chapter 59

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Chapter 59:

"Wow, why don't you stay in class today, sit with a beautiful person and come over here?", Lu Kien Hoa leaned his head, one hand resting on Tong Trach's shoulder, his voice faltering, shrugging his feet.

Holding a few title sheets and lightly hitting Lu Kien Hoa's hand, Quoc Minh raised his glasses: "The exam is almost there, worry about studying, have fun. Don't think that you won't have to study when you finish the competition".

In the past time, Lu Jianhua and the others had helped him many times, and he had to honestly respond to them.

Thanh Dinh: "You are still as enthusiastic as ever", seeing such a rosy face, and so exposed, you must have gotten much better.

"Thanh Thu, what are you looking at outside, if you don't eat for a while in class, you will be hungry", looking at the intact lunch box, Minh Thu called Thanh Thu province.

Startled, she nodded and smiled: "Oh, I know."

My Ngan sitting next to her has long noticed her, frowning unhappily: "For Quoc Minh?"

Being told that he was hit by a black heart, Thanh Thu felt guilty: "What are you asking, what does it have to do with him?!!!"

"Isn't it relevant?", the sentence was not like a question, My Ngan lowered her eyes and used her chopsticks to move the food back and forth: "Since you and Quoc Minh acted in that play, I found you very strange,  You asked me before, what is the feeling of a pounding heart?"

"You like him, don't you?"

Unconditional reflex immediately denied: "do, do nothing", is not natural, Thanh Thu wants to avoid this problem, she does not dare to look My Ngan in the eyes,

"Really?", looking at Thanh Thu for a long time as if wanting to see something, My Ngan continued: "You also know his family background, I don't mean to discriminate against him, but the two subjects  Don't post, don't worry, will your parents accept him. I just don't want to see you suffer."

Hope it's not too late yet.

"... well, I know that", lifelessly picked up a chopstick and put it in her mouth, Thanh Thu ate it without any taste.

Scrambled eggs, fried chicken, shrimp balls, crab soup and rice are all her favorite foods, but today she doesn't feel happy when she eats her favorite foods.

Minh Thu: "...", looking at Thanh Thu's pitiful appearance, My Ngan was also cruel, frankly speaking.

Cold down his spine, Quoc Minh shivered a few times, suppressing the sound: "I have a chill"

Lu Jianhua laughed interestingly: "It can't be cold, there are two eyes that bombard you."

Sneaking a peek outside the door, the superintendent stood sternly, Tong Trach couldn't help but feel strange, whispered: "I can understand, Tran Hao, but what's going on with the superintendent, Mr.  What mistake did you commit to get noticed, Quoc Minh?"

Black-faced, Quoc Minh also shook his head bewilderedly: "Do you think I look like a person who commits violations?"

All three said in unison: "who knows"

Falling in love early is a violation, then there's still fighting.

Quoc Minh does not look like a man who knows how to fight, but last time, he volunteered first alone, rushed in and bruised a bunch of people, every shot was extremely cruel, all in a dangerous place.  so, he even grabbed a girl's hair in it to the point of dropping a bunch, it hurts just looking at it.

May Quoc Minh did not know what they were thinking, otherwise he would kneel down and cry.

In his previous life, when he was a girl, he often worked at night, he had to learn some rights to prevent bad guys, especially in the US, guns and knives are available, so every precaution he has to learn.  through a few tricks to avoid.  The reason why Chen Hao was able to hit him in the first few days was because his body didn't have much strength at that time, and he fought a little, so he was miserable on the floor, otherwise he wouldn't be bored.

As for grabbing girls' hair to beat him, because he used to be a girl, he doesn't have the concept of not hitting girls like some other guys.  But he was not the type of person who liked to do martial arts, because the people at that time were too angry, causing him to lose his temper before jumping in and fighting.

Nhat Linh did not know about this, just mistakenly thought they were joking and teasing Quoc Minh.

Her head is full of black glands.

She knew what Tong Quan Kiet wanted to do, but couldn't he trust her so much, he had to find out for himself, take care of it, see if people were suspicious.

Packed up, all the students had gone back and forth almost all the time, Quoc Minh still had no intention of getting up.

Like the situation on the second day here, the curtains are open, the atmosphere is strangely quiet, he is sitting again leaning on the window sill, looking outside, today's sun is like egg yolk, making him  reminds me of my second sister's homemade noodles.

As an academic vice-president, Thanh Thu had a lot of work to do. She had just returned from the supervisor's room to get her schoolbag.

Thinking that there was no one in the class, the curtain had just been lowered, revealing the figure of a boy behind, he looked at her with gentle eyes, making her a little lost.

The two looked at each other and said nothing.

Withdrawing the last failed protest, Thanh Thu coldly put on his bag on his shoulder: "why haven't you come home yet?", normally as soon as the bell rang, he immediately rushed out of the first class, but today again  staying for so long, why doesn't he need to go?

"I'm waiting for you"

"Wait for me to do what?", hastily pulled the chair into position, Thanh Thu fluently turned to leave.

Quickly chasing after Thanh Thu, Quoc Minh is taller than her by head, legs are also longer, running a few steps, the two were together.

Thanh Thu's mood was not happy, he could feel it, reached out and grabbed her hand, pulled back, face to face, he looked down from above, clearly seeing that she was uncomfortable, he worriedly asked:  how are you doing?"

In her unwell body, remembering My Ngan's words at noon, she bothered to push his hand away: "It's okay, you don't bother me anymore".

Looking at his red hands, he didn't understand what happened to her.

Apparently she was fine yesterday, why is her temper so hot today.

Afraid that she would be disgusted, he did not dare to pull again or do anything beyond the limit, just followed her behind, accompanied her on the way out of the school, even his bicycle, he did not even take it.

She stood under the tree waiting for the driver to come, he also stood there with her.

"Why haven't you gone home yet?!", she was annoyed from the moment he followed her: "don't you need to go to work?"

Are you taking care of him?

Thinking that, Quoc Minh grinned happily: "No, it's not yet time, so I'll wait here with you".

When he went to school, his family also picked him up very late, his friends came home without anyone, he was alone in front of the school door, bored to the point of not being able to, and had no money to eat, nor could he leave his place,  He knows how uncomfortable it is to be alone.

Uncomfortably peeling to the top of her head, Thanh Thu suddenly shouted: "I don't need it, you go home!"

"How are you today?" he asked confused.

She was also bewildered, but she quickly regained her composure and swept her face to the side, still with an annoyed tone: "it's okay, you should go home".

Apparently, he made her very uncomfortable...

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