chapter 60

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Chapter 60:

Standing from afar, watching the girl get into the car, the young man left with peace of mind.

"What's wrong with you these past few days?", he didn't say anything for a day or two, it's been a few days since he finished the assignment, and immediately fell into a state of panic in the clouds.

"Are you disappointed?"

Quoc Minh's eyes are soulless, the machine says: "There is no love but it's lost"

She didn't even like him, gave him a promise, and now...

Knowing that, that day, was it okay to eat meat or not...

That said, if he really did go back in time, he still wouldn't do anything to her, he doesn't like to forcefully ask for something that doesn't belong to him.

"So you're one-sided," Dang Khoa said very firmly, his hand on his chin, his lips pursed.

"Why don't you have love stories in your head?", study without worrying about studying, the first sentence of the next sentence does not leave the word love.

Fingers arbitrarily drawn in the air, Dang Khoa closed one eye and looked at his face: "Your face is written so clearly."

He sighed: "Besides, don't forget, I am also a person with experience, maybe not the same, but the essence is not much different."

"You talk all kinds of strange things that are difficult to understand", with complicated eyes, Quoc Minh lazily avoided putting the book in his bag.

"You don't have to pretend to be difficult to understand", Dang Khoa is very straightforward, without any respect to expose him, "you unilaterally people, people don't like you right?"

Like a deflated balloon, Quoc Minh did not bother to deceive himself anymore, he sat limply on the chair, without any spirit: "I don't know"

"Obviously, she told her for a while, I thought I had a chance, and yet, last time I tried to approach her, she seemed really upset about it," curled up on top.  sofa, he held his head.

To this day, he still remembers Thanh Thu's unpleasant face.

With mournful eyes, Dang Khoa sat on the bed sighing, shaking his head: "So people have rejected you well, brother, maybe they don't want to hurt you, but they don't know what to say.  Just refuse me."

Quoc Minh was silent and did not speak.

He didn't feel that way, she and him almost had an unexpected incident, the day she brought her back, her attitude didn't seem like he didn't like him.

Her actions made him do not know where to go, but when mentally disturbed, it is best not to think too much, the boat to the bridgehead, will be straight.

"...well, I don't want to think too much, if only you could study as well as you can at these things", he saved the effort of teaching over and over again.

"People have good and bad, can't be perfect"

"But you're bad at this, are you going to eat bran?", Quoc Minh scorned.

Prepare for the level transfer exam and don't even worry about studying properly.


Just like him in his previous life, he can't be blamed more, but now, he is fortunate to have entered an intelligent body, and learning has become easy for him.

"Oh wait", when Quoc Minh was about to close the door of his room to go home, Dang Khoa suddenly remembered me with a problem, shouting back: "I can leave the hospital tomorrow, you don't need to come anymore"

"Oh, I know."

His eyes were sharp as knives, and Chen Hao was wary: "why did you come back here?"

"When you're done, come back", the look of this guy is funny.

Although he doesn't care much about Chen Hao's interest in staring at him, but Chen Hao, who has been looking at him for a long time, is also annoyed: "Are you thinking about not doing your job?"

"I've done it all", the shop is as small as a nose, there are not many customers, the staff is three to serve, there is not much work to do, not to mention, he does not need to do the kitchen, only  Quoc Minh was in charge, when Quoc Minh was absent, Giai Ky did it, he didn't need him at all.

"Moreover, if I don't look at you, what if you and Ha My talk to each other, how can I know", Ha My also works in the kitchen, how dare he leave the two alone when he knows she likes Quoc.  Bright.

Glancing contemptuously, Quoc Minh snorted coldly: "I don't like Ha My, you don't have to worry".

You don't like it, but she does.

Looking outside the glass door, people gradually thinned out, there was no one in the shop, Tran Hao propped his chin: "You like Thanh Thu, don't you?"

"...not related to you", paused for a moment, he continued coldly doing his job.

It seems that Quoc Minh is very uncomfortable with this topic.

But he couldn't say no...

"Actually, it's true that the two families really want me and her engaged, but that's only if she and I both like each other."

"...", what does this name mean?

Quoc Minh is difficult to understand.

"My mother likes Thanh Thu very much, if the person Thanh Thu likes is not me, then everything will be fine", his mother will not need to rant about all kinds of things, his love does not need to be forbidden.

" want to use me..."

Tran Hao is dissatisfied: "I cooperate with you, you are not disadvantaged, success can still hug beautiful people"

"No need," he feared the name would be more trouble than help.

A few more days passed, he and she were still the same as at the beginning, not familiar with each other.

Perhaps Nhat Linh and Lu Kien Hoa and the others realized something, always tried to get it right, but he didn't want to say, just pushed that wait for the exam to pass and then move on.

Ha My became more embarrassed when standing in front of him, she still had something in mind, but he chose not to look, fulfilling his duty, Tran Hao was like a resentful father, glaring at him all day long.  Somewhere, silently cursing, maybe even making a doll that curses him.

The day of entering the exam hall was also smooth, without any problems, unlike the previous two rounds, he was like the original owner, returning to his first place, just as she expected.

He even saw her breathe a sigh of relief.

It was incomprehensible, why she competed with him, did not want him to lose to her to such an extent.

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