23. Kristoff

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Everything happens; some get hurt maybe a fairy tale of damage but nature can't be changed. We just walk away with memories that carries a story being made after as history.
—Aloysius Jnr.

"Love looks good on you."

I chuckle as I shimmy into a pair of tight black leather pants. "Reyna, please, don't be dramatic. I'm not in love with Ian."

Reyna laughs along as she stares into the webcam. Her frizzy hair is in a ponytail and her glasses are perched on her nose. She's lying down on her stomach, her face calm and free of stress lines. For the first time in a long while, she looks relaxed.

"You literally forgave him the minute he came over to apologize. I honestly thought you'd make him grovel but nope, you were whipped enough to just let it go."

"Or mature enough," I correct her as I jam my feet into a pair of sandals. "I'm getting mature. Like I'm turning eighteen. It's finally showing on me."

Reyna rolls her eyes but doesn't argue. I think it's her way of agreeing but then again, maybe she's just feeling too relaxed to argue. "Where is he even taking you?"

"I don't know," I shrug before turning to look at my reflection. Damn, the pants have to go. It doesn't match the shade of black on my top. "He said I should wear something casual. Do I look casual?"

"You look like Demi Lovato in her Confident video."

"I'll take that as a no," I drawl, quickly pulling off the pants. I toss the article of clothing on my bed, adding it to my growing collection of rejected first date clothes. "By the way, how am I meant to act?"

"Like yourself," she replies and I roll my eyes because, of course, Reyna has to be cliché at a time like this. I tend to talk with my mouth full, burp out loud because it's reflex and I could possibly fart in the middle of our date if he accidentally takes me out for burritos. And she wants me to act like myself?

Fuck, no.

"I'll consult columns on how to act on a date from losers on the internet that really don't know much," I shrug lightly as I zip up the shorts and step back so that she can get a full view of my outfit. "Does this black match?"

"The video quality is crap. I don't know," Reyna giggles. "But you look hot, as always."

I smile. "Thanks."

She nods. "Just go on your first ever date, try not to fart out loud and if you must fart at all, make sure it's in a really crowded room. Try to swallow before talking. And for the sake of all that is good, don't take any kind of soft drink. You'll only end up burping into his face."

A snicker bubbles out of my mouth before I can stop it. "So, all that shit you said about me being myself?"

Her smile is sassy but yet, it's brighter than the fluorescent lights hanging over my head. "I was only being half serious," she jokes.

I smile a bit. "Whatever," I pick up my clutch and squat right in front of the laptop. "I'll call you as soon as I get back."

"Please. I know you. That clutch you're holding is full of condoms. You're never going to come back."

I smirk because, damn, Reyna knows me well. A little bit too well. "Did you just say I'm never going to cum back?" I wiggle my eyebrows for emphasis.

"Oh my goodness. Get out of here," she laughs loudly and facepalms. "Love you. Talk to you later."

"You will," I hum with a smile. Then I pause. "And... I guess I love you too."

She smiles widely and then nods before killing the connection. I stand up and walk to my mirror, analyzing my reflection. I'm starting to think that maybe I should change my top.

A knock on the door stops me from removing it. "Yeah?"

The door opens and I raise an eyebrow as Father steps in. He looks tired but he's wearing a suit and tie, looking corporate as always. Always ready to work no matter the situation. "Father?"

He stares at me for a moment, checking my outfit for flaws. "You look adequate."

Wow. What every girl wants to hear. "Thanks," I reply shortly and I cross my arms over my chest. "Um, what are you doing here? I thought you said something about being in your study all day, I shouldn't disturb you, you have a clothing line you're working on right now, blah blah blah, etcetera."

He nods slowly. "I did say that," he concedes and then he leans against the door frame. "Before I saw a car pull up in the driveway with a very familiar tattoo artist sitting in the driver's seat."

Something like fire burns in my veins and I gulp. Hopefully in an inaudible manner. "Ian's here?"

"Yes," Father confirms. "And judging by the fact that you've managed to slap some make up on your face, I'm guessing that you're going on a date with him."

There's something about his tone that I don't like. I raise an eyebrow and stand to my full height. "You're correct."

"And meanwhile, a top designer— one of the best, ruling your generation with style— asked you out on a date and you declined?"

And somehow, Father has managed to pull the carpet from right under my feet. "What? How did you-?"

"I pay the staff good money," he waves off my shock with a huff full of distaste. "I heard he came over here and asked you out. You declined and tried to pacify him. Yet, this... social recluse is good enough to go on a date with you?"

I breathe and spit out an incredulous laugh devoid of humor. "The 'social recluse' painted that for me Father," I snap and point towards the painting hanging over my bed post. Father blinks at it for a moment, looking slightly impressed. "I like Ian. Not Beau Eli."

Father rolls his eyes. "And I'd be okay with that but I'm not. Ian is not suitable for you. He's not... in your league."

This conversation is starting to make me consider anger management therapy. "My league?"

He has the audacity to nod. "Precisely. Ian Ross is an unknown tattoo artist—"

I quickly cut in. "But he's fucking talented and he makes a good sum of money to support himself—"

"And you're the heir to a modeling agency and my fashion empire. You're also an upcoming model—"

"I don't even want to be a freaking model, you're just blackmailing me into it—"

"And someone as successful as Beau Eli fits the kind of lifestyle you'll be thrust into—"

"And Ian doesn't?" I cut him off once again and this time, he stays silent. "Despite the fact that he's literally the first guy I'm having feelings for? Despite the fact that he has feelings for me too?"

Father mulls over my words. "He's talented, yes," Father gestures to Ian's painting of me on the wall. "He has the looks. And for you to like him in a romantic sense, I'm guessing he has to be... something."

"He is," I confirm. "But?"

"...Let's make a deal," Father sighs finally. "Ian could have a bright future as a model. I see potential in him. A lot of potential. Convince him to let me sign him. I'll arrange a few modeling gigs for him and then, you can date him. I can make supermodels out of you both. And you'll both be free to date as you please."

"And if I don't?" I challenge, crossing my arms over my chest. I even tilt my head to the side for maximum effect.

"Then you should know two things," Father shrugs lightly and crosses his arms over his chest, imitating my stance. "One: you won't have my blessings."

I scoff. "You aren't a god. I don't need your blessings."

Father ignores my comeback. "And lastly: I will cut you completely out of my will."

The silence in the room almost suffocates me. I let my arms drop to my sides and I take a deep breath, trying to calm my erratic heartbeat. "Are you always going to use that threat to make me do your bidding?"

"If I have to," Father shrugs lightly. "I don't just want to see you get hurt. And I'll use every means possible to make sure you don't get put into a situation where I have to tell you that I told you so at the end."

I shake my head just as my phone vibrates, the slight sound echoing round the room. I almost sigh with relief as I glance down at the caller ID but I manage to suppress it. "It's my date," I announce. "I'll be leaving now. And I'll be back whenever."

Father doesn't argue. Instead, he steps to the side before I can knock my shoulders against his arm. I continue walking down the hallway and I can't help cursing my Father out loud.

But of course it's to be expected. Why would I think he's changed just because he brought me ice cream and chocolate when I was feeling down? Father takes one step forward in the right direction and three steps back immediately after. He does it all the time. It's a basic Anderson maneuver.

I can only hope that I didn't get that part of his gene passed on to me.


Ian, as always, looks like a broody version of Flynn Rider wearing clothes made to expose the tattoos on his arms. He's standing by the side of a small Honda, looking down at his phone through a pair of shades.

I stare at him for a few moments, just taking his image in. My heart is still pounding because of my conversation with Father but looking at Ian now, I can see why Father sees 'potential' in him. He could make candid shots look like a masterpiece. He is a masterpiece. He knows how to create permanently inked masterpieces on people.

I take a deep breath, pushing the thoughts away. Today isn't about my Father's way of thinking or my greed. It's about Ian and I. It's about finding out if I can actually be in a relationship with him.

Father says you can't. I shove the thought away and start my walk towards Ian. He's still using his phone and I'm aware of my phone vibrating in my hand. I ignore the vibrations and clear my throat loudly for him to hear, as soon as the distance between us dies.

He finally looks away from his phone and his lips quirk up into a smile as he takes me in. I want to pull away his glasses suddenly; I want to see how much he admires my effort with make up by concealing my newly acquired acne marks and freckles.

"You look great," Ian says easily and I raise an eyebrow at the casual compliment. He pulls me in for a short hug and I shake my head at the utter lack of romance as I peer into the car over his shoulder. No roses. No chocolate. Not even a freaking kiss.

Wait. I actually want him to do something romantic? Oh fuck, I've unconsciously been listening to Reyna's romantic fantasies again, haven't I?

"Thanks, you too," I murmur as I pull away and my eyes involuntarily linger on his inked biceps. I return my gaze to his face and ignore the smirk on his lips. "Well, let's go. You've been sitting out here for who knows how long, possibly gathering your balls before you finally decided to call me. I don't want you to have a repeat of that."

His face turns pink and we both know it's not because of the sun. "You saw me?"

"My Father did," I answer with a smile. "You're so cute when you're having cold feet."

"Oh, just get in the fucking car," he snaps lightly and then steers me towards the side where the passenger seat is located. I laugh loudly as he opens the door and basically shoves me into the car. I look up at him with a smirk as I sit properly and his scowl deepens. "Put on your seatbelt."

I roll my eyes fondly, obeying him, as he slams the car door shut and jogs over to the driver's seat side. As he opens the door and settles in, I catch sight of movement in the house.

Specifically from the window that I know is located in Father's study.

I frown at the window but I know he can't see my right now. The curtains are closed. He was probably watching everything happening between us and I just failed to notice him on time.


"Are you okay?" Ian asks as he puts his seatbelt in place. "You're... frowning."

"I'm fine," I growl out. "Let's go, shall we? The sun is starting to set."

He doesn't need to be told twice. He backs out of the driveway and I take my time to look round the car. It isn't bad; the leather on the seats still look to be in good condition and the car actually smells nice— like lavender kind of nice. There's also somewhat broken bobble head doll of Donald Trump on the dashboard.

I nod towards it. "You're a Trump supporter?"

"No," Ian looks appalled. "How can you–?"

I nod towards it again. "Because I spy a Trump bobble head doll sitting proudly on the dashboard."

There's silence for a moment and Ian laughs before shaking his head. "This car belongs to Jameel's older brother. Anyhow, Jameel's brother bought the bobble head doll so that he can flick at it and basically cause it bodily harm anytime we're driving," Ian explains and sends the doll a look. "That's the fifth one so far. It isn't totally broken yet."

I laugh a bit, lean over and flick the head with my middle finger. "Oh. That's a relief."

Ian shrugs lightly. "Yeah," he murmurs and clears his throat. "So, aren't you bothered?"

I glance over at him. "Huh?"

"You haven't even bothered to ask me where I'm taking you for our date," he points out. "Like really."

"Because I'm not particularly bothered," I shrug. "I know you won't take me bowling or to go see a movie. Plus, I'm in the mood to be surprised. I want to see the place Ian Ross, the classy asshole, considers a great place to take a girl to."

Ian scoffs. "Get ready then," he murmurs as he puts on the radio. The car is suddenly flooded with extremely loud music and I flinch before turning my glare to Ian. He smiles right back before returning his eyes to the road. "I'm about to blow your mind."

I huff and cross my legs as I relax my back against the seat. "I'd rather you just blow me–"

"–Oh my God–"

"–A kiss!" I shoot him a devious look. "Be cool, Ian. Let's take it slow. One stage at a time. We haven't even gotten to first base yet."

"I've seen you naked," he deadpans.

"So what's the difference between you and my roommates at my old boarding school? They saw me naked too."

He laughs and my smirk morphs into a grin at the sound. "You're impossible."

I turn to look at his side profile– how can one guy be so gorgeous?– and I sigh, finally letting the smile drop. Father is right. Ian looks like an Abercrombie model. He could be a model— but the thing is, does he want to?

"I'm impossible," I agree with a gulp. "But you still like me anyways, right?"

There's silence for a moment despite the heavy metal music playing in the car. Finally, Ian takes one hand off the steering wheel and places it on my knee. I hold my breath as he squeezes it lightly before putting his hand back on the steering wheel.

My knee actually tingles.

"Yes," he says and unadulterated honesty drips from his words, warming my heart in the process. "I do."

To be edited.
Hey guys. I'm sorry for the late update.
(Boring chapter, I know. The date will really begin in the next chapter, I promise)
I'm currently experiencing writers block. But it'll pass soon enough.
Any questions?
Love you x

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