"We had some work last night, we should rest today, please help us"

I can't lift my limbs with pain, how can I go to school like this.

Also because yesterday I hit too hard, I also bruised a few places.

"Don't say you guys, the four of you..."

"What???", what are you talking about?

"Did you guys use any quizzes?"


"What the hell did you say!!!", blue veins cover his head, Thanh Dinh shouted into the phone: "We have a problem, it's a real thing, not a joke".

It's already crazy in the morning.

"No, that's not it, why are you shouting so loudly?"


"I just woke up in the morning and heard you screaming, what's wrong?", suddenly opening the refrigerator, Song Trach familiarly took a few ingredients.

"Do you know how to cook?", he thought that someone like Song Trach wouldn't know how to do these things.

"I know".

"Just now, Nhat Linh called to ask why we invited each other to take a break from school."

"That's all, why scream so loudly?", not like Thanh Dinh every day.

Dropping a bit of ironed cabbage into the pan, Tong Trach turned his hands around a few times, let go of the kitchen here, he quickly wiped the pot he just put down, skillfully making a few delicious dishes.

"He asked if we had any competition?"

"...", paused for a moment, Song Trach blushed: "Is he crazy?".

"...who knows, where's Quoc Minh?", it's two o'clock in the afternoon but no sign of it, normally Quoc Minh is the first to get up, could it be that last night was too tired to sleep?

"Not in the room", put a few plates of food on the table, Tong Trach quickly ate a few chopsticks: "Probably go to school, this morning I heard a knock on the door, but I was too tired so I didn't care".

When he woke up, he went to the room to ask Quoc Minh and Thanh Dinh to wake up, but Quoc Minh's room was empty and neatly arranged, it seemed that he had been gone for a long time.

This guy lives as stiff as old pipes.

As for Lu Jianhua, I don't know if he ate anything in the hospital, in a little while, he must bring some to Lu Jianhua.

"Have you guys decided on the roles yet?", arguing more about the homeroom class, going out and sitting all day in and out still arguing.

The role of the princess is easy to decide, the whole class agrees to vote for Thanh Thu, but when it comes to the role of the prince, all the male students stand up and argue for what they want, no one gives up.

"Voting, except Thanh Thu, everyone will take a vote to decide what role they have to play, if they don't accept it, they will have to, hurry up!"

"Now I read each person's name, they automatically go up and paste in the box corresponding to their name, hurry up."

Write each person's name on the board, next to an empty square, the homeroom teacher calls out loudly.

"My Ngan" - Queen.

"Minh Thu" - one of the three fairies.

"Vuong Khang" - guests participating in the invitation party.

"Gia Hung" - prince.

The chubby male student with acne-spotted cheeks was given the role of a grinning prince.

The whole class banged on the table and groaned, Thanh Thu was also not very happy: "Miss, why can't I draw lots, that's not fair."

"Because everyone agreed to elect me to be the princess, moreover, I am the face of the class", let me play another role so that I can drown the princess.

"But you,...", shouldn't you really kiss that fat guy?

"Next, Quoc Minh".

"Where's Quoc Minh?", seeing that no one hummed, the homeroom teacher had to go down to take a look.

The teenager was face down on the table, his eyes were dark, his eyes were full of fatigue, and his hand was still holding a paper.

Lay shook a few times before he closed his eyes and woke up: "she...!"

"I'm too tired, go to the infirmary to sleep", oh my, this look, maybe it's because he dropped in rank that he worked so hard to become like this.

Oh, my dear student!

Afraid of the teacher's benevolent eyes, Quoc Minh shook his head and refused: "No need, Miss."

Wanting to stay at home lazy to sleep on a warm bed, but why is it so difficult, every time you arrive on time, you will automatically get up without having to ring the clock, just a few minutes earlier or a little later.

That's why he could be in class this morning.

"So can you see my paper?"

"Ah, yes", what paper is that?

"Witch, so Quoc Minh will play the role of a witch."


"So everyone has been assigned their roles, you guys have free time..."

"Wait, miss!!!"

The male student sitting next to Gia Hung raised his hand, he criticized his tablemate: "Just now, Gia Hung picked up twice, there was a piece of paper he stuffed into Quoc Minh's hand."

"Is this again?", angry that the student she taught was cheating, the homeroom teacher asked with a serious face: "Is that true, Gia Hung?".

Gia Hung was silent and did not dare to speak, with a few drops of sweat on his forehead, he glanced at the male student next to him, angrily biting his lips.

Not receiving an answer, the teacher turned to Quoc Minh and asked: "Did you draw a lot earlier?"

"...", Quoc Minh looked around vaguely, seeing that everyone's eyes were on him, he didn't know what to do, so he asked again: "...visiting, what are you visiting?".

Is there any activity in the class, he's been sleeping since entering the class until now, wakes himself up, she doesn't know anything yet, she says he's a witch, then the whole class says something about the lottery, then cheats, flips so fast that his head didn't have time to load...

Finally, switching roles, Quoc Minh plays the prince, Gia Hung plays the witch.

Sitting in doubt about life, Quoc Minh was as desperate as the sky was falling.

Give you a convenient mouth!

In the previous period, when she fainted, she didn't faint, fainted on the day the heroine went to apply for a job, now she sleeps when she doesn't sleep, the hour that determines life.

How would he live if all the boys in the school saw him kiss Thanh Thu...

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