chapter 52

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Chapter 52:

Flawless white skin, slim thighs, long black hair a little damp, drops of water flowing from her hair across her charming collarbones, a long T-shirt that is enough to hide her important body.

Swallowing his saliva, Quoc Minh was dumbfounded: "Where are the pants?", he remembered that he had already given her the pants, why didn't she put them on.

Do you want him to beat you to death on the spot or something?

"Doesn't fit" she tried to put it on, but again and again it slipped, trying to find something to tie it on, but in the bathroom there was nowhere to tie it.

Shouldn't she just hold on to her pants and struggle to go outside, she would rather look better now, so she stood for a long time inside and didn't dare to come out, listening to him sneeze continuously, remembering, him  She hadn't had a bath yet, and it had been raining for so long, she had to grit her teeth and step out.

Quickly getting up, he rushed to the bathroom: "Wait a minute, I'll take a shower and then adjust your pants for you".

"My bed is the blue one next to the dresser I just got, you can sit there"


Wanting to wash up quickly, in his head, he remembered the image earlier, Quoc Minh was embarrassed to look at the lower half, not knowing how to solve it.

It's not that he has never "falled in love" with himself, saying that he is twenty-seven years old and has never peeled a stamp, how can he bear it, so in order to meet his own needs, he has to punish himself many times, but  Now, the sex is changed, he has never had a boyfriend before, he is a little embarrassed to hold the lower half of his body.

Unfamiliar arm movements, bobbing up and down.

When he was satisfied, he quickly washed himself clean.

He didn't want her to be afraid, to avoid him, to see him as a pervert.

"Are you looking at my phone?", stopping the act of wiping his hair, Quoc Minh was surprised to see the girl sitting on his bed.

Holding his phone in his hand, using his blanket to cover his thighs.

It was a pity that her thighs were hidden by her, but he was still happy, because she now seemed to belong only to him.

"Sorry, I just wanted to tell Nhat Linh I'm fine, I haven't seen anything in your fb", seeing him for a long time, she was bored and didn't know what to do, thinking about her phone still there.  At home, it was still raining heavily outside, afraid that Nhat Linh and Kiet couldn't pick up the phone, causing them to worry, she borrowed Quoc Minh's phone and logged into her acc.

Before that, she asked him but didn't hear him answer, thought he tacitly agreed, she changed the account, didn't think, he didn't listen to her.

Embarrassed and blushing, Thanh Thu regretfully handed the phone back to him: "sorry, I thought you agreed to lend it".

He waved his hand and smiled lightly: "You can borrow it, it's okay if you want to read my messages", he has nothing to hide, in his phone, except for a few points to set working hours.

Messages from Aunt Hang, Sister Giai Ky, with three roommates, there is almost nothing to hide.

"Have you texted him, if not, text him"

"Messaging", she just finished, just as she thought, Nhat Linh sent her a few messages, Kiet also sent a few messages, asking why he didn't answer the phone, texting didn't reply, what happened  star?

Wanting to tell them, she was with Quoc Minh, let them come pick her up, when she looked out the window, the rain was still falling heavily, afraid that the two of them would worry about driving dangerously, she had to lie.  said she was sleeping so she didn't answer the phone.

Fortunately, the other two believed and told her to rest.

Nhat Linh can trust Thanh Thu's words, it's just because she and Nhat Linh go home in the same car.

The driver took her home first, then took Nhat Linh to her own home, so Nhat Linh felt secure to trust her words.

Normally, Nhat Linh and Kiet will go to the main house on the weekend, but if Mr and Mrs. Tran are not at home, all three will go home.

The three of them are alike, preferring to live alone in their own space.

When she was old enough, she also had to ask her parents to move out.

Taking the dryer from the drawer, he approached her: "Let me dry your hair, otherwise you will get sick tomorrow."

"Let me do it myself", reaching out to take the dryer, Quoc Minh did not insist, giving it to her.

He turned his head and opened his treasure chest, which was filled with large instant noodles.

No way, the dormitory room does not allow cooking, only boiling water, so except for box noodles, cup noodles, he can't cook anything else.

"Which do you want, beef, chicken, thai hot pot, oden,... or fried noodles?"

"Why do you buy so many instant noodles?", looking at the pile of noodles in the cupboard, Thanh Thu was surprised.

In her house, she rarely buys noodles, because her mother does not let her eat foods without nutrients, whenever she goes anywhere, she quickly prepares food to put in the refrigerator, when she comes back, she will call someone to cook.  for her.

So when she saw that he had stocked up on instant noodles, she was a little surprised.

"To eat, why not, here is not allowed to cook, I can only eat these," calculated that this pile of noodles he bought a long time ago but still hasn't eaten much, just recently, Thanh Dinh  Don't let him eat these.

Thanh Dinh said that he was under house arrest for food and drink, it was true that he was under house arrest. He had to eat breakfast before he could go to work, he could eat anything at lunch, and at night, he brought food for him, and purified drinking water.  body.

"Aren't you hungry, what do you want to eat?"

"Thai hot pot", which Minh Thu used to feed her, she quite liked this dish.

"Okay, wait a minute."

While waiting for the kettle to boil, and the noodles to bloom, he took the pants in his hand, threaded and sewed.

He could pull out the elastic inside to fix it and put it back in, but that was too time-consuming, so he had to use a quick and quick way, squeeze the sides, he sewed the excess together.

Pulling a few pulls, he was satisfied: "it can be worn, you go in and change your pants", so that it will cause a house fire soon.

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