chapter 41

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Chapter 41: (edit)


Stunned like zombies, the two Lu Kien Hoa dragged their heels forward as if they had never heard Quoc Minh say anything.

After a short stretch, both of them turned their heads at the same time.

Quoc Minh crossed his arms and smiled as if he did not see the tragic appearance of the two.

Thanh Dinh doesn't need to say anything, Lu Kien Hoa is clearly a basketball player, but he can't stand a little bit of hardship.

It's a strange thing.

"It's reasonable for Thanh Dinh to be tired, why is it that you're a sportsman, but Lu Jianhua is so exhausted?"

With his hands on his knees, Lu Jianhua struggled to swallow every mouthful of saliva: "I'm not used to riding a car, and running in the yard is not as long as the time you took me from the alley to here!".

Sitting with a group of guests with a strong smell of hormones, enough to make him unable to eat, he did not have a clean disease like Quoc Minh still couldn't stand it.

Also, from growing up to a child, he had never been in a car to go far, so he was a little drunk and was still driven by Quoc Minh to go a long way inside.

He's lucky he hasn't fainted yet.

Stepping inside the house, taking off his shirt, hat, and backpack, Quoc Minh couldn't help but remember his mother's hometown in the other world.

This place was no different than there, like from the door to the yard, every inch of the earth was still in his memory.

Because of the familiar space, he did not have any feelings of rejection towards this house, and even naturally relaxed on the stone bench to rest.

Looking around the house once, Thanh Dinh couldn't help but wonder: "You don't see anyone at home, why don't you close the door and leave it open, not afraid of thieves?"

Just like in his memory, he had asked his mother the same thing.

Quoc Minh laughed.

His house is located very deep inside the village, surrounded by trees and trees, neighbors must be nearly ten meters apart to have one.  The houses here are still quite poor, the roofs are crumbling, there is so much property that there are thieves and robbers.

The original parents even shouted loudly, challenging anyone to steal things, because there was nothing in the house to take.

All the houses around are the same, they can freely open the door and leave without anyone not afraid to lose anything.

"You two please go take a shower, you two look awful."

Quoc Minh hates to push them both out.

"What's wrong, why do you look so surprised?", isn't this your home, why are you surprised when you see the bathroom?

Maybe the bathroom has something?

Thanh Dinh curiously pushed Quoc Minh aside, like Quoc Minh, he stared blankly at the bathroom in front of him.

The room smelled musty, the walls were still covered with green moss, the roof was wide open above, enough for sunlight to shine in, carefully observing the water jar, he could see the strange object being very happy.  splash in the water.

Exactly flicking, not swimming.

Roll toss!!!

Lu Jianhua shivered, rubbing his hands: "Don't say we'll bathe with this water."

God dou, how could he forget this?

This house takes the form it was before it was repaired in the afterlife...

Of course, the bathroom will be shabby and uncomfortable, more seriously, the toilet is...

The house with leaves squatting to feed the fish...

Reluctantly smiling, he mechanically asked: "Did you two take a shower with cold water at the beginning of the season?"

Thanh Dinh, Lu Kien Hoa looked extremely bewildered but still tried to nod.

Until they both stripped off their clothes, leaving only shorts, they still didn't understand what Quoc Minh wanted to do.

Holding the water pipe in his hand, Quoc Minh carefully asked: "Are you two ready?"

When he got the answer, he forcefully pushed the water pump, the water in the faucet continuously sprayed on both of them, Thanh Dinh and Lu Kien Hoa shouted loudly, jumping like monkeys.

Wrapped in a thick towel, Thanh Dinh snorted, resentfully.

Lu Jianhua was better, he was only a little bit nervous, his face seemed more awake than usual, besides that he was not sick at all.

Quoc Minh also covered his body with a thick towel, wiping his nose with one hand, holding another towel to wipe his head: "don't look at me like that, I'm just like you", suffering, atrophy  centimeter always.

The water isn't cold, but at least it doesn't have to be sprinkled on people.

It's really peaceful here, the air is cool and fresh", relaxing in front of the house, Thanh Dinh is quite enjoying the atmosphere at this time.

Glancing disdainfully, Lu Jianhua smiled: "Is the air cool?"

"He took off that thick towel, stopped shaking and said."

The wind blows, the coconut trees sway and rustle.

"Who are you?!"

Hearing the voice of a stranger, Thanh Dinh and Lu Kien Hoa were startled to see the two people standing behind them.

The head is full of question marks.

How did these two enter the house?

The middle-aged man was on guard, holding a hoe, as long as the two people in front of him dared to scream, he was ready to give both of them a hoe to the head.

The two Lu Jianhua were also afraid, not knowing who the two of them were, could only stand still and struggle.

Thanh Dinh put his hand out in front of Lu Kien Hoa, wanted to introduce himself, the middle-aged man was about to move, Quoc Minh came from behind the kitchen, shocked at the scene in front of him, he panicked: "  Mom, Dad, that's my friend!!!".

The man holding a hoe in his hand stopped, he was surprised to see Quoc Minh from head to toe, strangely taking a step back.

The woman was also taken aback by Quoc Minh, she took a long time to realize that this was her son.

Can't blame the two grandparents for coming to their children without realizing, the former shape of Quoc Minh and now is different from heaven and earth.

A sloppy, sloppy, black, ugly person, dressed in old-fashioned country clothes, with a gloomy, gloomy temperament.

A person who just needs to stand close can smell this fragrant, white, tall, neat, fashionable dress according to his age, although he still has a bass, but serious, full of life.  .

It took them a long time to realize that this was their child, and they couldn't help but rub their noses in shame.

Putting a few plates of food on the table, the middle-aged woman smiled apologetically: "I'm sorry I scared the two of you, Quoc Minh came back without telling you two an hour before, just looking at you two thought he thought  bad guy, scared the two of you at once, I'm sorry to you two"

There are some wrinkles on her face, the middle-aged woman still has a radiant beauty, looking closely, Quoc Minh seems to have a lot of similarities from her, only the sharp eyes are similar to the man.

Thanh Dinh politely said: "We are the ones who have to apologize for this, come here without asking permission from the two of you, and still stay in the house of the two of you, making them panic".

The two people who just met seemed to have known each other for a long time, politely eating throughout the meal, Quoc Minh was awake at the time, not daring to say a word, biting his chopsticks to watch the two talk.

Normally, the original body went home and never informed the couple, he too, according to the habit of the original body, forgot to bring two more people this time, his fault, how dare he say any words  .

After eating dinner, Quoc Minh volunteered to take on the job, saving up front to clean dishes and chopsticks.

The couple did not know why, standing with tears in their eyes, looking at his back.

It cannot be said that the couple is too wet, Quoc Minh has rarely interacted with them before, since he was a child, he has always locked himself in his room, because the village is poor, and the children are far away from each other.  When he was young, he couldn't find it, no friends, Quoc Minh silently locked himself in his room.

By the time they discovered that his condition was not good, his temperament had become strange, even with his parents, he could not say many sentences.

Later, he also went to the city to study, their relationship became even more distant.

At present, seeing him take her friends home, Mrs. Tran already feels very happy, now she knows how to hurt her heart, helping her with rice and dishes, how could she not be happy.

Mr. Tran didn't have to talk, he had little air to talk, but in his heart, he wished Quoc Minh could be like many normal children.  After a few years of studying in the city, Quoc Minh rarely came home, he only came home when it was a holiday, most of the time he locked himself in his room, loving his tired children, he would not scold even a single sentence,  Disappointed and sad, Quoc Minh's strange attitude is no less touching now than Mrs. Tran's.

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