chapter 51

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Chapter 51: (edit)

Pop-up, pop-up...

The rain was getting heavier and heavier, standing under the eaves, boys and girls leaning against the wall, not saying a word to each other.

The atmosphere was a bit heavy, outside, dark clouds covered the sky, sometimes there was a flash of lightning, the female student bit her lip, wanting to say it again.

Quoc Minh tilted his head to look at her and asked: "Do you have a driver or someone to pick you up?", today's weather is quite bad, driving by car is still dangerous.  His dormitory was next to the school, he could run back without problem, but he didn't feel safe leaving her behind.

"No, the driver has retired today, my parents are on a business trip", why hasn't he come back yet?

"So how did you go to school today?", he often saw her going back and forth by car, guessing that her house was quite far away, it was impossible that she could walk.

Silently, Thanh Thu was silent and did not want to answer his question.

After the confession the day before, she always hid from him, didn't dare to face him, every time after school, she rushed to the first class, so the driver soon returned to her house to dare to take leave, but in  Thinking about the score at first, she couldn't help but run back to the school and question him.

Who would have thought something like this would happen...

Thanh Thu angrily kicked her feet.

He raised an eyebrow: "I don't want to say it, but the weather is so bad, you should call someone to pick you up."

The mood got worse, Thanh Thu was annoyed and irritated: "Who needs your attention, why don't you go back first?!"

He looked at her for a moment, pretended to smile and said: "I like you, so if you have a chance, why not stay a little longer".

Like a deflated balloon, Thanh Thu blushed and scolded in a low voice: "shameless".

In hesitation, not knowing whether to leave or not.

Seeing Quoc Minh suddenly pull out his phone, Thanh Thu wondered: "Who are you calling?", just finished speaking, she herself could not believe it, regretting it.

Quoc Minh did not pay much attention to what she was thinking, on one side scrolling through the phone, arbitrarily said: "call a taxi for you to return".

Just said that she wanted to stay with her a little longer, turned around and wanted to send her home, adding that the transcript matter, even though it was resolved, she still had a bit of anger in her heart, immediately annoyed: "I don't want to.  take a taxi, I don't want to go back yet."

"What's up?"

"It's okay!", crossed her arms and turned her face away, she bit her lip: "If you want to go back, go alone".

He should go first, she didn't want anyone to see her in this predicament, especially him.

"Then I'll wait here with you."


"It's up to you..."


At six o'clock in the evening, the rain still showed no sign of stopping, he took out his phone to text Dang Khoa, informing him that he couldn't come, asking him to review all the topics he gave him, tomorrow he would pass the test.  check.

After texting, Quoc Minh turned to look at the girl sitting next to her chin: "Are you hungry?"

"Hungry", unconsciously answering his question, Thanh Thu was depressed, why did she refuse his good intentions earlier, now it's too late to want him to call a taxi.

"Can I get a car to take you home?" he asked carefully, his voice hinting at a hint of deception.

"Don't want to", stretched out on the table, she fumed.

Why didn't he come back, so she could go with someone other than him for help.

"It's not early anymore, it's not good to be here, I can't bring you home in such weather without a taxi, or you can follow me back to the dorm, jog for no more than a year,  It's time for ten minutes", unable to get Thanh Thu's intentions, Quoc Minh was still naively worried.

Seeing his appearance, if she refused again, just afraid that he would continue to stay here with her until the evening, Thanh Thu had to nod in agreement, let Quoc Minh call a taxi.

"Sorry, due to weather problems, there are some very high flooded roads outside, so taxis can't come, can you sympathize with us?"

If I had gone earlier, the taxi would have been able to run, but now it is quite late, the rain has not stopped, a few blocks of roads are flooded to the feet, so temporarily all cars have to return to the company.


Listening to the call center talk, Thanh Thu was silent for a long time, then it was difficult to ask him: " what?"

"There is no other way", really wanted to blame her, but he couldn't help it, sighed: "follow me back to the dormitory".

Taking off his outerwear, he draped it over her head, covering her with a straight line to the dormitory.

Hiding under the coat, although it did not cover much, her hair was wet, Thanh Thu still felt a vibration.

This is her first time experiencing this.

Rain water splashed on her body, her skin ached, he wrapped his arms around, blocking the amount of rain, walking slowly as if intentionally, unintentionally waiting.

"You cover me like that, how about you?"


At her feet, the sound of the rain pressed against her voice, he squinted his eyes straight ahead, the glasses were soon hung on the collar, in the misty rain, plus two degrees of nearsightedness, he was no different.  How much is a blind man?

Running along the green trees, in his eyes like a few heads of cauliflower, he just prayed that he didn't lose his way, and quickly returned to the dormitory.

Increasing the volume, Thanh Thu repeated again: "You cover me, what about you?!!!"

"It's okay, I have thick skin and fat, you don't have to worry!!!", being cared for by his crush, his heart was as happy as opening a flag, smiling and laughing.

Thick skin can still be trusted, fatty meat, in vain he has a lot of confidence in himself, but his words cannot be believed.

Before, he was thinner than a toothpick, now even a little better, his figure is still tall, thin, looking with a bit of meat but dare to call him fat, isn't he afraid that the fat people will hear him, will chop his bones into the stew?  ?

Thanh Thu couldn't help but laugh, even though she thought so, but in her heart it was like she had planted something, she didn't know.

"You go take a shower first", took out from the closet the most visible shirt, the smallest, and the shorts handed to her, he pushed her into the bathroom: "I don't have new clothes, but these things are all good.  After it's washed, you don't mind changing it if you don't mind."

The sticky feeling on his body made him uncomfortable, and without another bathroom, Quoc Minh temporarily dried his body and waited for his turn.

After waiting so long that he was about to fall asleep, he sneezed continuously for a few hours, the people in the bathroom at this time slowly came out.

She twisted and pulled at the hem of her shirt.

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