chapter 42

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Chapter 42:

Leisurely sitting in the hammock, Quoc Minh rocked violently, the two sides of the wooden bar kept rattling, almost turned the hammock over, but he not only was not afraid, he continued to enjoy playing stupid.

The sound of leaves outside constantly rustling, sometimes hearing the echo of 'gecko, gecko', Thanh Dinh was scared out: "Does your house have no ghosts?"

"Yes", suddenly having the intention of teasing, Quoc Minh evilly narrowed his eyes: "as long as you don't mention it, it... won't come".

That's it, but in his heart he was also very afraid, his heart trembled a few times, Quoc Minh shook his head and continued to play stupid.

Lu Jianhua was uncomfortable sitting next to him.

Chat, chat...

Mosquitoes here are like a buffalo, he has beaten countless children, his hands are stained with blood, but it still doesn't go away, raise the soles of his feet to see, some of them can't fly when they are full  All the la das on the floor were trampled by him.

Quoc Minh is in a good mood, humorous: "do you know how many lives you have killed, tomorrow you will clean the floor for me".

"What, I'm kind enough to destroy all of these bad guys for you, if you don't pay the fee, you still make me a coolie?", even so, Lu Jianhua will still help him clean the floor tomorrow.  , because after all, this battlefield was caused by him, he was afraid to let Mrs. Tran clean up this mess.

Dipping his feet into the ground, Quoc Minh found a bottle of soffell anti-mosquito cream and threw it to Lu Kien Hoa: "power to go".

"You prepared so well, why didn't you tell us", harming him while eating, he was bitten.

Mosquitoes here are really poisonous, bite a big swelling.

"In the countryside, you have to know it yourself."

Back in the hammock, this time he didn't swing anymore, but wrapped the hammock around himself, turned it over and then turned it over a few times.

In the past, he was quite fond of playing this game, later when he grew up, he did not anymore, suddenly returned to the familiar life, he immediately became more active than usual.

Lu Kien Hoa and Thanh Dinh looked at each other, for the first time they knew that Quoc Minh also had such a crazy face.

The couple standing outside the room watching was also happier.

Quoc Minh now looks like a normal person, all thanks to his friends.

Their son is not only more open, his appearance has also become much better, white, tall, handsome, thinking that, the couple considers Lu Jianhua more pleasing to the eye, more loving.  .

Around nine o'clock in the evening, Quoc Minh began to rush to throw the mosquito net, one side looking for clean pillows and blankets for the three of them.

The family forgets their possessions not much, but the beds are extremely numerous, except for the three rooms of his parents, him, and the guest room, there are also 5 more beds, three in the living room, a kitchen,  one in the dining room.

The bad temper of the original body, the first day of his body was witnessed, so now, Quoc Minh uses the excuse to sleep with him for fun, goes to the living room to sleep in the big bed with his two friends, and the room is left.  of the original body, tomorrow is thirty, he will roll up his sleeves and clean up later.

Too tired with today, the three of them just laid down and snored, the wind blew into the house, they didn't even need a fan and still slept soundly.

In the countryside, they often teach very early, the rooster has not crowed, Mr. Tran has woken up, Mrs. Tran has finished preparing breakfast, the two have been working in the field for a long time, Quoc Minh slowly woke up.

Having breakfast, washing his face cleanly, he has a habit of having to work, the house here is too annoying, he took all the things he brought with him yesterday.

Vim, toilet scrubber, towel, broom, mop automatically squeeze, just twist slightly on the body.

Forgive him, he can't use his mother's mop, it's already chilling at first glance, the long log is like a tree cover, on the top of the pillar is a large white chestnut that has soon blackened, loosening the tree  wiping is not a problem, but in order to use his bare hands to squeeze the chestnut, he asks permission to admit defeat.

Wearing a mask and gloves, Quoc Minh struggled alone in his bedroom first.

A pile of garbage piled up into a mountain.

Sweeping every nook and cranny in the room, sacks filled up in a large hole in the yard, he lit a fire and threw it down.

The smell of garbage hit his nose, making him dizzy and almost fainted.

But in the countryside far from the city like here, where can you throw garbage?

Picking up some leaves and throwing them into the pit to make the fire bigger, he left this place.

Near noon, Mr. and Mrs. Tran started carrying the hoe home, and as soon as they entered the house, both immediately mistakenly thought they were going the wrong way.

Looking back and forth, the two dared to confirm that this was their home.

Everything in the house is clean and shiny.

Pots, pots, lipsticks, pans are also carefully scrubbed.

Who did this?

They didn't believe that Quoc Minh was the one who did this, so now he doesn't care about housework, let alone cleaning so carefully.

Remembering the two friends Quoc Minh brought home, the couple was moved in their hearts.

"It seems that Quoc Minh communicates with you very well"

"Yes, his friends are so good, they don't look like poor people like us at first glance. I hope they won't hate our house," Mrs. Tran nodded with satisfaction.

The mosquito nets, blankets, mats and pillows have been carefully and neatly arranged, and Ms. Tran is more than satisfied with Quoc Minh's two friends.

Just not knowing where all three children went, to thank Lu Jianhua and the others for their hard work, Mrs. Tran decided to cook a lot of delicious dishes today and wait for all three to come home...

"Why are you planning to buy so many things?", patting Quoc Minh's shoulder, Thanh Dinh was curious and wondering.

All the items in the basket were miscellaneous items, what did he buy so much for, there were also fruits, face, flowers, cakes...

Lu Kien Hoa looked at him and said nothing, helping Quoc Minh carry it.

Perhaps because he grew up in a foreign country, although he lives in Vietnam now, but Thanh Dinh lives alone, without anyone telling him about the customs of worshiping in his thirties.

Lu Jianhua was also alone, but before that he had a grandmother, these things were not very strange to him.

"It's the thirtieth night of the New Year tonight, we need to buy these, so that before New Year's Eve, we can worship our grandparents, haven't you?"

Thanh Dinh shook his head: "No".

In foreign countries, people will prepare a party, go with friends to watch fireworks, or celebrate or party.

His mother is Vietnamese, but every year, he will stay with his grandfather for a month, for him, the worshiping is quite strange.

Carrying a pile of sundries, scurrying back, Thanh Dinh was attracted by the rattle of the engine in the river, he curiously watched the boat moving slowly, with a lot of stuff on it.

From time to time, there were a few boats jingling, jingling "ice cream here, ice cream here" passing by, Thanh Dinh gasped in surprise.

"Do they sell ice cream like that?"

"That's right, not only selling ice cream, there are also grocery boats, passed by before, will come back again later"

"Here sell real investment goods".

"I don't know what to do, I can't carry that stuff on a motorbike to sell it, moreover, people here live far away from each other, it's very difficult to find a grocery store"

All of the above descriptions are based on memories of my mother's hometown, and some of the above actions are also my own.  If it makes no sense, just blame me for being so naive, so I wrote like that.

I haven't been back in a while, and it's changed a lot, so the description won't be very detailed

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