chapter 45

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Chapter 45:

Standing outside the warehouse, Ha My twisted.

Feeling someone looking at her, Jia Qi raised her eyes and asked, "What are you doing here, why don't you come in?"

Ha My shook her head: "Sister, let me ask".

"Oh, I'll ask."

"Why hasn't Quoc Minh come here for a few days now, sister, is he sick?", it's been five or six days without seeing him, it's also difficult to find him in school, even going to class, but only seeing an empty table.  .  Once, she heard that Quoc Minh fell to second place because of illness, seeing him thin and pale, she couldn't help but worry.

"Ah, I forgot to tell you two, the owner let Quoc Minh go to another job, I don't know when I'll be back."

It was too careless, after all, these two were friends of Quoc Minh, with one hand leading, but he thought she did not inform them, making them worry, and Giai Ky couldn't help but feel guilty.

Hearing that Quoc Minh was no longer working in the store, the happiest person was Tran Hao.

He knew that Ha My noticed Quoc Minh, even though Quoc Minh had no intention, he was still insecure in his heart.  Quoc Minh is no different from an obstacle that hinders him and Ha My, he prayed to God for Quoc Minh to disappear from her sight a long time ago, now that he has achieved his wish, why not be happy...

"You looked at the phone this time for the seventy-sixth time", turned to the new page, Quoc Minh was cold and sad.

Pressing the side button lightly, the screen light went dark, Dang Khoa was sad, not in the mood: "He's married in a few days".

"Do you still care who made you this rash?"

Their story, only they know, no matter how close the people around them are, they still can't know the relationship between them, they love each other secretly, break up quietly, how can the other people know  Okay.

He still remembers, the feeling of lying on the cold ground, even though others trampled and laughed, still didn't hurt as much as every word they said to him.

"Do you think Mr. Hai really loves you, if he really loves you, why does he need to keep you so secretive?".

"The other day he was drinking with me, he himself said, you are as disgusting as a slut, just give you a little bit of care, or a little anger, you have been afraid to do it, use enough  every way to flatter him, you see, you're just his game when it's boring."

"Are you called a little pig, let me tell you, his fiancée's nickname is also a little pig"

They told him exactly what each item Trieu Hai bought for him, which was also the items Trieu Hai's fiancée used to use.

Most of them are perfume.

No matter what trick it was, he didn't trust them, nor would he trust Zhao Hai.

The two of them had already settled down from the time they were in the alley behind the bakery...

Dang Khoa shook his head.

He doesn't want to care about Zhao Hai anymore, but he doesn't want to.

"Can you help me buy a new sim?"

Quoc Minh glanced at him: "Okay, I'll bring it to you tomorrow".

"Thank you", Dang Khoa pale: "I already told my mother, in a few days, you can take a break and play comfortably, you don't have to go anywhere".

He scoffed: "You repay me like that?", I didn't want to go.

"Don't worry, I won't deduct your salary."

Taking a sip of water, he didn't care at all, stroked the red ink below a puzzle: "Did Song Trach say you know?".


Lots of stories...

The black shadow covered the top of her head, suddenly someone sat in her place, Thanh Thu looked over, a little surprised.

Walking along the corridor looking for the ideal seat, before he could see where to sit, he was pushed by a great force, jumped back, quickly grabbed the handrail, I don't know since when, he was sitting fine.  was sitting on the chair, and accidentally bumped into someone behind, he turned around to apologize.

Touching each other's eyes, Quoc Minh froze, Minh Thu, My Ngan still glared at him as if he had done something terrible: "sorry, let me find another location", looking back,  Everyone has been urged by the teacher to take their seats.

"No need," she said, ignoring what he thought, leaning her chin to look out the window.
Anyway, one chair apart, no problem.

Who knows, the homeroom teacher suddenly urged him to get up, go to the inner seat and sit, he told her, let her sit in the middle, how could the homeroom teacher agree, she was the teacher, the task of watching the school  birth, sitting in the middle will be inconvenient to get in and out.

So, Quoc Minh is guilty

Thanh Thu sat on the left, close to the window, Quoc Minh was sandwiched in the middle, the homeroom teacher sat on the right hand, he cried silently.

It's all the fault of Song Trach!!!

He already said he didn't want to go, one or two asked him to go, and bought a ticket in the name of his name, when he wanted to go and exchange it for money to pay them, the homeroom teacher was unruly.  for.

And scolded him once, saying that he did not know how to love himself, refused to go outside to play and relax his mind.

This is clearly torture, not relaxation.

Feeling a little heavy on his left shoulder, he frowned and opened his eyes to see.

The smooth black hair lay on her shoulder, faintly smelling of shampoo, the girl seemed to be uncomfortable, her brows furrowed in anxiety.

On the other side, the homeroom teacher slept on the chair with her head tilted back.

Most of the students here are not sober.

Seeing that no one noticed him, Quoc Minh sighed, adjusted his shoulder blades a bit, hoping that Thanh Thu could sleep comfortably, he continued to close his eyes.

"Everybody gather!!!"

As soon as they got off the airport, all the students were put on the big bus and started to depart for the big hotel in Phu Quoc.

"Quoc Minh!!!"

Song Trach was noisy and tumultuous, planning to fly to his neck, making him jump back, bumping into her again.

Quoc Minh nodded to apologize to Thanh Thu, she looked at him without replying, and quickly turned away.

Fortunately, before Tong Trach had time to jump into him, he was hugged by a jar of sour vinegar Lu Kien Hoa.

All the teachers divided the classes, instructed the students again, and allowed all 11th graders to arbitrarily pair up, four people in each room.

Tong Trach pulled the curtains, outside the glass panel could see the large luxurious swimming pool located in the middle of the hotel, in the distance there was a majestic white sand beach.  If you don't argue with me, how can you enjoy life like this?"

That's right, this life is the second life, if he didn't go this time, he probably would never have been able to see this scene, nor be able to enjoy the feeling of a rich man.

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