chapter 31+32

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Chapter 31+32: (edit)

"The couple can do whatever they want, this old woman has no meaning in your eyes anymore. Can this old woman still eat her granddaughter's meat, but it's also scary to ask for a ride for a few days." , dull, hoarse, hoarse cough, the old woman insisted on every word, sulkily scolding the young couple.

A low note of the piano sounded.

"Brother, let's just let Thanh Thu stay for a few days, it will be okay, the baby will grow up anyway, there will be no problem", is the worried voice of the mother.

"Pretending to be noble, you're just a bastard born to a third person. You're as mean as your mother, seriously destroying the family happiness of Mr. Kiet and Ms. Nhat Linh", said The words of a heartless, lungless child pierced her heart.

Yes, her mother is the third person, because of her mother, Nhat Linh's mother left the country. Because of the separation of a couple, Nhat Linh also had to stop studying for a year.

Nhat Linh is one year older than her.

"Your mother is greedy for money, fame and profit, just married your father, arranged to bring love to you as an excuse to rob someone else's husband, your mother is no different from a slut..."

"You shut up!", unable to hear the insults and insults in the back anymore, the girl completely forgot her mother's words, 'anything must be tolerated'.

She rushed to hit the face of the son who insulted his mother a painfully.

The boy was beaten to a dream, he was shocked for a while and also got mad: "You dare to hit me!!!"

Using great force to push the girl back, the girl rolled a few times down the stairs, in a panic, she reached out her hand to reach for something, but accidentally pulled a decorative flower pot.

Rolling down the last step, she was also hit by a flower pot.

After that day, the grandmother not only did not blame the boy, but also defended herself, saying that it was because she hit her grandson first.

Sitting on high, the arrogant old woman glanced at the woman holding her daughter sitting on the ground, bitterly: "It is true that the daughter of someone who destroys other people's family happiness, shameless just like her mother. his, even this old woman, he still wants to punish."

"Mother, why do you say that?!", in the eyes showed a ray of unwillingness, suppressed anger, the woman was hurt, humiliated, fell into her husband's lap, sobbing. Besides suffering from humiliation, she also regrets not being able to protect her child.

As a son, the man did not dare to speak harshly to his mother, he remained silent to let his wife and children be mistreated, did not say anything, swore to himself, would never set foot in this house again. again.

Returning home, the mother impatiently took her child to the hospital, the girl was injured to the bone, the bearing finger was also fractured, had to be cast and screwed for two months to heal, not to mention the wounds. large and small on the body.

Hit another sad note again.

Unbeknownst to her, her arm had gotten much weaker since that time.

Although she did not say anything, but deep in her mother's eyes, she was filled with guilt and guilt, she was afraid that when she told her grandmother, she would regret it to death.

It took a long time for her mother to return to her normal state, live happily and optimistically, also thanks to her father, who loved, cared for, comforted, and especially often gave up. Children in the middle of the market, carrying their mother to play.

As for the others, they just looked at her through the aura, envious, envious when they heard the sound of a woman shooting, more funny, these songs, even a child who has just started playing the piano can become a success. proficient in playing.

Praise did not make her happier, it made her character bold, every time someone complimented her, all she heard was sarcasm.

The sleek black piano, the docile girl in the blue dress, her fingers dancing on the keys.

Not true, still not right...

Uncomfortably pounding, the keys resounded with a shrill sound.

From behind, the boy scornfully approached: "Is this the musical genius that everyone is talking about?"

"I'm so disappointed to hear that a genius in rumors plays the guitar", sitting next to her, he played the piece of music she had just made a mistake, one side sarcastically: "such an easy piece of music, Mr. You can still make mistakes, is it that your genius label is just a rumor?"

She can no longer play music that requires a high level of skill, can no longer be adventurous with what she loves.

Unable to continue to play perfect music, it is because she is really not talented enough, she does not think, or justify her defeat.

Lowering her head, Thanh Thu no longer wanted to play the piano in front of anyone.

"Look, that girl is the daughter of the Song family."

"The Song family, but which Song is right?", there are two families with the same Song surname, but there is no relation, if you say the Song family, you must specify which Song.

"That's the daughter of the Tong Thanh Sang family, right?"

"Ah, she looks pretty, I heard that her mother is a strong woman in the business world, very talented, I have seen her once, she is a very temperamental woman."

"What are you saying, it's the child of that little three"

"What nonsense did she say?!"

"You don't know why, Tong Thanh Sang left his wife and children to marry that first love, that girl is the other woman's child."

"What the hell is that?"

In front of her, they recognized her as the lady of the Song family, complimenting her with all the best words even though she played a song that was not as good as a kindergarten child.

They praised anything she did, even if it was a bad deed. Then, after turning away, they used the most vulgar words to stab her in the back.

A bunch of fake people.

She used to hate the Song family, hate everything, what did she try for, why were all her efforts rejected just because her mother was the third person?

Why is it so unfair...

Just happy because she has the blood of the Song family, if so, then she doesn't need it.

A hand gently placed on her head, the girl smiled: "why are you standing here, kid, the flies here are very poisonous, standing for such a long time it takes a lot of work to get that virus."

"What are you saying, where did a child speak so disrespectfully?", the ladies here blushed in embarrassment and anger.

"If you want children to speak politely to you, then set an example for them to follow, you have the guts to whisper behind my sister's back, why don't you have the guts to have an opinion with my father."

Slowly, he walked over, his hair was smooth, his face was cold and emotionless, and his eyes were sharp.

The face has a few immature parts, eight parts like Tong Thanh Sang, no need to introduce, just a glance can tell who this is.

Slandering people's houses was caught by the owner, some of the ladies could not help but be embarrassed and embarrassed.

The little girl pushed the hand of the girl in the red dress and whispered, "What's the point of being hypocritical?"

Standing dumbfounded, the teenager gently put his hand on the girl's head in red: "Let me go talk to her, you don't have to worry."

The night wind blew cold, the little girl wearing a knee-length princess dress couldn't help but shiver.

Suddenly, the scent of perfume hit her, the coat hanging over her head, the girl's eyes were wide and watery.

"Do you care what they say?"

Resistantly wiping away her tears, the girl snorted contemptuously: "What does that have to do with you?!".

"Why doesn't it matter, you are my sister", the teenager did not sulky, still gently talking to her.

"I'm the daughter of the person who ruined your family, you need to pay attention to me!", every time, every time the two cousins ​​reached out to her, why?

Aren't you and them enemies?

Shouldn't they just hate her?

Are they pitying her, pitying a child of the man who ruined their happy family.

The teenager smiled lightly: "It's the choice of adults, the way they want to live, it has nothing to do with me".

The girl was silent: "no matter how good you guys are to me, I will choose my mother", although she doesn't like her mother's way of doing things, but she won't turn her back to help them because of that. trampled his mother.

"Father and aunt are very happy."


"My mother and uncle are also very happy."


"There's no reason for us to be hostile towards each other, isn't that good?"

Song Quan Kiet: "they all have their own lives. And the starting point of their marriage is wrong, without my mother, the two of them are not happy, sooner or later they have to separate."

"I have half the blood in you like us, you are my sister and Nhat Linh, this cannot be denied."

"I'm so sorry I don't care about you more"

"Why apologize?", why not scold her many others, by doing so, she will be more relieved.

It won't be as annoying as it is now.

Did these two just want to make her uncomfortable?

It's disgusting...

"Sorry Thanh Thu, sorry for not paying attention to your feelings", the girl came out from behind the door.

At first, when she learned that her parents had to divorce, she was very angry, even resentful of her aunt and Thanh Thu.

She said bad words to scold Thanh Thu's mother and daughter. Using action against his father.

Until she saw her mother smile.

From birth, to growing up, she had never seen her mother smile so beautifully, her smile always full of intrigue, or satisfaction with some transaction. She had never seen her genuinely smile at anyone.

She relied on a strange man, coaxing, asking for extremely unreasonable things, the other man still pampered her to the fullest, both of them were like teenagers.

He played, she followed.

She once asked her, why is she like this, she patted her head and smiled: "This life is so long, daughter, when your life is meaningless, just a second is as long as a year. But when I met the right person, I only blame why life is so short, no matter how much it is, it's not enough."

At that time, she felt that this was her mother's real family, she did not belong here.

She only has her brother.

Back home, she lived with her brother for a few months, during those months, she thought a lot about this.

She didn't understand why her brother was so quick to accept her mother's choice, even though it was obvious, she understood now.

Her trembling hands wiped Thanh Thu's tears.

That was the first time Nhat Linh called her sister.

After that, Thanh Thu showed no respect, threw Nhat Linh's hand away and left without saying a word.

However, their relationship gradually became much softer.

Sometimes, Nhat Linh will find a way to tease Thanh Thu, and Thanh Thu will mock the opposite, both despise each other, but somehow, they use their own ways to care for each other.

Although the problem has been partially resolved, Thanh Thu still cannot like her identity.

She does not like others to see her with a certain identity, but wants others to see herself in her own capacity, to see herself, not who she is.

On a stormy, rainy day, as always, she calmly walked to the front of the scoreboard, expecting her name to be at the top of the list as usual.

Outside, thunder and lightning rumbled like the wind in her heart, Thanh Thu opened her mouth, unable to believe that she was second.

The teenager coldly looked at the nametag and left as expected.

All class a1 not only her, except the other teenager, everyone was surprised with the results hanging on the nameplate.

They were too used to Thanh Thu's name being at the top of the list for many years, so was she.

This is the second time she has been attacked.

Playing the piano, maybe, she can't recover anymore, a piece of music she plays takes a lot of effort, but in studying, she is not hindered at all, so she herself is not willing to come in at No. two.

"Your school is about to act in a horror movie, what are you doing sitting here idly?", clutching her scared heart, Nhat Linh shivered without fear, crept sitting opposite Thanh Thu.

The girl with long hair, a gloomy face, sat in the middle of the house, the room had no light, only a few rays of light from the window shone in, the scene was not much different from a horror movie.

No matter how much Nhat Linh teased, Thanh Thu still didn't say no, her face was white.

Song Quan Kiet came down from upstairs, looked at the situation in front of him, and couldn't help but shake his head and lament: "Ignore it, it's in severe shock".

Leaving the chair, Nhat Linh looked at Song Quan Kiet and asked in a low voice, "What's wrong?"


His face was as suspicious as Tong Quan Kiet was teasing himself: "Is it that bad?".

"You think everyone is like you, last in the class?"

"It will probably be over tomorrow, hurry up and go to sleep, don't disturb her".

It was thought that in a few days Thanh Thu would return to normal, but no, she became more and more serious.

Locking herself in her room, studying frantically, every time there is an announcement of achievement, she is the most actively looking forward, and also the most disappointed.

However, in the last exam, she got rid of the mark of second place and moved to first place, but she was not as happy as everyone thought. Family members looked at each other, unable to understand Thanh Thu's mind.

Only Song Quan Kiet is the coldest, he exclaims: "The stubborn personality, I don't know who it is."

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