chapter 50

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Chapter 50:

"Quoc Minh, hurry up!!!"

Turning over, he pulled the blanket up high, ignoring the cries of his three friends.

Last night, he couldn't sleep, he stayed up until early morning, asked three people to get up to walk with him to wake up, no one wanted to wake up, now they do it again.

Are people allowed to live?

Lu Kien Hoa tried to pull: "Wake up, go to Vinpearl Land, there are many games there".

Pulled to the edge of the bed, Quoc Minh still refused to wake up, he was lying like a stale vermicelli, half the upper body, the lower half.

"Don't go", Quoc Minh hummed lazily.

Thanh Dinh strangely asked: "Didn't you look forward to it the most before, why are you down so fast now?"

"I'm so sleepy, I don't want to wake up anymore."

"If there is Thanh Thu there, won't you go?"

"Don't go", has nothing to do with going...


"Go, but is it okay to wait another five minutes?"

"You know you said the same thing before, how many more five minutes do you want?!"

Terrible headache, Quoc Minh's eyes couldn't open, his laziest hand brushed it off, he didn't know what to do, his voice was muffled, plastic continued: "Five more minutes, five more minutes...."

Hiding behind Lu Kien Hoa, Tong Trach held the phone in his hand, a wicked face: "excellent".

"In the future, he and Thanh Thu become a couple, I will send it to Thanh Thu", normally living with a regular schedule, today suddenly something strange and bad, how can they easily miss.

Pressing video playback, the three of them huddled together to watch and giggle.

In the screen, Quoc Minh still doesn't know anything, innocently crawls into bed, lies on his stomach, pulls a pillow to prop his head, and sleeps soundly.

Putting down the phone to avoid suspicion, the three continued to advise and still did not see that Quoc Minh had any intention of standing up, so he reluctantly used strong measures to manipulate and suppress him.

"Okay, okay, let me do it myself", snatching the clothes from the three people's hands, Quoc Minh slammed the bathroom door, began to brush and dress neatly.

The four of them went down to the hall together, students had to return to their classrooms, wait for the teacher to complete the roll call, before they were allowed to get on the bus.

The seat next to Thanh Thu was already occupied, students often like to go downstairs, so there was no room in the back of the car soon, there was an empty seat on her, he didn't need to think and sat in.

The bus rolled, Quoc Minh's soul gradually floated, he tilted his head back to sleep when he didn't know.

"My Ngan, do you want to eat cake?", banging on the chair next to Quoc Minh, Minh Thu sitting below asked back.

Sitting in the corner, My Ngan wanted to turn her head back, forced to turn outside, Quoc Minh was still leaning his head in to sleep, so the two would definitely collide.

Remembering someone who used to breathe a sigh of relief when listening to the gym teacher for My Ngan run to tie the legs of men and women.  In his heart, he immediately screamed that it was not good, picked up the bag of cakes in Minh Thu's hand and held it up: "hey, sit down and eat properly, don't turn around."

Minh Thu was surprised, big eyes glared: "I still eat..."

"This, that's too much to eat...", she only intended to ask for a piece.

'What's wrong with Thanh Thu today???'

Arriving at the venue, the teachers once again gathered, took attendance, after the attendance was complete, the students were free to pair up and have fun on the campus, at eight o'clock in the evening, everyone had to gather at the old place, score  list again, back to the hotel to sleep until morning and then go home.

During the trip to Vinpearl land, Quoc Minh followed behind the four Thanh Thu, Lu Kien Hoa followed Quoc Minh, forming a large group.

"What's the point of hanging out with people and then following them, hurry up and take the initiative"

"That's right, when will you follow along until you can flirt with girls?"

Like two wandering ghosts, the two people in the back whispered into Quoc Minh incessantly.

Thanh Dinh: "ha ha", the two plagued...

Surrounded by a gloomy aura, Quoc Minh had a black head, haggard, and no longer wanted to talk.

The light shone through the window, and the male student sighed and put his books in his bag.

Almost a month since the date of going out, he and Thanh Thu, except for face-to-face in class, can't talk to each other at all.

Waiting for her to come back from school, she didn't know which way to go, searched forever and couldn't find it, caught in the hallway, didn't have time to react and lost the ball immediately.

Even when he followed her, standing in front of the women's restroom waiting, she still had a way to disappear.

Going to school early in the morning can't wait for people.

He really adored her.

"Quoc Minh, are you joking with me?!!!", from outside the classroom, Thanh Thu ran in and asked angrily.

"Just kidding, what's wrong?", these days he didn't even swear to touch her, he didn't do anything to joke.

Dirty, torn scoreboard in hand, above only her and his name, she pointed directly at his name: "What is this, your score is lower than last time, you are kidding me right?  ".

Great awakening...

He smiled: "I thought you wanted to hide from me for a while longer?"

Frowning, Thanh Thu annoyedly slammed the paper on the table: "Just because you want me to find you, do you use this method?", she really hates anyone who uses tricks to seduce her like that, even so, this trick is self  hurt yourself.  Does he know what he's doing?

"No", he shook his head, took out his scoreboard and gave it to her, the scoreboard in her hand only showed the total score and ranking, couldn't see the specific score.

Looking at him suspiciously, she received a brief look at the transcript, and was surprised: "all the main subjects have reached the 100 mark", only a few minor subjects are low scores, the lowest is 5 points, calculated according to the 10 mark.

"In computer science, I forgot the comma, my points were deducted. I have no talent for painting, drawing is relatively bad so I only have 5, music is completely blind so I also have 5 points", he did not intentionally do  relegation.

At a glance her scoreboard, all the subjects were relatively high, but wanting to get the highest score in all subjects like him, it was a bit difficult, and he got low scores just because of being pulled, so she was the loser.

"I lose".

So, so far, he's always got the maximum score like that?

Although she took the responsibility of grading papers with her teacher, the test and exam questions were very different.

The test didn't have too many questions, or advanced exercises, were learned first, it was normal for her to be on par with him.  But the exam is different, there are a lot of questions, if it doesn't confuse the candidate, it is not enough to do it.

She wasn't sure she could do everything right, but he...

Putting his hand on her head, he gently stroked: "Let me show you my scoreboard, not for you to show a loser face. The subject is also a talent, you can balance everything to be called perfect.  If you want to get a maximum score like me, you just need to study right and work harder, but it's very difficult if you're deaf in music and can't draw like me."

The original body didn't know how much time it took to listen to a bunch of songs, then practice singing along to the right beat to get a high score.

As for him, no matter how good the music is, listening to it over and over again is boring and doesn't want to listen anymore, where does it take the effort to persevere like the original.

Regarding drawing, he was very proud to feel that his drawing was much better than his original body, not to mention why.
Please give me a comment for this chapter m.n

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