chapter 44

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Chapter 44:

In the distance, a few children splashed with water, across the river, a young girl gently washed her hair.

From time to time, I shyly glanced at the three teenagers here.

Thanh Dinh enjoys wading back and forth under the water, he comfortably leans back to relax, Lu Kien Hoa wears dark glasses, or puts his hands behind his back, his legs swinging freely.

On the bridge, his eyes were not focused, Quoc Minh thought about the number of things since he came here, and his feelings.

I haven't seen him here for a few days, he misses that girl, the beautiful girl who always sits in front of him.

But what makes him always hesitate and wonder, is that his nostalgia originates from the lust of his body, he can't determine whether he really loves her or not, or simply.  I just want to do something embarrassing.

There are also times when he accidentally touches Ha My, his heart immediately flutters with this girl, every look and expression on her face, his heart becomes incredibly soft.

Before that, he had a one-sided son for a long time.

He was able to determine his gender very clearly without any problems.

He also has female friends, has touched, hung out, lived with them for a short time, he has not had any feelings, or ways of thinking beyond the level of friends.

This confused him...

Pulling down his glasses slightly, Lu Kien Hoa observed Quoc Minh's appearance, he kept staring at Thanh Dinh floating over there.

Could Quoc Minh really like Thanh Dinh?

Not quite the same...

Was about to ask Quoc Minh something, suddenly, Quoc Minh jumped to his feet, his hands forming a megaphone, and shouted loudly.

The bird was scared and flew away.

Thanh Dinh was also startled and did not understand what was happening.

The girl on the other side of the river for some unknown reason, her face was even redder than before, quickly put a towel over her head and shyly ran away.

"What's wrong with you this morning?", lying in the net, resting his arms above his head, Lu Jianhua asked dreamily.

Quoc Minh froze, swinging the hammock, pressing the TV remote: "nothing, just suddenly bored".

Thanh Dinh: "So boring that you want to destroy your parents' TV?", do you know how many times you have clicked through this channel?

Fingers stopped a bit, he quickly pressed the channel change button a few more times before he let go of the poor remote: "nothing good to watch, I went to bed first".

"Do you think he's weird today?"

Thanh Dinh turned his head to talk to Lu Kien Hoa, who expected him to respond with silence.

That's right, the old Lu Kien Hoa now sleeps a lot, since coming to Quoc Minh's house, they often go out to play around the fields or go to the market, he almost forgot about Lu Kien Hoa's habits.

Well, he also has to sleep, tomorrow he still leaves for the city.

Laughing bitterly and shaking his head, Thanh Dinh pulled the blanket.

After half a month of Tet at the house of Quoc Minh, Thanh Dinh, and Lu Kien Hoa, they really liked it here, except for the fact that each child was big, everything was fine, Mr and Mrs. Tran did not consider them guests, but  The attitude is like taking care of children, making them a little reluctant to leave.

Attached to Mr. and Mrs. Tran, watching Mrs. Tran cry in confusion, we couldn't help but comfort: "Next year if we have the opportunity, we will definitely come here again, if possible, we will still be here.  I have a few friends, I'm afraid that until then, my aunt will complain."

Mrs. Tran smiled and wiped her tears: "It's okay to bother, drag the whole class over", she said, but her house has enough.

The Thanh Dinhs also knew that Mrs. Tran was joking with them.

In my heart, I made up my mind, next year I have to follow Quoc Minh to come here again to be...

Bored sitting in a bus packed full of people, Thanh Dinh pulled out his phone to surf a few times.

Just turned on 4g to see, the notification on his personal page kept ringing, he curiously opened it to check it out.

There were a few greetings on the first day of the New Year, unfortunately in the countryside, the 4g network did not cover it, so he couldn't do anything, now he can see the message board.

There is also Nhat Linh's post announcement, he curiously presses to try it.

The image suddenly appeared on the phone.

Two girls, two beauties.

Thanh Thu is arrogant and charming, Nhat Linh is flexible and lovely, both wearing a cheongsam next to the apricot tree, smiling with wide eyes.

Quoc Minh suddenly saw it, his face was unnatural: "Where did you get this picture?"

Thanh Dinh did not care much, replied: "on that fb".

Quoc Minh hummed, he tiredly closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep, leaning his head on Lu Jianhua.

The mood was not so good, Quoc Minh scowled and was impatient for nearly a month.

"Can you help me again this time, I promise to pay you the same as usual"

Sighing, Quoc Minh nodded in agreement.

That's also good, you can stay away from the two and the people who mess around all day, save the headache.

Aunt Hang happily clasped his hand to express her gratitude, she thanked him non-stop.

There is no other way, her child is in the hospital for treatment, it takes several months to completely recover, another year is the year of transition.

Dang Khoa, he kept upset with her about having to stay this year, he studied hard for half a semester, not thinking about having to stay because of this.

She is also very afraid that Dang Khoa will stay, she doesn't care how her children study, as long as Dang Khoa feels comfortable dragging her feet up.  But if he stayed, no matter what the reason, studied with younger children, she was afraid that Dang Khoa would be self-deprecating, unhappy, unable to get along with everyone.

Talking to the treating doctor, the doctor agreed, saying that he can study normally, just not discharged from the hospital.

When Aunt Hang heard it, she was happy, and immediately wanted to find a tutor for her son, Dang Khoa stopped her, determined to want Quoc Minh to teach him.

Concerned about the gender issue of her son, she thought of Ha My and was no longer too worried, Quoc Minh is a flower that has an owner, certainly will not do anything beyond the limit.

It's not that she doesn't accept her child's gender, it's just that Quoc Minh, along with Dang Khoa, is afraid that she doesn't know how to tell her best friend.

Pulling open the door of the hospital room, Quoc Minh reviewed the documents and put them on the table: "long time no see".

Since the last scandal, he has never entered the hospital again, did not expect to see each other like this today.

"Why do you want me to teach you, I'm just a high school student who hasn't graduated yet?", he was quite wondering why Dang Khoa chose him, they weren't so close.

"Because you and I are close in age, it feels more comfortable to be around the old people my mother chooses", his mother chose a tutor, all of them had high experience, the elders came to teach him, he didn't like it.  The pressure they put on him.

"You're at the top of the whole school, choose you, my mother doesn't have much opinion ...", so good, what reason to refuse.

"I've dropped to second place now"

"So you're still good."

No longer as calm as before, Dang Khoa was sad: "most importantly, you know my story, easy to confide in".

Although he has openly revealed his sex to his family, his love story has not been brave enough to confess.

Especially when he was betrayed.

He doesn't want his parents to have a reason to oppose his gender.

"Okay, I won't lose anything by doing this anyway", it's okay.

No need to go to the bakery to work anymore, he only needed to teach Dang Khoa for a few hours and had the same salary as when he worked hard at the bakery.

Maybe there's no need to annoy the other two vandals.

Where can I find such a light job...

Only guilty of Giai Ky, who had just arranged the work at the branch, before he had time to rest, he had to wipe the ass for the other two troublesome people, Quoc Minh sympathized, a minute of silence in his heart for Giai Ky.

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