chapter 30

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Chapter 30:

"Why did you do that?", Gia Hung angrily pushed the male student and hit his back against the wall.

The male student was not inferior, holding Gia Hung's shirt in front of his chest: "why, because I'm annoying cheaters like you", it is better for a few princes to fall into Quoc Minh's hands than to fall into an ugly fat guy. this.

If he drew the lottery fairly like everyone else, the male students wouldn't denounce him, but he took advantage of other people's inattentiveness, cheating in the election, how could the male students be indifferent.

"I warn you, if you ever touch me again, I'll punch you and spread it out to all the other male students, do you think Thanh Thu's fanclub will forgive you?"

Unwilling, Gia Hung glared at the male student leaving, he clenched his fist.

Obviously, he had intentionally cheated the paper, but when it came up it was still wrong, that's why he had to go up twice, but the role still didn't belong to him. How can life be so unfair?

"Are you busy tomorrow night?", tomorrow is the weekend, he won't be busy, right?

"I'm going to work tomorrow night"

"The day after tomorrow?"

"Also go to work"

Thanh Thu was upset: "So when are you free?", at the end of the week, when you don't have time, when will you practice drama?

Silence for a while: "Is tomorrow morning?", he only has free time in the morning to go to the library to read books.

"... alright"

Waiting for Quoc Minh to leave, not knowing from where, Nhat Linh rushed from behind and grabbed Thanh Thu's neck: "What are you two talking about?".

Thinking of a play with a kiss scene, Thanh Thu felt guilty.

Anyway, the flower has an owner, doing this secretly behind the owner's back is not good, it won't be long to hide it.

Thinking that, Thanh Thu took a deep breath and asked: "If, I said if I and Quoc Minh kissed, would you be angry?"

Nhat Linh blinked in confusion: "Why are you angry?".

"Why aren't you angry?", she scowled: "you're his lover!"

"When did mommy?", when did you have a boyfriend without knowing it yourself?

"Last day, I saw you care to wipe his tears?".

"When I saw him crying so sad but still dazedly refused to accept the towel, I had to help him wipe it, take care of his friends", acting normally, but not in love.

"Then why are you acting mysterious?", that night she laughed happily when mentioning Quoc Minh, wasn't it because she was happy about the person she loved?

"Because I came up with something."

" don't like Quoc Minh?", to confirm the authenticity, Thanh Thu asked again.

Still shaking her head, Thanh Thu turned pale.

So it was her misunderstanding all along.

She evaluates and observes him for what to do, and is angry when he and Ha My are close to each other for what...

Is it all just a joke?

"But is it Thanh Thu?", using a puzzled expression, Nhat Linh wondered.


"I see that I and Quoc Minh hardly have any closeness at all, not much different from normal friends, in contrast to Thanh Dinh, I am far closer to Quoc Minh, but you see no?", extending the last breath, Nhat Linh rolled her eyes and smiled maliciously.

"It seems that you only care about me and Quoc Minh, why is that?".

"....", why?

Wasn't it because Nhat Linh did it on purpose?

"It's because you notice him, that's why you're always paying attention to me, isn't it?"

Yes, she notices him, but notices him because he's better than her, and she doesn't give up on him being above her all the time.

But whatever the reason, she couldn't admit it.

Thanh Thu resolutely denied what Nhat Linh said.

Not wanting to let go of a good opportunity, Nhat Linh continued to ask: "Did you change because of him?".

"Change what?", still the same.

Nhat Linh funny shook her head, she looked down at her toes: "A year ago, you no longer came to find me to cause trouble, no longer always follow me compared to me, you locked yourself in your room for a few days, crazy about studying hard, is it because of him?".

Thanh Thu's change worries her, which is also the reason why she came here to find out what happened to Thanh Thu.

Without answering Nhat Linh's question, Thanh Thu went straight home.

Since the answer to this question was her pride, she didn't want anyone to know.

"My son, my dear son," the woman cried from outside the hospital and ran into the ward.

The doctors and nurses took turns to stop her over-aggression.

Until she saw Dang Khoa's face, Aunt Hang quietly wiped her tears and thanked the Quoc Minh people.

To express her gratitude, she also wanted to invite them to eat but was refused, there was no other way, when she saw the tired faces of all of them, she allowed Quoc Minh to rest for two days as thanks. , and also gave Quoc Minh some pocket money.

Rejecting the pocket money, Aunt Hang put it in his pocket, but she burst into tears and cried non-stop, Quoc Minh could only reluctantly accept it.

All of them walked out of the hospital room, returning their own atmosphere for their family to reunite.

Wandering aimlessly, Quoc Minh stopped at a nearby restaurant: "Let me take the money from Aunt Hang to treat you, as if she thanked us all".

They all went to find it, he alone received the money, his skin had to be as thick as a wall to be able to enjoy it all by himself.

Lu Jianhua and the three of them also agreed that it would not be difficult for him, accepting the invitation.

"Are you planning to go back to your hometown this New Year, or stay in the dormitory?"

"Yes, I will definitely go back", every year, he has no reason not to come back. Having taken a man's son's body, he cannot help but return to his son.

"This year let me follow with!!!".

Except for Tong Trach, only two people, Lu Kien Hoa and Thanh Dinh, do not have their parents around, so every year the two just wander around at home. During the New Year, Tong Trach will follow his parents back to his grandfather, so he doesn't live with them, Tong Trach's grandfather is fastidious, doesn't like too much noise, they won't see each other until they go back to school.

So as soon as Quoc Minh said that he would return to his hometown, both asked in unison to follow.

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