chapter 40

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Chapter 40: (edit)

"Quoc Minh, I have finished washing all the dishes and dishes!", cheerfully reported, Ha My looked forward to praise.

For some reason, she just wanted to look at Quoc Minh forever.  When sitting below the stage, Quoc Minh in a prince's costume came out from the stage, she was fascinated and couldn't take her eyes off him, he was mischievous, passionate, miserable, worried, serious,.  .. all expressions are memorized in her head, and recorded in the computer.

According to Hong Thu, this is the lover in Tay Thi's eyes.

Even when making ice cream, he is so handsome.

Struggling to beat a big bowl of ice cream, Quoc Minh didn't have time to worry about Ha My: "Well, if there's nothing else, go outside with Tran Hao, don't stand here to hinder me".

All the cakes displayed in the cabinet are taken from the factory, including the cream puff pastry, but the cream inside is made by the staff based on the recipe to make.  Even the milk foam on the drink is made by the bartender.

He should have taught Ha My and Tran Hao to do things like this, but for some reason, even though he stood next to him and watched every move, the taste of the ice cream they made was still the same.  what poison is how.

Therefore, the job of making ice cream and dispensing fell into his hands, the cashier, serving, and cleaning were divided between two people, Tran Hao.

In the past, there were only two people in the store, he and Jia Qi had enough time to relax, but now there are three people, still busy and unable to rest.

It is true that encountering vandalism is different.

Twist up your sleeves and look outside, each drop of water falls heavily, just hearing the sound is enough to know that this rain will take a long time.

Beside him, Ha My tucked her hair behind her ear, her face red: "Someone will come to pick me up, do you want to come with me?"

Roughly wiping the table once, Tran Hao threw the towel away: "You'll come back to me later".

What are these two crazy about?

Definitely nothing good.

"It's okay, I have an umbrella".

Ha My looked outside and couldn't help but worry: "But this rain is very heavy, it will be more convenient to go by car".

"That's right, so let me bring him back, he and I are both male, you are female, don't interfere", said, he clamped Quoc Minh's hand, gritted his teeth and whispered threateningly: "You  If you dare to refute me, I will definitely chop you up tomorrow."

Not afraid or anything, if these two persisted, he had no reason to refuse.

The rain outside was very heavy, so heavy that it could blow a person away, he could walk a short distance, and could not go a long way back to the dormitory.

"It's up to you"

Waiting to see Ha My get in the car to leave, Tran Hao struggled to hold an umbrella even though Quoc Minh closed the shop.

Just got into the car, Tran Hao did not say two words, threatened and threatened Quoc Minh not to have intimate contact with Ha My.

He laughed: "You act like everyone is like you, I don't like him".

"So who do you like?"


Suddenly thinking of that person, he quickly erased the image in his mind.

"...don't like anyone"

Tran Hao pretended not to believe, snorted with disdain: "Who are you thinking about when you're so hesitant, just like when I just liked Ha My, I insisted on saying no... but who asked if I liked who?  no, think of him first"


"You should be more honest with yourself."


I don't even know what I want here.

Silently saying nothing, Quoc Minh tilted his head to look out the window, the rain was still falling heavily, there were a few places on the street that were flooded.

A few days later, the spring qualifying tournament was held, all the sports clubs were in high spirits, maintaining the will to fight.

Lost in the crowd, Quoc Minh's heart only took a moment to meet Thanh Dinh.  The two went to the basketball court together, looking for a reasonable place to easily observe the situation below.

The opposing team came out first, they seemed to be very popular, the cheers in the stands seemed to shake the world.

By the time their school basketball team came out, the cheers of the fans were not even half of the people before.

"Oh my god, I thought I would play against which school, if I compete with this school, school H doesn't have to worry about anything," the son smugly waved his hand with a scornful expression.

Sitting next to him, another male student was curious: "why?".

"Don't you know, this school doesn't do anything except the rich, let me tell you, last year they played really badly, let a guy who was shaking like a plow into the yard,  Even so, that guy even hit the home net, leading to a score of 114-60".

Pondering for a moment, the son pointed at a man with the number seven on his shirt, regretfully said: "But for the other, he is very good, he alone has continuously scored the goal of H school, without any problems.  No one can stop him, unfortunately he has terrible teammates."

"I suddenly heard you say, I'm not interested in watching this match anymore..."

"Don't look down on my friend..."

Two male students simultaneously looked up at the row of seats above them, Quoc Minh's face was not too good.

Looking at the uniforms on both of them behind, the two male students immediately knew which school this was, and were embarrassed.

When people were caught speaking ill of the school's team, could it be that they weren't embarrassed, didn't want to talk about it, the two boys nodded their heads in apology repeatedly.

Although the attitude of the two male students did not make Quoc Minh and Thanh Dinh feel better, they did not intend to make a big deal, so they had to let it go, after all, Tong Trach participated in the competition, the score of the match was today.  Now if it changes, people will have a different view of their school team, talk a lot in vain, it's better to sit and watch.

The whole match was in a tense state, no one wanted to give up.

Last year because there was no Tong Trach, Lu Kien Hoa had to fight hard alone, this year, with Tong Trach, the two formed a good couple, surpassing all opponents, smashing the net of H school continuously.  .

The final score was 76-98, with cheers of joy and unbelievable sighs.

Y Middle School turned the situation around spectacularly, defeating H High School, officially entering the next round.

A lucky new year for Y junior high school.

On his knees, panting for breath, Lu Jianhua said out of breath: "How long will it take to come?".

"It's almost here"

It's close again, this 'almost close' sentence of yours is the n+1th time, you know it, you know it?

Soaked in sweat, Lu Jianhua glanced at Thanh Dinh, he was not much better, his face was pale, and a little green like banana leaves.

Why didn't they hire a motorbike taxi to bring them in, believing Quoc Minh only sold houses?

Sitting a few hours by bus to Can Tho city, it took nearly half an hour to get from the city to the countryside, Thanh Dinh was almost near the vestibule, Quoc Minh said the road from the alley to his house was quite close.

Quoc Minh's words are like the sound of heaven.

Considering that they had been sitting in the car for a long time, both of them were tired and had a sore butt, so they decided not to sit in the car anymore and walked straight inside.

The more they went in, the more serious the stone and potholes became, the more they felt that their decision was right, until...

Going forever, still did not see Quoc Minh's house, both sat regretfully twisting their intestines.
No matter how many times I re-read it, I still think the two chapters just posted are not so good, just confused.

Hope you find it and comment.

There is a possibility that the story will be edited if the author is not satisfied

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