24. Florian

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If "Happy Ever After" did exist, I would still be holding you like this. All those fairy tales are full of shit. One more fucking love song, I'll be sick.
—Maroon 5, Payphone.

It's nearly twilight and I'm laughing loudly, tears streaming down my face as I lean against Ian's borrowed car to support myself. I'm sure I look like a freak with a face as red as ketchup and running mascara staining my cheeks but I just can't stop.

Ian sighs loudly and I look at his resigned face through watery eyes. "I honestly didn't think this through," he mutters.

"Y-yes you d-did not," I stutter as I let out another bark of laughter. "You r-really didn't."

Ian sighs again and steps closer to me. He lightly thumps my back as I start to cough. But despite the way I'm basically hacking out a lung, I'm still laughing. And I have a very good reason to do so. Because Ian, the ever royal king of jerks, has managed to single handedly impress me.

I honestly thought he'd be taking me somewhere romantic. Like maybe we'd go skinny dipping in some exotic lake he found once upon a time. Or maybe he managed to find a connection to get to the Hollywood sign and he set a picnic for us up there. Or, I don't know, maybe anything but what is currently in front of me.

We're not having a picnic on the Hollywood sign. We're not skinny dipping in some magical lake. And yet, I'm impressed. Because, standing right in front of me is a hipster themed restaurant.

I tell you the truth, I lie not. It's a relatively large looking place with a small parking lot. The exterior is lemon in color and the large windows are tinted yet made out of stained glass. I'm not even inside yet and I'm already getting some sort of vintage vibe.


Finally, I stop coughing and manage to keep my guffaws at bay because my throat suddenly feels sore. I stare up at Ian through watery lashes and chuckle. "Oh my fuck, I can't believe a place like this exists. This is gold."

He smiles lightly and shakes his head before pulling out a... handkerchief from his pocket. I blink at it because, well, people still use them?

He steps closer to me and shakes his head. "Well, you've had your fun laughing at the place but it's actually pretty cool."

"They're hipsters," I stress the word, ignoring the way my stomach clenches as Ian uses the handkerchief to wipe away the tears and mascara off my face. I clear my throat. "So, um... yeah. Oh, this is going to be great."

"Uh huh," Ian hums under his breath and he sounds smug like he knows the effect he's having on me. I'm tempted to snatch the fancy cloth out of his hand but I don't because... okay, maybe I like having my mascara tears wiped away by someone that isn't me. So what?

Finally, he steps away from me and frowns down at the now yellow and black looking material in his hold. "What the hell is this?"

"That was my highlight," I sigh, snatching the handkerchief from his hold. I wipe at my face. "I have a few acne marks so I tried covering them up but since you've wiped away the most vital part of my make up, it's useless."

Ian rolls his eyes. "You talk like you actually need make up."

I brush off the hidden compliment though my hormones don't. "I use tons of kohl and mascara to make my eyes pop so of course I need—" I almost bite my tongue as Ian wraps an arm around my waist, drawing me closer to him. I try not to blush at the proximity and ohmygoodness this must be how extremely sheltered virgins feel around hot guys on a regular basis.

Ian doesn't talk as he walks me to the door of Hip-Stardom and I don't break the silence either. Instead, I wrap an arm around his waist, returning his embrace as he pushes the glass door open with his free arm and walks in, pulling me in with him.

I'm in heaven.

There's a live band playing slow music on a stage located at the far corner of the place. The walls are lemon in color with patterns of vinyls adding a bit of a vintage vibe to it. Different wooden tables with chairs are littered everywhere with just enough space for waiters and waitresses in—wait—plaid? to run about, holding trays full of... food?

What am I seeing? Is that... a burger made of noodles?

My hand drops away from Ian's waist. "I feel like this place is out of my league."

He laughs in reply and shakes his head. "Let's sit down. It's a bit busy tonight but a waiter will be here any—"

"Welcome to Hip-Stardom," a voice chirps and I'm forced to glance down at the owner of the voice. She's obviously a waitress. She's wearing a plaid shirt, extremely tight yet ripped jeans and a lemon apron just like every other coworker of hers. "I'm Lexis and I'll be your waitress today."

"Yeah, we'd like a table for two," Ian speaks up for both of us because I'm still staring down at the girl like she's an alien. She looks like she's just a bit younger than I am and... and those pants just look too tight for comfort.

Lexis nods with a smile. "Right this way," she hums, turns away and starts walking. Ian pulls me along and I sigh as I follow.

She leads us to a table in a corner. It's a dimly lit corner, a bit far from the stage with the live band and Ian and I sit as she hands us two menus. "I'll be back in two minutes," she smiles and walks off to... well, wherever.

I look down at the menu and manage to stop myself from gawking at the 'food' listed. "What the actual hell are avocado burger buns?"

Ian laughs quietly. "Play it safe and go with the ramen burger. Or the kimchi hotdog."

"I'm guessing you're a regular here," I sigh and shake my head as I continue looking down at the menu. "How the hell did you even stumble across this place?"

Ian shrugs. "Jameel and I tend to drive around California from time to time. We stumbled across this place because of the pun in the name and bam, we tend to come here from time to time."

I finally look away from the menu. "The food is that good or the pun was that interesting?"

"Yes, for both. Plus the entertainment," he confirms. "So, tell me. What's up with you?"

"Right now, I'm just trying to figure out if the zucchini pasta is what my stomach wants," I roll my eyes. "No, nothing is up with me. My life is relatively okay."

It actually isn't. Considering Father wants me to break up with you before we can even say we're in a relationship. Or, to be more specific, before I can screw you.

Ian stares at me for a moment before nodding. He looks like he knows something is up but he doesn't press it, thankfully. "Alright then."

"What about you?" I ask, changing the subject. "Tell me something I don't know. You've been all... quiet."

Ian raises an eyebrow, confused. "But I'm always quiet."

"You're quiet-er," I amend my words and Ian laughs again. I ignore the sound. "Is something wrong?"

Ian shakes his head. "No," he says and then he pauses as I raise an eyebrow at the blatant lie. "Okay, fine, yeah."

"What happened?" I'm starting to sound like an overly concerned girlfriend now. I have mixed feelings about this.

"Most times, when I talk, I say stupid shit," Ian averts his gaze from mine and scratches at his neck. "I don't want to say stupid stuff today. Basically, I don't want to mess up."

My heart warms because, not so surprisingly, he's being sincere. "You won't. I don't mind you saying stupid shit."

He gives me a look. "We literally fight whenever I open my mouth."

I scoff. "No we don't."

"Yes we do," Ian frowns. "It's like a talent of mine. I say something mean that always ends up with us arguing. Then I'll say something stupid that'll hurt you. Or make you angry."

I smirk. "It's good foreplay," I concede and his cheeks immediately turn pink. Yes, Ian does make me angry. Yes, he does make hurt me sometimes. But then again, I still fell for him despite the circumstances. His snappy tongue. His slightly virginal attitude. The way his bangs falls into his eyes.

Now I'm into crappy poetry? I'm starting to sound like Father.

The blush on Ian's cheeks slowly fade and he leans in close over the table, his face mere centimeters away from mine. "Now now, I thought you said you wanted to take it slow."

I smirk and copy his movement, bridging most of the space between us. "Well, you have seen me naked already so..."

My voice doesn't sound like my voice anymore. It's huskier, deeper; more like I've been smoking for years when I'm only an occasional smoker.

Ian's smirk slowly drops and his gaze flickers to my lips. I try to keep my gaze on his hooded eyes but it's hard. Not when Ian's lips are so close to mine that all I'll have to do is lean in. Not when his lips look like he bothered to use lip balm for once. Not when–

"So, are you ready to order?"

The voice breaks me out of my trance and I finally turn my gaze to the waitress but I don't bother leaning away from Ian. Ian doesn't move away too. That does abnormal things to my chest.

Lexis grins, obviously amused. "So what will it be?"

"I'll have whatever he's having," I finally respond. My voice doesn't sound like my voice. I clear my throat and turn to face Ian head on. "Um, what about you?"

His gaze meets mine and he shrugs. "The ramen burger. And Vanilla Coke."

Lexis nods. "Coming right up."

She walks away and I bite my lip. "So, are you going to kiss me?" I gulp as he glances down at my lips again. "You know. As a physical appetizer."

"You say so much shit sometimes," Ian chuckles lightly and finally leans away from me. I ignore the pang of disappointment in my chest as he flashes me a smirk and shrugs lightly. "I think we should continue with the foreplay for a while."

A blush immediately covers my face and I groan, covering my face. "I take back what I said. I think I like it better when you're quiet."

His laugh makes me smile behind my palms and even I know that I want him to continue talking, even if what he's going to say is at my expense.

One word. Whipped. I am w-h-i-p-p-e-d.

And the thing is, I don't even mind.


Ian and I have been talking about different things— from our favorite movies to how we should definitely come more to Hip-Stardom to if we'd get thrown out, should I trash the live band's performance.

"No," Ian drawls. "I actually like this band and I can't have them hate me when I haven't even gotten their autograph yet."

I'm not even sure if he's being sarcastic. "Come on, this whole place is dead. No one is even nodding along to the extremely slow beat," I argue and gesture around the half full place for emphasis. "I'm just trying to spice up the atmosphere."

"I doubt Peppermint Gum needs you to spice up the atmosphere."

I pause. "That's the name of the band."

It's not a question but Ian answers nonetheless, taking a small sip out of his glass of Vanilla Coke. "Honestly."

I try not to laugh. "Okay, now I really need to do something to spice up the performance."

"We really should be leaving, I have to take you somewhere else—"

I quickly leave my seat and Ian instantly reaches out to grab my hand. For the first time in a while, I'm thankful for my body. It's easy to escape situations when you can easily slither between spaces without any fuss.

I walk straight to the stage and the band stops when I climb onto the stage with them. It's a relatively small band; just three members– the lead singer aka the one on the keyboard that's a girl with pink hair and too many tattoos, a guy with a classic Harry Potter haircut playing the bass guitar and the drummer guy with a face full of piercings and wearing more black than I could ever pull off. They continue playing their song as I stand beside the girl but they keep shooting me glances.

"Hey guys," I fake a smile. "What are you playing?"

The girl glares up at me but says nothing.

I roll my eyes. "You can stop playing your song. No one is listening anyway."

I'm not lying. Some people haven't even noticed that I'm on the stage. No one is really interested in Peppermint Gum's song called 'Jailbirds Kiss Like Satan'. Some people are on their phones or are too engrossed with their dates. And I should be too. But then again, I'm in a hipster themed restaurant with a free stage. I'm not going to let my opportunity slide just like that.

The girl with the pink hair stops playing and her band mates follow. Her face is red and she quickly puts her palm over the microphone. "What the hell do you want?"

I ignore her tone. "I'm here to help you."


"I'm Scarlett Anderson and I'm here to spice up your performance," I shrug. "You'll thank me later."

"Who the hell do you think—"

"Jill, chill," the drummer rasps and I finally turn my attention to him. In another life, if I ever get myself dropped on the head as a child, he'd be my type. He eyes me with small eyes. "Let's hear what she has to say."

Jill faces her drummer. "You're supporting this, Pete?"

Pete shrugs. "We suck. It's a fact. She could help us suck less, you never know."

And now, suddenly Pete is my type. Unfortunately for the story of us, my feelings for Ian Ross exist. "Yeah Jill, listen to Pete. I'm sure Bass Guitar also agrees."

Bass Guitar nods in agreement. "Yeah."

Jill rolls her eyes and turns to face me, sizing me up. "Fine then. Since none of the waiters are forcing you to get off the stage. What are you? A singer? You have a voice like Adele?"

"Nope," I shrug and gulp. "I'm... a dancer. A... ballerina."

She looks at me critically from head to toe. "Look more like a model to me."

Not this shit again. I try not to frown but it's hard. "Well, you look more like—" I pause and swallow my insult. "Look, all you have to do is play a fast paced song and I'll dance to the song. A sort of free style. It could be your own original song. Or a cover for a song. I don't care. I'll dance to it."

Jill frowns a bit harder. "Why?"

"Because I'm on a date with a guy and I want to impress him," I drawl, only half serious. But in a way, yes, it's true. Ian is talented. He can draw, paint, create tattoos. He also seems to be smart. I have to show him that I'm not just an empty vessel. I'm not just a girl with a pretty face and the body of a supermodel. He could do better. So I have to show him that I am better even if the world says I'm not what I want to be— that I can never be what I want to be. Even if all I have going for me is a pretty face and supermodel body.

I also have my other reasons but Peppermint Gum doesn't need to know this.

Bass Guitar shrugs. "Okay then."

Jill turns to face him. "You're shitting me."

"Oh please Jill, lighten up," Pete rolls his eyes and I wince because his eyelids are pierced, damn, don't they hurt? "The girl wants to impress her date. Let's let her."

Jill turns to face me and gives me a cold glare. "This better be worth it."

I shrug because, um, I don't know if it'll be worth it for them but it'll definitely be worth it for me so... whatever.

"Thanks," I say for the sake of being polite. I leave the stage and stand in front of it, pulling off my sandals and putting myself in a natural pose.

It's been a long time since I've danced. Ever since my dreams were dashed by a few critical words from Aakriti, I haven't even bothered to wear a tutu. Or even stand on a pointe. I've not practiced for more than three years now and I'm not sure if I'll be able to even look manageable.

But it doesn't really matter, does it? I wasn't born to be a ballerina, says the Universe. My dancing has never actually been phenomenal. So even if I fuck up now... it won't make a difference. I'm in a restaurant full of hipsters and a guy that I like, not in front of Aakriti's professional stare or Father's critical look. These people will shout words of encouragement for me to bask in. They'll enjoy my performance nevertheless because a tall, skinny girl wearing black and giving an impromptu show is applause worthy. It'd be closure.

Maybe the kind of closure that I need.

I make eye contact with Ian and wink. This performance is partly for you.

He shakes his head but smiles before pointing at me and tapping a finger to his temple. You're mental.

I blow him an exaggerated kiss and quickly keep my face neutral as Jill coughs into the microphone behind me. "Sorry about the out of the blue pause in our performance."

It's surprising how people can be so clueless. Some people look our way and finally notice me, the tall girl without shoes posing like a ballerina, for the first time.

Did these shit heads really not notice that Jill had stopped singing? I mean, she's no Demi Lovato but she's got a good voice. Bebe Rexha good. Throaty, hoarse and powerful. Unique. It's not a voice that should just be... overlooked.

Jill continues to speak. "Anyhow, this next song is a cover for a Sia song," she clears her throat. "With a little side performance from a member of our audience, Scarlett."

Ian shakes his head slowly and takes another sip of his drink, his shuttered gaze trained on me.

I gulp audibly as most eyes land on me. No turning back now, Scarlett.

The drumming starts and I force myself to relax in order to recognize the beat and just let my body flow with it. It's familiar— just the fact that it sounds more heavy metal than most Sia songs I know thanks to the electric guitar.

"Party girls don't get hurt..."

Finally, my body recognizes the beat and before I know it, I'm dancing along to Peppermint Gum's version of Sia's Chandelier. It's a nice enough song to dance along to— I can still remember most of the choreography from the music video so I also incorporate that into my dance.

It's almost magical how my body remembers how to balance itself like I haven't stopped dancing for a very long time. It's almost like how it was years ago. I'm standing on pointe, jumping and landing on the very tip of my toes and I'm twirling round the whole restaurant, easily breezing my chairs and feeling adrenaline pumping through my veins. People are actually watching me like they're spell bound, some clapping when I do a particularly complex move.

"I'm going to live like tomorrow doesn't exist..."

I wonder if Aakriti could see me now... would she swallow her words? Take back her not so constructive criticism? Would she think I have the potential to become a professional ballerina? Or, am I just letting the cheers of amateurs get to me for nothing?

I block out every thought and focus on the beat as I continue to dance my way across the room. I've managed to make the place lively. People are either cheering for me or Peppermint Gum and by the way I can hear Jill singing like her life is on the line, it seems like she's happy with such a reaction.

"...One, two, three, one two three, drink."

The songs ends on that note and I end my routine with a split. I almost surprise myself with how fluid my split is. I've forgotten how flexible I can be. Also, I'm a little bit shocked that my shorts are still intact.

The crowd cheers and claps and I quickly get to my feet and give them an exaggerated bow before turning to face Peppermint Gum— but most specifically, Jill. "So, where's that 'thank you' I was talking about earlier?"

She's sweating but she's smiling wide. It transforms her face in a way that makes her look less vicious and more cute. Like the kind of girl I'd find attractive.

She smiles down at me. "That was some mad dance."

It's not a thank you but I accept it. "Thanks," I say and I face Pete and Bass Guitar. "Little tip, with you guy's vocal range, you could write songs that focus less on the beat and more on the lyrics. Hmm?"

Without waiting for a reply, I pick my sandals and quickly find my way back to Ian, smiling at some compliments that people throw my way about my dancing. It's not a compliment from Aakriti but it's better than nothing. It's making me feel better about myself.

I settle myself into my seat and drop my sandals on the floor. "So, Ian. How was it?"

He doesn't answer. Instead, he stands up and walks over to my side of the table, crouching to his knees and looking up at me.

I gulp and turn to face him properly. "I hope you know that this is what a proposal normally looks like."

Once again, he doesn't answer. Normally, Ian would either laugh at my lame joke or reply in a sarcastic manner but not now. He looks dead serious.

I'm still a bit creeped out because why the hell is he kneeling down in front of me? I'm feeling awkward now, especially now that I've managed to bring some attention to our table and people are looking at us in anticipation like they really are expecting a proposal.

I doubt I'm good girlfriend material, not to talk of wife material.

Finally, Ian looks away from my face and picks up one of my sandals. I furrow my eyebrows in confusion as he picks up my feet and wears the sandal for me like some second hand version of Prince Charming.

Because, you know. I'm Cinderella with sweat dripping down in her face and he's Prince Charming with visible tattoo sleeves with a tongue that's anything but charming.

He starts to wear the second sandal for me and by this time, most people have turned away from us, thank goodness. "Ian. Did you bring your hip flask with you?"

He doesn't answer me as he tightens the buckle of the shoe.

I frown. "Are you drunk?"

Again, he doesn't reply as he finally drops my leg. I shake my head at the theatrics and try for a smile as he finally looks up at me with clear, blue eyes. Eyes bluer than mine, prettier than mine. "What the hell are you doing?"

He straightens his physique although he's still on his knees and I'm forced to notice just how close we are. His eyes are leveled with my chin and I gulp at our proximity. My heart is pumping adrenaline, blood and out of control hormones at this point but I'm frozen in my seat.

Ian smiles lightly and places his palm on my neck, dragging me close as he leans in. "I'm not really into PDA but I'm making an exception."

Before I can really think of what to say in reply, his lips are moving against mine and my chest is on fire.

I let my eyes flutter close and return the kiss slowly, leisurely and I can't help but grin. I can taste Vanilla Coke on his lips. I can hear my heartbeat and Peppermint Gum singing another fast paced song in my ears. I can feel metaphorical butterflies fluttering around in my stomach and maybe, just maybe, I'm not crazy because I can see fireworks bursting behind my eyelids.

He finally pulls away and I catch my breath, biting my lip. "Wow."

He smiles lightly and traces my cheekbone with his thumb. "Yeah. Wow."

It's silent for a moment as we stare at each other for a moment. He looks just as speechless as I feel but now, everything is starting to come back to me. Peppermint Gum is playing a song. A fast paced love song that I can't recognize but I can tell that it's dedicated to me by the way I can see Jill's shit eating grin through my peripheral vision.

"'Cause on the street, or under the covers, we're stuck like two pieces of Velcro..."

I clear my throat. "So, you got tired of the foreplay, huh?"

Ian blinks twice before shaking his head with a short laugh. "You say the funniest things at the shittiest of times."

As I open my mouth to argue, Ian rolls his eyes and the words die on my tongue as he drags me into another kiss.

And for once, I don't bother to even try and argue.

To be heavily edited.
I'm sorry about the late update guys.
But I think I finally killed my writer's block?
More than 4200+ words whoop whoop.
But I'm back on campus so idk if there will be regular updates but hey, fingers crossed, we're almost done.
How do you like the date?
What did you think it'll be?
Do you think Ian could have done better?
Leave all your opinions I really love reading them :)
The ending lyrics from the chapter is from the song 'Can't Keep My Hands Off You' by Simple Plan. If you don't know Simple Plan, then you should really listen to their songs, they're good.
Anyhow, I love you guys, later ;)

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